


A Cardiologist是心脏病医生. They specialize in treating heart conditions and diseases as well as helping patients manage their heart conditions as much as possible. A cardiologist will treat any symptoms of heart conditions that you have and diagnose any possible conditions. 


Your cardiologist, or heart doctor, helps prevent heart disease through screenings and checkups. They treat symptoms of heart conditions or heart diseases. 这些疾病包括:

10 Reasons You May Want to See a Cardiologist

Most patients think about seeing a doctor when they don’t feel well. But they may put it off or wait for an annual physical with their family care doctor to ask questions about any physical pains or symptoms. How severe should the symptoms be before you see a heart specialist or cardiologist?

1. 医生建议

If your family-care doctor recommends you see a cardiologist, 这样做. 不要拖延. 你会后悔的.

2. 心脏疼痛

Many of us are familiar with the symptoms of heart disease such as heart attack or stroke. Other symptoms of heart disease include:

  • Severe pressure, squeezing, pain, or discomfort in the chest.
  • Pain or discomfort that spreads into the shoulders, neck, arms, or jaw.
  • Chest pain that becomes more intense.

If you have any doubts about whether or not you are experiencing a symptom, get checked out.

3. 家族病史

If anyone in your family has or has had heart problems, you should be aware of heart disease symptoms and consider talking to a cardiologist about them.

4. 高总胆固醇

身体需要 胆固醇 to make hormones, convert sunlight into vitamin D, and produce bile acids to digest fat. 然而, 总胆固醇越高, the greater your risk for heart disease (a 胆固醇 level of 200 mg/dL or higher).

5. 高血压

Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to several health issues such as heart attack, 心脏衰竭, 和中风. People with high blood pressure typically don’t have any symptoms, so it’s important to have yours checked regularly. Learn how to monitor your blood pressure.

6. 吸烟史

Smoking is a huge risk factor for heart disease. It lowers the flow of oxygen to the heart and increases blood pressure, 心率, and blood clotting as well as damages the cells lining the arteries.

7. 糖尿病

不幸的是 diabetes can contribute to heart disease. If you experience symptoms of heart problems and are diabetic, you should see a cardiologist.

8. 妊娠困难,先兆子痫

子痫前期 is often a hidden risk factor for heart disease. The two times a woman is most likely to develop heart disease is during pregnancy or post-menopause.

9. 开始一个新的锻炼计划

You are over the age of 40 and starting a new exercise program. You may already be working with a doctor on being more active, but a cardiologist can check your heart health and recommend exercises that would be good for your heart.

10. 牙龈疾病

Believe it or not, gum disease can happen when the body is inflamed. 病人 with swollen gums often have heart disease.

Schedule an Appointment with a Cardiologist

Are you worried about your cardiovascular health? 请您的初级保健大发娱乐提供者 请参考 you to our cardiologists before scheduling an appointment. We always recommend you check with your health insurance provider to make sure they'll cover the visit.




Many of us are familiar with the symptoms of heart disease like heart attack or stroke. There are other symptoms of heart disease as well, however, to be aware of:

  • Severe pressure, squeezing, pain, or discomfort in the chest
  • Pain or discomfort that spreads into the shoulders, neck, arms, or jaw
  • Chest pain that becomes more intense
  • Chest pain that isn’t relieved by rest
  • Chest pain combined with the following symptoms:
    • Sweating, cool, clammy skin, and/or paleness
    • 呼吸急促(气促)
    • 恶心或呕吐
    • 头晕或昏厥
    • 无法解释的虚弱或疲劳
    • 快速或不规则脉搏
  • Pain in the jaw, neck, upper back, and/or chest
  • Hoarseness because of pressure on the vocal cords
  • 吞咽困难
  • 心悸
  • 焦虑
  • 低血压

If you have any of the symptoms listed above or if your primary care doctor recommends you see a cardiologist, 这样做! Your heart is the most important muscle of your body, so take care of it.

来源: National 心, Lung, and Blood Institute
