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We care deeply about our patients. 在犹他大学医疗中心,大发娱乐知道大发娱乐必须每天通过大发娱乐提供卓越的护理来继续赢得患者的信任, and engaging with patients in a way that is compassionate, honest and transparent.

Today, 大发娱乐想讨论一个故事,在一位女性向大发娱乐和媒体分享了她的担忧之后,这个故事首次被公之于众. 她报告说,她和丈夫在犹他大学社区实验室和生殖医学技术中心接受了不孕症治疗, Inc. (RMTI) in the early 1990s. Recently, a genetic test revealed that contrary to what they had believed, her husband was not the biological father of the couple’s daughter, who was born in 1992. The biological father has since been identified as Tom Lippert, 两个实验室的前医疗技术人员,负责准备精子样本. We sympathize with the anxiety this family has experienced. 大发娱乐不知道这是如何发生的,并正在仔细审查所提出的关切.

澄清犹他大学社区实验室和RMTI之间的隶属关系是很重要的, which began in 1984 and ended when RMTI became defunct in 1998. Although the two laboratories were separate entities, we have now learned that in addition to being co-located, the labs shared administrative oversight and staff. 可以理解的是,对许多病人来说,他们可能看起来是一个整体. 这种重叠使得很难拼凑出谁负责监督各种活动, and who was ultimately accountable. Both laboratories employed Mr. Lippert, who, as widely reported, had a criminal record.

大发娱乐对这种情况及其造成的不确定性承担责任, and want to provide information to our patients, 以及相信自己受到大学照顾的RMTI患者. We have reached out to the patients who have raised concerns, and want to share here our ongoing plans.

Community Lab update Video


  1. 如果我认为我的家庭受到这种情况的影响,我可以打电话给谁询问亲子鉴定?
  2. What happened?
  3. What was the relationship between Reproductive Medical Technology, Inc. (RMTI) and University of Utah Health Care Community Laboratory?
  4. What has the University of Utah Health Care done about this issue?
  5. Is this clinic continuing to operate?
  6. 你为什么选择一个特别委员会和外部专家来审查这个案件?
  7. Have laboratory standards changed?
  8. What should a concerned patient do after learning about this incident?
  9. How will you keep patients informed?
  10. If I’m concerned and want my child tested, do I need his/her consent?
  11. I used or was conceived with anonymous donor sperm. I’d like information on my sperm donor. Where can I obtain this?


Individuals with questions can the University’s hotline at 801-587-5852. Wendy Kohlman, 他是犹他大学亨茨曼癌症研究所受人尊敬的遗传顾问, 是否有任何有疑问或寻求免费亲子鉴定的家庭的联系点. Ms. Kohlman与该大学的男科或生殖医学项目无关. All inquiries will be kept confidential.

Q: What happened?

A: A woman shared concerns with us and the media, 报告说,她和她的丈夫在犹他大学社区实验室和生殖医学技术中心接受了不孕症治疗, Inc. (RMTI) in the early 1990s. Recently, a genetic test revealed that contrary to what they had believed, her husband was not the biological father of the couple’s daughter, who was born in 1992. 这家人表示,孩子的生父已经被确认为汤姆·利珀特, 这两家诊所的前医疗技术人员,负责准备精子样本. 根据大发娱乐迄今所掌握的信息,大发娱乐不能确定发生了什么事. 大发娱乐同情这个家庭所遭受的焦虑,大发娱乐理解这一信息可能会引起其他人的关注.

问:生殖医疗技术公司和美国商业银行之间的关系是什么. (RMTI) and University of Utah Health Care Community Laboratory?

A. 犹他大学社区实验室和RMTI于1984年开始合作,当RMTI于1998年解散时结束. Although the two laboratories were separate legal entities, we have now learned that in addition to being co-located, the labs shared administrative oversight and staff. 可以理解的是,对许多病人来说,他们可能看起来是一个整体. 这种重叠使得很难拼凑出谁负责监督各种活动, and who was ultimately accountable. Both clinics employed Mr. Lippert.

Q: What has the University of Utah done about this issue?

A: When this issue was first raised, we took several immediate actions. 首先,大发娱乐开始寻找与该案件有关的记录,其中许多是20多年前的. Second, we assembled a team of top medical professionals to review them. Third, 大发娱乐聘请了一名独立的第三方医学伦理学家来审查委员会使用的方法及其调查结果和建议.

Q: Is this clinic continuing to operate?

A: The RMTI facility is now defunct. It closed in 1998 when its founder passed away. 该大学的社区实验室也在大约十年前关闭.


答:目前可获得的信息提出了具有挑战性的医学和伦理问题. For this reason, 大发娱乐已经指派了三位医师领导来审查事实,并提出进一步的发现和建议. We have retained an outside medical ethicist to review the methodology, findings, and recommendations to ensure the integrity of the process.

Q: Have laboratory standards changed?

答:大发娱乐今天的政策和协议与这两个实验室的政策和协议非常不同, given the industry standard in the 80’s and early 90’s. 在实验室和诊所里,大发娱乐处理病人的标本,治疗不孕症和其他疾病, 大发娱乐对识别和组织处理有严格的规定. 大发娱乐符合严格的国家认证标准,并执行内部合规审计和审查. 大发娱乐不再维持捐赠精子银行,而是依靠国家银行. 此外,大发娱乐所有的员工都经过仔细的筛选和犯罪背景调查.

Q: What should a concerned patient do after learning about this incident?

A: Our patients are our primary focus. 大发娱乐为对护理有疑问的患者设立了一个热线电话: 801-587-5852. In addition, we are posting information and updates on our website. Patients can also email us at

Q: How will you keep patients informed?

A:大发娱乐已经为那些对护理有疑问的病人设立了热线电话. That number is 801-587-5852. 此外,大发娱乐还在www网站上发布信息和更新

Q: If I’m concerned and want my child tested, do I need his/her consent?

A: Yes. 学校已与国家实验室TestMe DNA签约,代表大发娱乐进行这项测试.  Information about the company is available online at The laboratory is not owned or affiliated with the University of Utah. 大发娱乐与实验室签订的合同要求对18岁以上的人进行亲子鉴定必须得到被测者的完全同意. 大发娱乐认为这一要求是适当的,符合大发娱乐对患者的重要道德责任.

Q: I used or was conceived with anonymous donor sperm. I’d like information on my sperm donor.  Where can I obtain this?

答:捐精者希望保持他们的匿名, 这限制了精子库可以披露的有关他们的信息.  精子库通常会在选择过程中大发娱乐提供精子捐赠者的个人资料, 但这是关于捐精者和他身份的唯一信息.