
Why Work with a PEAK Personal Trainer?

你是否想减肥, 增加力量, 运动表现训练, 或者改善你的整体健康, PEAK’s personal training program is your way to effectively achieve your goals. Take advantage of our close location, knowledgeable staff, and affordable prices. There's no better time to improve your health and fitness!

A good trainer will help you to set realistic fitness goals and design a personalized program to attain them. Your PEAK trainer will guide you through the following steps:

  • Evaluate your fitness and track progress
  • Teach you safe and effective exercise techniques
  • 让你有动力去行动
  • 给予鼓励和支持
  • Identify barriers and suggest solutions



PEAK’s Level 1 personal trainers are undergraduate students in their senior year of classes. They are completing their Fitness Leadership degree from the Exercise and Sport Science Department. Each student has successfully completed academic training in anatomy, 运动生理学, 运动处方, 体能测试.

注册 for sessions with a Level 1 trainer



Your personal training program will begin with a fitness assessment, which will give you and your trainer an accurate measure of your fitness level. The testing and consultation regarding your results will take approximately an hour. Fitness evaluations are a great way to determine your current fitness level and to monitor and record your progress.

This evaluation will measure the following:

  • 静息心率
  • 静息血压
  • 心血管健康
  • 肌肉健身
  • 灵活性
  • 身体成分
会话 2-4: Exercise Program Development

在其余三届会议期间, your trainer will work with you to teach you how to complete your exercise program safely and effectively. These sessions will be spent actually working out with your trainer. By the last session, you will understand how to correctly conduct each exercise in your program. At the end of the 4th session, you will be given a program to take with you. At this time, you may choose to purchase additional session with your trainer.

注册 for sessions with a Level 1 trainer

**There is one personal training opening per personal trainer. If the training time that works best for your schedule is taken, please email peakfitness@hsc.犹他州.edu 进入候补名单!


PEAK’s Level 2 personal trainers are graduate students pursuing advanced in the Department of Exercise and Sport Science. Each level 2 trainer has a degree in an Exercise Science related field and has several years of personal training experience. Your trainer will work with you to develop an individualized exercise program that will help you meet your health and fitness goals.



  • WellU / WellnessNOW($ 0 /会话)
  • University employee/student ($40/session)
  • 社区 (80美元/会话)

Please call PEAK at (801) 585-7325 to schedule your Level 2 personal training sessions.



Stay on track to reach your fitness goals. This package includes five 60-minute sessions with a level 2 personal trainer.

University employee/student - $175 ($35/session)
社区 member - $325 ($65/session)


Stay on track to reach your fitness goals. This package includes ten 60-minute sessions with a level 2 personal trainer.

University student/employee $300 ($30/session)



Personal training clients are responsible for arriving in a timely manner to their sessions. The personal trainer is required by policy to wait 15 minutes beyond the scheduled start time before the session is forfeited. If a client's session begins late due to the client's late arrival, the trainer continues with the session and ends at the scheduled time.

Personal Training Cancellation Policy

Failure to show up for a session will result in a forfeit of the session. Exceptions will only be made in the case of a medical emergency accompanied by a doctor’s note. Note: No refunds are given unless a written medical excuse is provided.
