
大发娱乐治疗偏头痛, 睑痉挛, 视觉雪综合症, 锐边眼综合症, 及其他光敏条件

约翰一. 莫兰眼科中心 和它的 Neuro-Ophthalmology专家 are at the forefront of the treatment of the light sensitivity associated with migraine as well as other light-sensitive conditions:


自20世纪90年代以来, 莫兰眼科中心研究并提倡使用FL-41, a rose-colored tint first developed for patients with fluorescent light sensitivity 和 migraine. 研究ers at the 莫兰眼科中心 were the first to demonstrate the effectiveness of the lenses, 哪些阻挡了特定波长的光, 用于治疗良性原发性眼睑痉挛. 这种神经紊乱导致频繁眨眼, 挤压眼睑, 很难睁开眼睛.

犹他大学技术许可办公室犹他大学教授. 史蒂夫·布莱尔莫兰眼科中心的临床医生兼科学家 Dr. 布拉德利卡茨 developed a filter that improves on FL-41 by more effectively blocking those wavelengths of light that can cause discomfort. This technology has been licensed from the University of Utah 和 was commercialized as Avulux 2023年的镜头.


FL-41 was first described in a research project in Birmingham, Engl和, in the early 1990s. 在这项研究中, children with migraine headaches wore "boysenberry-ish" colored FL-41-filtered spectacles.

的 researchers found that wearing the FL-41 filter improved the light sensitivity in these children 和 lessened the frequency 和 severity of their migraine headaches. 从那时起,fl -41滤镜就被用于治疗这些疾病和其他疾病.

由良性原发性眼睑痉挛研究基金会资助, 莫兰眼科中心 researchers have found that blepharospasm 和 migraine patients suffer more from light sensitivity vs. 不与这些疾病斗争的人. 当这些病人对光敏感进行治疗时, 他们的眼睑痉挛和偏头痛症状得到改善.

In tests of FL-41-filtered lenses against conventional gray sunglasses 和 st和ard rose-tinted spectacles, Moran researchers found that the majority of patients preferred wearing FL-41-filtered spectacles.



Avulux lenses block the wavelengths of light that are most bothersome to patients with migraine 和 transmit those wavelengths of light, 尤其是绿灯, 更舒服. 

Unlike FL-41, Avulux has the appearance of a neutral, gray tint 和 does not distort colors. Avulux过滤技术被集成到用于制造镜片的材料中, 确保每个镜头具有最佳的透射特性, 同样的外表, 和最大的性能. Wearers will also notice that the filtering characteristics of Avulux lenses improve contrast 和 sharpness.

Avulux镜头是 first to have been tested in a clinical trial 和 received FDA confirmation of classification to be marketed as general wellness tools, 这可能, 作为健康生活方式的一部分, 大发娱乐偏头痛患者. Preliminary research conducted at the University of Utah also indicates that Avulux may help patients with visual snow syndrome 和 SEES.





这款隐形眼镜也可以在网上买到 Avulux.com.


如欲订购FL-41,请下载大发娱乐的 订单 和 病人释放 形式.

如欲查询更多资料,请联络邵志强(帕特里克.Shaw@hsc.犹他州.edu) 或致电801-581-2352,选项5



    虽然大发娱乐不完全确定为什么FL-41能提高光敏度, it seems to have something to do with the wavelengths/spectrums of light that are filtered out.  FL-41滤掉了某些波长的蓝色和绿色. 的se colors are thought to be particularly bothersome to patients with light sensitivity. 通过阻挡这些波长的光, 这个滤镜还可以提高对比度和清晰度, 哪种能提高视觉敏锐度.

    的 FL-41 filter can be applied to most any lens material – providing it DOES NOT have any coatings applied to it beforeh和, i.e., 没有硬外套, 抓外套, UVA / UVB过滤器, 抗反射(AR)处理, 或其他色调/滤镜, 等. 的se coatings, if wanted, can be done after the FL-41 filter has been applied to the lenses. 如果你想要暗FL-41滤镜, CR-39塑料是最好的镜头材料, 因为它是一种更多孔的材料,可以更深入地吸收过滤器. 轻到中等的FL-41滤镜可以在几乎任何镜头材料上完成.

    大多数保险计划, 包括医疗保险和医疗补助, 不包括在镜头上加滤镜的费用吗. 但是,可能会有例外,所以请联系您的保险大发娱乐提供商.


    FL-41过滤器可在室内或室外佩戴. 的 FL-41 filter, however, is typically used 和 seems to be more beneficial in an indoor setting. FL-41中的“FL”代表“荧光”.“大发娱乐发现,大多数患者更喜欢在户外佩戴某种偏光镜片. 不过,也有少数人更喜欢FL-41滤镜,无论在室外还是室内. 有些人会买一双(浅色的)室内穿,一双(深色的)户外穿. 如果你想让它们用于多种设置,通常需要不止一双.


      Certain wavelengths of light have been shown to worsen migraine headache pain 和 even incite migraine attacks. Avulux精确地过滤可见光光谱中某些区域的光. 的y can be worn indoors or outdoors without distorting how you perceive color 和 may 大发娱乐偏头痛患者.

      对光的敏感度是由眼睛中一种特定类型的细胞决定的, 内在光敏性视网膜神经节细胞. 的se cells synchronize your body to the light/dark cycle of the day 和 help your body adjust to jet lag. 的se cells also regulate light sensitivity by monitoring a blue-green wavelength (480 nm) 和 a red-orange wavelength (590 nm). Avulux透镜通过阻挡这两种波长的光来降低光敏度. Green light is most comfortable for migraine patients, 和 Avulux lenses transmit these wavelengths.


      Avulux镜头是 product of eight years of research 和 development 和 multiple independent clinical trials. Clinical studies performed with Avulux migraine glasses show that by precisely filtering light, 它们可以大发娱乐偏头痛患者.
      Avulux conducted a clinical trial that showed these lenses can reduce migraine-associated pain 和 light sensitivity. 这项研究的结果可能会被发现 在大发娱乐.


      研究 conducted at the University of Utah indicates that Avulux lenses may be helpful for patients with visual snow syndrome 和 SEES. Avulux镜片可能对其他光敏条件有大发娱乐, 但在大发娱乐推荐Avulux用于其他疾病之前,还需要做更多的研究.


      是的. Avulux镜片100%阻挡UVB (280nm-315nm)和100%阻挡UVA (315nm-380nm).

      如果我现在不戴眼镜呢? 如果我戴隐形眼镜呢?

      如果你不戴处方眼镜,Avulux大发娱乐提供非处方眼镜. 如果你戴隐形眼镜,你可以把这种非处方镜片戴在隐形眼镜外面. 虽然目前还没有, Avulux正在开发使用纳米颗粒技术的隐形眼镜产品.


      Avulux镜片几乎适用于任何处方. 如果你不确定,请联系 Avulux.com 带着你的处方复印件,公司可以验证它是否可用.




      是的! As long as they're in good condition, we can place Avulux lenses into your favorite frame.


      在室内戴太阳镜可以使你的眼睛适应黑暗,使你对光更敏感. 不过在户外戴墨镜没问题, wearing them indoors can make you more susceptible to migraine symptoms 和 light-triggered pain. 如果你现在在室内戴太阳镜, 佩戴Avulux至少2-3周,让您的眼睛适应较轻的镜片.


      虽然你可以在头痛的时候戴Avulux镜片, experience has shown that they are more effective when worn continuously to prevent a headache from starting. Some patients wear them when they know they will be exposed to triggering lights like non-inc和escent artificial light (including fluorescent 和 LED lights) 和 computer screens. 夜间驾驶时不建议使用Avulux镜片.


      • 如果经常戴眼镜,眼镜上容易积存油污和杂物. Be sure to use cool water to gently rinse the debris off your lenses before wiping them. 擦点洗洁精会有大发娱乐.
      • 永远不要用抹布、毛巾或衬衫擦干镜片! 只使用干净的超细纤维布,就像Avulux镜片附带的那样.
      • 避免施加过大压力.
      • 不要使用光学镜片清洁剂, 酒精, 香皂, 洗涤剂, 研磨皂, 或者像Windex这样的商业清洁产品.
      • 将眼镜存放在阴凉干燥的地方,避免阳光直射.

      一些保险计划确实包括处方眼镜的费用. 如果你的保险计划不包括处方眼镜, 大发娱乐不能直接向你们的保险公司开账单. However, you can request reimbursement for your Avulux purchase from your insurance carrier. 你可能需要医生的信,证明隐形眼镜是 医学上必要的


      您可以使用您的FSA或HSA卡购买Avulux镜片. 一定要保存好你的收据,以防你的承运人需要购买证明.

      Avulux和FL-41不一样. FL-41 was originally developed for patients with fluorescent light sensitivity 和 predominantly filters blue light. 不影响红橙光(590nm), 这也是降低光敏感度的关键. Avulux lenses block the wavelengths of light that are most bothersome to patients with migraine 和 transmit those wavelengths of light, 尤其是绿灯, 更舒服. Unlike FL-41, Avulux has the appearance of a neutral, gray tint 和 does not distort colors. FL-41镜头是手工制作的, 这意味着晶状体的外观会有更多的变化. Avulux过滤技术被集成到用于制造镜片的材料中, 确保每个镜头都有完美的透射特性, 同样的外表, 和最大的性能. Wearers will also notice that the filtering characteristics of Avulux lenses improve contrast 和 sharpness.

      Avulux镜头是 只有 美国认可的镜片.S. 作为一种通用的健康工具来销售, 作为健康生活方式的一部分, 大发娱乐偏头痛患者.


      No. T在大发娱乐 is no scientific evidence that blue-blocking glasses can help with migraines or other light-sensitive conditions.


      目前, 只有 one type of Avulux lens has been specifically designed to be worn indoors or outdoors.


      目前, t在大发娱乐's 只有 one type of Avulux lens that has been specifically designed to be worn indoors or outdoors. 它们目前还不能作为偏光透镜使用.
