

在美国,有300多万人.S. 遭受 癫痫,根据… Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About one-third of people with 癫痫 don't respond to medications used to treat seizures. For those people, surgery may be an option to eliminate or reduce seizures in the future.


  • 传统或“开放式”手术 that require manually removing the portion of the brain causing seizures. 最常见的是切除, which removes part of the temporal lobe (the section of the brain involved in vision, 内存, 语言, 理解, 和更多).
  • 微创手术 that do not require opening the skull such as 激光烧蚀. Other minimally invasive options that do not involve brain surgery, but use neurostimulation device implantations include:


If you and your doctor have decided that surgery is the best treatment for your 癫痫, your doctor will discuss your options based on the following factors:

  • 癫痫发作在大脑的哪个部位,
  • 你对治疗的反应如何
  • 许多其他因素.

It is safe for both adults and children to have brain surgery for seizures. Your doctor will help you understand any additional risks for children and may not recommend surgery until your child reaches a certain age.


To prepare for surgery, your doctor will do some tests and evaluations. The most common are EEGs (electroencelphalograms used to find electrical activity problems in the brain), including overnight monitored EEGs in an 癫痫 unit, 还有其他的影像学检查.

Your doctor may also order other imaging tests such as 核磁共振成像 or PET (positron-emission tomography) scans, if necessary. You will also get a neuropsychological evaluation, which includes a variety of tests done by a neuropsychologist to get a baseline for your cognitive function prior to surgery. If the surgery is for a child under three years old, the doctor will order a developmental evaluation. 

Make sure you talk to your doctor about your test results including the reasons why surgery is the best treatment option. You should also schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor and notify your other specialists to let them know you are having neurosurgery.

In the six to eight weeks before your surgery, you should:

  • 健康饮食.
  • Continue to exercise or remain as active as possible.
  • 保持水分.
  • Keep taking your regular seizure medications as instructed by your doctor.
  • Follow your doctor’s instructions for stopping other medications.
  • Talk to your family and friends about your upcoming surgery.
  • Discuss any concerns or feelings about the surgery with your doctor.
  • Work with your care team to determine what kind of support you will need after surgery. 

手术开始前, you will meet with your surgical team and neurosurgeon to discuss the procedure and go over any questions or concerns you might have.



You will need a referral from your primary care physician or another provider to be seen in our 癫痫临床. 呼叫 801-585-7575 to schedule an initial appointment after you are referred. Our team will help coordinate your care to see an epileptologist (a neurologist who specializes in 癫痫) for evaluation and schedule any necessary testing for an accurate diagnosis. 

如果你是手术的候选人, our surgical coordinators will help you schedule any necessary testing and diagnostic procedures in advance. We will also schedule an appointment for you to meet with the neurosurgeon.

Most 癫痫 tests and treatment are covered by insurance. We will work with your insurance carrier to determine what is covered under your plan and obtain pre-authorization, 根据需要, 治疗前. If you have questions about what is covered under your insurance plan, 直接联系你的保险公司.

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