


Conference attendees participating in a session on industry best practices
Conference attendees participating in a session on industry best practices

沟通和发展团队在癌症中心发挥着重要作用——传播科学突破和治疗进展, 分享病人的故事, 筹集资金, building meaningful donor relationships. 的 National Association of Cancer Center Development Offices (NACCDO)和 Public Affairs and Marketing Network (PAMN) are the premier professional organizations for these groups. 每年, 一个国家癌症研究所指定的癌症中心被选为联合会议的举办地. Huntsman Cancer Institute received the winning bid for 2024.

600多名与会者, 演讲者, 以及来自北美各地的赞助商齐聚一堂,参加第33届年度NACCDO-PAMN会议. In addition to professional development courses and networking, 会议还包括参观亨斯迈癌症研究所,听取顶级研究人员的演讲, an evening at Utah’s Olympic Park, a session with NCI 通信 director Peter Garrett, 和与癌症有个人联系的著名的犹他州人的全体会议, including a panel of Olympic athletes and actor Ty Burrell.


“沟通和筹款团队对癌症中心来说至关重要. 的se teams support our functions, capabilities, reputations, future growth. 我为亨斯迈癌症研究所和基金会这些团队的杰出人才和奉献精神感到自豪, which was made even more clear under this national spotlight.”

Huntsman Cancer Institute CEO

Specialized Session Tracks

With nine concurrent session tracks to choose from, the conference offered industry best practices in cancer center marketing, 通信, 数字战略, 医生的关系, 筹款, 以及活动协调. 亨斯迈癌症研究所的教职员工和行政领导作为嘉宾发言. 

Among them were Megan Provost, manager of outreach and network development, 唐·米利根,工商管理硕士, executive director of the cancer hospital, who shared about Huntsman Cancer Institute’s affiliate hospital network.

“参加NACCDO-PAMN会议对我和亨斯迈癌症研究所来说是一种荣誉. I attended several sessions and learned much. It was wonderful to have many attendees onsite at the hosted reception. 我很高兴有机会与志同道合的专业人士分享大发娱乐的建筑,他们理解大发娱乐共同目标的重要性, 目的, 和任务.”

Huntsman Cancer Institute hospital executive director


PAMN Awards: Poster Session

Heather Simonsen answering questions about a poster
Heather Simonsen answering questions about a poster

2024年新的PAMN奖有一个海报环节,突出了来自全国各地癌症中心的参赛作品. Peer judges selected from numerous entries. 


  • 的 team was recognized for media work on the ColoCare 研究研究结果.
  • 的ir 2024 desk calendar, featuring pets of faculty and staff, received praise for its creative design and fun, innovative way of building community.
  • Talks with Docs video series 它以个性化的方式介绍医生和研究人员,赢得了好评.
  • 团队收到 第一名荣誉 in the survivorship stories category for the feature Three Stars Shine through the Cloud of Cancer Risk,作者: 希瑟·西蒙森,马萨诸塞州, Huntsman Cancer Institute public affairs senior manager. 这篇文章讲述了兄弟姐妹的故事,他们都是著名的大学运动员,为了消除遗传癌症基因的风险,他们通过试管受精出生.

“这些奖项反映了大发娱乐对推进癌症研究以及有效传播大发娱乐的发现和故事的热情和奉献精神. Hosting this conference and presenting our work was a proud moment for us."

Huntsman Cancer Institute 通信 and public affairs program manager

Female Leaders in Cancer Panel

(从左至右)Mary Nickles, Danielle Carnival博士,Neli Ulrich博士,MS, Mary Beckerle博士
(从左至右)Mary Nickles, Danielle Carnival博士,Neli Ulrich博士,MS, Mary Beckerle博士

从历史上看, NACCDO-PAMN会议召开了一个由癌症中心主任组成的小组,向与会者通报并更新国家癌症研究所的优先事项. Often, this panel is all or mostly male—a reflection of appointed U.S. 董事. Currently, only 10 of the 72 cancer center 董事 are women currently.

As a women-led institution, Huntsman Cancer Institute held a Female Leaders in Cancer panel, 会议以国家癌症研究所所长金林·拉斯梅尔的致辞开场, MD, 博士学位, MMHC. Panelists included 玛丽·贝克尔博士, CEO of Huntsman Cancer Institute; Danielle Carnival, 博士学位, deputy assistant to the President for the Cancer Moonshot; and Neli Ulrich,博士,硕士, 亨斯迈癌症研究所综合癌症中心的执行主任. Mary Nickles, a Salt Lake City news anchor and breast cancer survivor, moderated.

“I never saw myself as a leader. I was doing things that I enjoy doing, with a lot of curiosity. I always pushed boundaries a little bit. 我总是很高兴能把新团队聚集在一起,或者只是认识新朋友. I’m a person who just wants to get stuff done, 不惜一切代价, sometimes that requires me to lead, 太.”

Neli Ulrich,博士,硕士
Huntsman Cancer Institute comprehensive cancer center director

Neli Ulrich,博士,硕士



As Salt Lake City was home to the 2002 Winter Olympics and will host in 2034, 会议的开幕式上有一组被诊断患有癌症的奥运选手. 每个人都分享了他们通过训练和比赛建立起来的勇气如何影响了他们个人的癌症经历. 小组成员包括 

  • 凯特·约翰逊: Rower who won silver in 2004 in Athens, 现任谷歌全球体育和娱乐总监兼主管,被诊断患有乳腺癌
  • Catherine Raney Norman: 四届速滑选手,盐湖城2034年奥运会申办主席,亨茨曼癌症研究所的乳腺癌患者
  • 夏季桑德斯: 1992年在巴塞罗那奥运会上获得四枚奖牌的游泳运动员,CBS体育节目“大发娱乐需要谈谈”的小组成员,也是一位在亨茨曼癌症研究所接受治疗的黑色素瘤患者.

的 session was moderated by 亚当?威特, a former Houston Astros pitcher, 高尔夫专业, leukemia patient at Huntsman Cancer Institute. 亚当强调了照顾者的重要性——“团队背后的团队”——他们经常在聚光灯下充当教练和啦啦队长, 谁是最基本的?. He tenderly thanked his wife sitting in the audience for her love and support.

Tours of Huntsman Cancer Institute

Tour group entering the mobile cancer screening and education bus
Tour group entering the mobile cancer screening and education bus



Conversation with Ty Burrell

马丁·麦克马洪博士, Ty Burrell
马丁·麦克马洪博士, Ty Burrell

的 closing session featured a conversation with actor Ty Burrell, best known for playing Phil Dunphy on the sitcom 摩登家庭, 马丁·麦克马洪博士亨斯迈癌症研究所研究员兼临床前翻译高级主任. 

以诚实和幽默, 泰分享了他父亲的故事——他的父亲在20世纪80年代因胰腺癌去世——以及父亲的去世对他成年后的影响. Dr. McMahon discussed advancements in pancreas cancer research and treatment, 他还分享了自己的家庭是如何因失去父亲和一个小妹妹而受到癌症的影响的, 他从未见过.


(Left to right) Neli Ulrich,博士,硕士, Meredith Vehar, Ashlee Harrison
(Left to right) Neli Ulrich,博士,硕士, Meredith Vehar, Ashlee Harrison
PAMN steering committee members
PAMN steering committee members

Announced during the conference was the appointment of Meredith Vehar, MPA, Huntsman Cancer Institute 通信 director, 担任PAMN副主席. After a two-year term, Meredith will step in as Chair. Like many others, Meredith's life has been deeply affected by cancer. She lost two of her older sisters and a dear friend to cancer. Both of her sisters were treated at Huntsman Cancer Institute.

Meredith Vehar, MPA

“PAMN组织是大发娱乐在癌症沟通方面广泛聚集在一起的地方, 相互学习, 并尽大发娱乐的能力支持和促进研究和改善结果. 主持会议并加入PAMN的执行领导层是我近20年职业生涯的高潮. I think my sisters would be proud.”

Meredith Vehar, MPA
Huntsman Cancer Institute 通信 director


Huntsman Cancer Institute’s Communications and Public Affairs team
Huntsman Cancer Institute’s Communications and Public Affairs team

Cancer touches all of us.