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There are seven global ophthalmology fellowship programs in the U.S., 每一个都大发娱乐提供了独特的体验,以支持通过可持续地扩大眼科护理机会,在当地和全世界消除可治愈失明的倡议.

The Global Ophthalmology community is close-knit, building partnerships and collaborative efforts, including the first annual Global Ophthalmology Symposium in 2020. There is a growing interest in global fellowships, and we expect to see more program offerings in the coming years.

Learn more about the John A. 莫兰眼科中心的全球奖学金和其他项目在全国各地的列表如下. For information on a specific program, please reach out directly to the program director/coordinator as listed.

Moran Global Ophthalmology Fellowship

The John A. 莫兰眼科中心全球拓展奖学金大发娱乐提供了一个独特的机会,根据您的背景和大发娱乐不同的合作机构发展个性化的体验. 大发娱乐努力为每位研究员大发娱乐提供所需的工具,以继续在全球眼科领域产生有意义的影响.

莫兰学院的研究员会花6-12个月的时间与大发娱乐的合作机构直接在实地工作. 大发娱乐的目标是通过公共卫生教育,使大发娱乐成为全球眼科的领导者, leadership development, clinical and surgical care in low-resource settings, and eyecare capacity building. 

Moran partner sites include the Aravind Eyecare System in India, the Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology in Nepal, 以及坦桑尼亚的韦尔布甘多医疗中心和多多马大学. 其他核心站点包括墨西哥、密克罗尼西亚联邦、加纳、玻利维亚和埃塞俄比亚. 

Core to our fellow experience is the opportunity to work with U.S.-based partners. 这包括大发娱乐与纳瓦霍族和其他美洲原住民社区的长期合作, 大发娱乐在盐湖城和帕克城的诊所为无家可归和曾经的难民病人服务, and our work with other underserved communities in the region.

Learn More about Moran’s Global Ophthalmology Fellowship.

Fellowship Directors: Craig J. Chaya, MD, Associate Professor, Medical Director, Global Outreach Division, and Jeff Pettey, MD, MBA, Associate Professor, Vice-Chair of Clinical Affairs 

Global Outreach Director:   

Global Ophthalmology Emory

亚特兰大埃默里眼科中心的全球眼科埃默里(GO-E)奖学金是一个为期一年的奖学金,专注于临床眼保健和公共卫生. 研究员可以选择在埃塞俄比亚和亚特兰大之间分配时间,或者在埃塞俄比亚度过一整年,通过国家卫生研究院完成高影响力的研究. 您将学习如何应对在低收入环境中大发娱乐提供护理的挑战,并通过公共卫生运动培养临床技能, mass drug administrations, and cataract initiatives. You will be exposed to public health approaches to eye care, such as the control and elimination of trachoma and onchocerciasis, 以及与大发娱乐的伙伴组织一起管理白内障失明. We aim to train the next leaders in global health for eye care.

Fellowship Director: Jacquelyn O’Banion, MD, MSc, 

University of Illinois Global Ophthalmology Fellowship

伊利诺伊大学全球眼科奖学金是一个为期一年的资助奖学金,为全球范围内的眼科实践大发娱乐提供多样化的机会. 该奖学金将支持该奖学金获得者在海外度过最多6个月的时间, including a two-month block at Aravind Coimbatore, India, learning SICS, and participating in outreach programs there. 其他轮调包括泰国和海地,并在其他发展中国家进行新的轮调. 他将与大发娱乐在全球的合作伙伴一起从事许多项目. 剩下的六个月将在芝加哥的伊利诺伊大学主校区度过。, staffing residents as well as a fellow’s clinic. 大发娱乐在ucic的许多全职教师也有亚专业接触的灵活性. 

Fellowship Director: Peter MacIntosh MD, 

Dean McGee Global Ophthalmology Fellowship

Dean McGee全球眼科奖学金是一个为期一年的资助职位,大发娱乐提供不同大陆眼科实践的多样化接触. 他们将分别在非洲南部的斯瓦蒂尼国家呆上两三个月, and Chengdu, China. An additional two weeks will be spent in Mexico, developing small-incision cataract surgery (SICS) skills. 剩下的时间将在俄克拉何马健康中心的迪恩麦基眼科研究所度过, working with local indigent eye care and Native American clinics. Public health research opportunities are abundant. 另外第二年可在伦敦卫生和热带医学学院攻读公共卫生硕士学位.

Fellowship Director: Bradley Farris, MD,  

Michigan Global Ophthalmology Fellowship

密歇根大学凯洛格国际眼科中心(KECIO)大发娱乐提供一到两年的奖学金,重点培养全球眼科学术领域的未来领导者. The KECIO fellowship is customized to meet the career goals of fellows, including in-service, clinical/epidemiological research, operations research, and clinical and research capacity building. 该计划的重点是与不同的全球合作伙伴培养互惠和文化上的关系. 研究员将与大发娱乐在当地和其他国家的长期合作伙伴合作, including Burundi, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Jamaica, and Kenya. 大发娱乐的研究员加入了密歇根大学一个活跃而充满活力的全球卫生学者社区, including from the Medical School, School of Public Health, Business, Engineering, and Institute for Social Research. 研究员可以选择参加公共卫生学院的暑期课程,也可以选择再花一年时间获得公共卫生硕士学位. 

Fellowship Director: Josh Ehrlich, MD, MPH, 

Fellowship Administrator: Donna Donato, 

Stanford Global Ophthalmology Fellowship

斯坦福大学全球健康奖学金旨在培养该研究员成为全球眼科的领导者. The fellowship is conducted in conjunction with the Himalayan Cataract Project. Fellows spend time at the Tilganga Eye Institute in Nepal and the L.V. Prasad and Aravind Hospitals in India and gain SICS experience. Prior sub-specialty training is encouraged, 专科医生学习先进的技术以及如何在资源匮乏的环境中应用他们的技能. 额外的重点是在加纳的教学和大发娱乐发展住院医师培训项目, Ethiopia, and Rwanda. 这些研究员将在斯坦福医院工作大约四个月,并积极参与研究项目和发展眼科保健项目的经济学.

Fellowship Director: Geoff Tabin, MD,

Wills Eye Hospital Academic Global Ophthalmology Fellowship

学术全球眼科奖学金是一项为期一年的承诺,每年有两名研究员与威尔斯眼科医院合作,在全球范围内大发娱乐提供和提高眼科护理的质量. 奖学金获得者至少在国外(撒哈拉以南非洲)非连续地呆六个月, South Asia, 中美洲),其余时间在费城的威尔斯之眼(Wills Eye). While abroad, the fellows refine their MSICS skills, teach extensively, and implement innovative research and programming. At Wills Eye, 这些研究员成为大发娱乐住院医师教学服务的一个组成部分,同时也通过继续看病人和做手术来扩展他们的技能. 他们还参与当地的外展、筛选项目和项目发展.  

Fellowship Co-Directors:

John Anhalt, MD,

Brenton Finklea, MD,