

Soft-tissue sarcomas are tumors that can happen in many different tissues in the body. Most 软组织肉瘤s begin in the arms, legs, or the body wall.


Here are some of the 软组织肉瘤s we diagnose 和 treat at 亨茨曼癌症研究所 和 Primary Children’s Hospital:

  • 胃肠道间质瘤(GIST) usually forms in the stomach or small intestine.
  • 卡波西肉瘤 can form in the skin, mucous membranes, lymph nodes, 和 other organs.
  • 平滑肌肉瘤 最常见的形式是 子宫. It can also form in the bladder or gastrointestinal system.
  • 脂肪肉瘤 can happen in 脂肪 cells in any part of the body. 它通常在手臂、腿或腹部形成.
  • 横纹肌肉瘤 is the most common type of soft tissue sarcoma in children.
  • 肿瘤血管 form from cells that make 血管 or 淋巴管.

迹象 & 症状

人们通常首先注意到无痛的肿块, 撞, or swelling in an arm or leg that lasts longer than 2 weeks. Sometimes there is pain from the lump pushing on 神经 or stretching muscles.

It is important for specialized sarcoma doctors such as our team to evaluate lumps 和 撞s that could be sarcomas.

了解更多关于 软组织肉瘤 来自国家癌症研究所.


Soft-tissue sarcoma forms in soft tissues of the body, 包括肌肉, 肌腱, 脂肪, 血管, 淋巴管, 神经, 关节周围的组织.
Soft-tissue sarcoma forms in soft tissues of the body, 包括肌肉, 肌腱, 脂肪, 血管, 淋巴管, 神经, 关节周围的组织.

专业 & 治疗

The treatment or combination of treatments each patient has depends on the stage of the 软组织肉瘤, 照护小组的建议, 以及病人的愿望. Our entire team of sarcoma experts has weekly conferences where they work together on the best treatment plan for each patient.

  • 手术. 肉瘤 doctors who specialize in bone 和 muscle surgery treat most suspected 软组织肉瘤s at 亨茨曼癌症研究所 or 初级儿童医院.
    • General surgeons expert in sarcoma care treat patients with a sarcoma in or near the stomach 和 intestines.
    • Women’s cancer surgeons care for women who have a 软组织肉瘤 in the female organs.
  • 辐射. 许多软组织肉瘤患者 放射治疗,以及手术. 亨茨曼癌症研究所’s cancer doctors who specialize in 放射治疗 provide expert care. 辐射 treatment is available at 亨茨曼癌症研究所 和 our clinics in South Jordan 和 Farmington.
  • 化疗. Also called “chemo,” this treatment uses strong drugs to treat cancer or help lessen symptoms. It can destroy cancer cells, stop them from spreading, 和 slow their growth. Most people with 软组织肉瘤 do not get 化疗, unless the cancer has spread to another part of the body.

了解更多关于 癌症治疗的类型癌症筛查结果.


原因 & 风险因素

Anything that increases your chance of getting a disease is called a risk factor. Having a risk factor does not mean you are sure to get cancer. It means your chances are higher than the average person’s. Talk with your doctor to learn more about your cancer risk.

These are risk factors for getting 软组织肉瘤:

  • 有下列家族史:
  • 肉瘤
    • 视网膜母细胞瘤
    • 1型神经纤维瘤病
    • 结节性硬化症
    • 家族性腺瘤性息肉病(FAP)
    • Li-Fraumeni综合症
    • 沃纳综合症
    • 痣状基底细胞癌综合征
  • 既往放射治疗
  • 以前接触过辐射
  • Exposure to specific chemicals such as Thorotrast, vinyl chloride, or arsenic
  • Swelling in the arms 和 legs (lymphedema) for a long period of time

了解更多的方法 预防癌症家族史和遗传咨询.

诊断 & 阶段


Doctors use these tests to diagnose 软组织肉瘤:

  • 成像: Your care team takes special images such as x-rays, CT扫描, 用核磁共振检查疑似肉瘤.
  • 活组织检查:Your care team removes cell or tissue samples to look at them under a microscope 和 check for signs of cancer.


Cancer stages show whether cancer has spread within the soft tissue or to other parts of the body. Cancer spreads in the body in three ways: through tissue, the lymph system, or the blood. 肉瘤 usually spreads by growing into nearby tissues or through the blood to the lungs.

These are the general stages used for soft tissue sarcoma:

  • Localized: The cancer has not grown beyond its beginning position.
  • Regionally advanced: The sarcoma has grown large enough to invade surrounding tissues or spread to nearby lymph nodes. 这种情况只发生在少数类型的肉瘤中.
  • Metastatic: The sarcoma has spread to a distant part of the body, usually the lungs.

When cancer spreads from where it started to another part of the body, it is called metastasis. These metastatic cancer cells are the same type of cancer as the primary tumor. 例如, 如果软组织肉瘤扩散到肺部, the cancer cells in the lung are actually soft tissue sarcoma cells. The disease is metastatic soft tissue sarcoma, not lung cancer.

了解更多关于 软组织肉瘤的分期 来自国家癌症研究所.
