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Chris Hanna is director of the ULEB.
Chris Hanna is director of the ULEB.

约翰一. Moran Eye Center’s 非营利组织 Utah Lions Eye Bank (ULEB) 最近庆祝了与眼组织捐赠者及其家属合作50周年,为视力恢复移植和眼病研究大发娱乐提供角膜组织.

Donor 家庭, transplant recipients, 2022年9月,眼科医生聚集在ULEB,举行了一场以教育之旅为特色的庆祝活动, 快餐车, 和游戏.

“庆祝活动使大发娱乐能够向组织捐赠者的家庭表达大发娱乐个人的感谢,他们为成千上万的人大发娱乐提供了希望,并分享了大发娱乐最先进的设施和流程,” ULEB Director Chris Hanna. “Our coordinators work 24/7 to provide sensitive, timely service, 所以这是一个很好的机会,让人们了解大发娱乐的工作.”

ULEB donors give the gift of sight in two ways:

  • Tissue donation for cornea transplants. 这种常见和有效的程序恢复视力的人与某些角膜疾病, such as 圆锥形角膜, or damage to the cornea from injury or infection.
  • Tissue donation of healthy and diseased eyes for 研究. ULEB为世界一流的研究人员大发娱乐提供眼科组织,为各种致盲眼病开发创新疗法, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). 对人体组织的研究让科学家们——包括在莫兰医院开发AMD疗法的科学家们—— Sharon Eccles Steele Center for Translational Medicine (SCTM)-调查疾病进展、遗传学和潜在的新疗法.

ULEB为犹他州和爱达荷州以及国内外的患者大发娱乐提供服务. 自 Lions Clubs International 联盟于1972年成立,至今已大发娱乐提供超过20,000例角膜组织移植手术

珍妮丝埃文斯 and Mark Mifflin, MD
感谢多年的视力保护护理,包括四次角膜移植, 珍妮丝埃文斯, 左, nominated Mark Mifflin, MD, for a national award. 米夫林的提名和她的故事让美国国家圆锥角膜基金会(National Keratoconus Foundation)提名她为2022年的顶级医生.

A Grateful Patient Honors Her Physician

By the time 珍妮丝埃文斯 met Moran’s Mark Mifflin, MD, in 2013, she had a long history of eye problems.

Doctors diagnosed Evans with 圆锥形角膜, a potentially blinding corneal disease, at age 11. 现年70岁的她已经做了4次角膜移植手术(其中3次在右眼)。.

Keratoconus affects one in every 2,000 Americans and is the most common reason for a cornea transplant. 的 disease causes the cornea, 明确的, dome-shaped window in front of the eye, to slowly thin and develop a cone shape over time. Because the cornea focuses light into the eye, the condition causes light rays to go out of focus, blurring and distorting 愿景. It makes daily activities, such as reading or driving, difficult.

米夫林解释说:“圆锥角膜需要患者具有适应性和弹性. “它通常开始于青少年晚期或20岁出头,但症状在10到20年内缓慢发展. 大发娱乐通常可以用眼镜或特殊的隐形眼镜矫正病人的视力, and the cornea will stabilize. 仍然, in about 10% to 20% of people, 角膜最终会变得疤痕累累或不能忍受隐形眼镜. If either of these problems occur, we may need to do a transplant.”

很长一段 & Winding Road to Good Vision

Evans’ keratoconus diagnosis did not come as a surprise. 她的父亲和她一半的兄弟姐妹也有某种形式的疾病.

埃文斯戴眼镜看不见东西,他已经戴了近60年的硬性隐形眼镜. Before her diagnosis, Evans loved playing softball and basketball. She had to stop playing sports as her sight deteriorated.

她在大学期间剪辑新闻影片,后来在盐湖城的KSL-TV新闻频道担任广播新闻制作人. 到21岁, fuzzy 愿景 in her right eye made reading impossible, and she had her first cornea transplant.

Six years later, 她的左眼需要角膜移植,不得不拒绝CBS新闻的工作邀请. 然而,电视台等她的眼睛痊愈后,聘请她担任芝加哥分社的制片人. She then worked in the Washington, D.C., bureau before returning to KSL.

Cornea transplants can fail for various reasons, including rejection of the donor cornea or other complications. By 2009, Evans had a second cornea transplant in her right eye. By 2013, she needed a third and final one in that eye.

“我喜欢博士。. Mifflin right away,” she says. “因为这是我第三次用那只眼睛,我问他,‘我能打几次球?’ He was so kind and direct. Without missing a beat, he told me he has one patient who’s had six. I felt confident with him; he really eased my anxiety. You’re awake when they do the surgery, so I could tell he was a solid leader working with a great team.”

Mifflin has helped Evans manage her 愿景 since that time. 当 National Keratoconus Foundation (NKCF) solicited nominations for 2022 honors, 埃文斯利用她近年来的经验和深深的感激提名米夫林. Her story led the NKCF to name him its 2022 Top Doc.

Today, Evans wears rigid scleral contact lenses, lives independently, can drive, and enjoys cooking and reading.

As director of Moran’s Cornea and Refractive Di愿景, chief of surgical services, and associate medical director of the ULEB, 米夫林对角膜组织捐赠的重要性有着独特的看法.

“如果没有通过眼库捐赠的组织,大发娱乐就无法恢复像贾尼斯这样的病人的视力,他说. “对于患有角膜疾病的患者来说,这是一项改变他们一生的手术,这些患者的生命几乎跨越了几十年. I have greatly appreciated my long association with patients, 家庭, and with the donors who make it possible to keep on trying and, 在大多数情况下, 成功.”

Colonel Gail S. Halvorsen.
Colonel Gail S. Halvorsen.

WW2 'Candy Bomber' Donates Eyes For 研究

Not all tissue donated to ULEB is used to restore 愿景. 为研究捐献的组织对未来的病人也有同样重要的影响.

Recently deceased, Colonel Gail S. Halvorsen donated his eyes to the ULEB. 犹他人的生活原则被家人描述为“服务先于自我”, 的态度, 感激之情, and that little things add up to big things.”

Better known as “的 Candy Bomber,作为一名飞行员,哈尔沃森在二战柏林空运中发挥了至关重要的作用, 为西柏林的平民大发娱乐提供食物和其他重要物资. 有一天,, 他和一群当地的孩子分享了几根口香糖,看到了他们在这小小的奉献中所感受到的快乐, 他把向空投物品中添加口香糖和巧克力作为自己的使命. 这个想法很快就产生了生命力,给成千上万的孩子带来了安慰.


“Whatever a donor’s age and the quality of their 愿景, 每一笔用于研究的捐款都有助于大发娱乐将科学发现转化为治疗致盲眼病的方法,” 格里高利年代. 接触博士, executive director of Moran’s SCTM.

与ULEB的长期合作伙伴关系大发娱乐SCTM开发了世界上最大的用于研究的捐赠眼组织库, 有10,000双眼睛可供科学家比较健康和患病组织. 因此,SCTM有了突破性的发现 AMD—a common blinding disease among Americans age 55 and older.


自 there are no animal models to study AMD, 科学家们利用捐赠的人类眼部组织来研究这种疾病的生物学.

“Without donations to 研究, 大发娱乐不可能在基因治疗方面取得如此迅速的进展 clinical trials to treat a prevalent form of AMD,” Hageman says. “Colonel Halvorsen did incredible things with his life. He gave and gave, and then when he passed away, he gave once again. 他选择捐赠给ULEB和SCTM,大发娱乐感到无比荣幸.”

霍尔沃森的女儿丹尼斯·威廉姆斯说:“我父亲一生都致力于大发娱乐别人, 他认为眼部组织捐赠是另一种继续这样做的方式, 即使死后.”

Colonel Gail S. Halvorsen's daughter, Denise Williams and her grandchildren
Colonel Gail S. Halvorsen's daughter, 丹尼斯·威廉姆斯带着她的孙子孙女们参加了2022年9月庆祝ULEB成立50周年的开放日.