


“初级保健是医学的核心,”他说 Wendy macy, PA-C; a family medicine primary care provider (PCP) and a medical director at University of Utah Health. “这是医疗保健的基石, starting with the care mothers and fathers give to their children—a higher level of intimacy and understanding that stays with you."

梅西热爱她的工作. She loves being there for her patients when they're healthy and when they're not and building a relationship that helps her understand both sides of that equation. Macey says she learned the foundations of primary care from her dad, a small-town doctor.

"If someone was sick or anything happened, they came to our house. 这就是关怀.梅西说 she realized then that medicine is both simple and complex. "Sometimes he didn't do anything fancy except listen when they were scared or take an extra minute to look in a kid's ear. It didn't seem like it was rocket science, but it meant everything to them."


那么,a 初级保健医生 do? 初级保健医生是一个倡导者, 一个协调器, 一个了解你底线的核心人物, and the lead of a team who works with that provider to know you, 并满足您对综合护理的个人需求.

Amenthist吉布斯, 他是梅西医院近十年的病人, 将初级保健描述为健康关系. "For me, I'm all about personal relationships and Wendy is very personable. 她会记得我告诉她的事情.吉布斯说。. 她能感觉到有什么不对劲, 就像我处理家人去世的事一样, 她问我还好吗."

"It's so critically important to have the primary care relationship available and sustained...Then I don't have to try and immediately forge a bond with a patient when they come in feeling their worst, 有些事大发娱乐已经联系在一起了, 所以这对他们来说不那么可怕. There's a way for us to just kind of go, 'Okay, we've got you.’”——温迪·梅西

Gibbs relied on that primary care relationship after she began having extreme abdominal pain and nausea. 她去了 急诊室 发现她的胆囊必须切除. The situation worsened when it was discovered that Gibbs had a liver hemangioma that could cause her to bleed out if it was accidentally nicked during gallbladder surgery, a risk that meant Gibbs needed a transplant surgeon to do the procedure.

“他很棒。, 但他是专家,在我做完手术后就放下了, 我的疼痛根本没有得到控制. 专家对一个学科领域了如指掌, but a primary care provider knows a little about everything, 并且可以把它们联系起来,吉布斯说。. "It was Wendy who saw me right after my surgery, when I was still nauseas and having sharp pains. 她更容易理解,因为她了解我. She coordinated everything and made sure my pain was under control."

“Amenthist非常活跃. She's a mom, she's running around all over the place and always upbeat,梅西说。. "Alarm bells went off because this was 100 percent not the person I saw a month ago. That's where it really helped knowing how Amenthist usually is, to better advocate for her and pursue every avenue of care she needed to recover."


At U of U Health, primary care providers work to know you well, to keep you healthy. Preventative care is important to both quality and length of life. Annual physicals and baseline tests help make sure doctors catch changes early. Yet, some people may avoid seeing a doctor until it's an absolute emergency.

Wendy Macey Gibbs, PA-C, looking at Amenthist吉布斯' shoulder

"Nobody likes to go to the doctor and have all those preventative tests...all the things that you're supposed to be doing on a regular basis.吉布斯说. “但是和你的医生在一起更舒服, 就像我和温迪在一起一样, 我不太可能推迟这些事情."

Gibbs is a strong advocate for the preventative care a PCP provides. "We aren't allowing ourselves to get the best possible outcome if we're not willing to prepare,吉布斯说。.

Macey同意. “大发娱乐总是对好事持乐观态度,但大发娱乐也做好了准备. We put our seatbelts on right when we get in the car, not as we're crashing. "

Your primary care provider is meant to be the centralized person that knows enough about your concerns, 关于你, 让专家跟上进度, 这样你就能最大限度地利用转诊预约. And those specialist referrals then generate reports that your PCP reviews, 与您联系以确保适当的跟进.


Gibbs says building a relationship with a provider you click with makes a big difference. "I've seen other providers when I lived in a different area, and I definitely pushed off those yearly things because I just wasn't feeling a connection."


  • 知道你想从这段关系中得到什么.
  • 选择家庭、内科、儿科或老年医学.
  • 浏览 U of U Health在线医生评论.
  • 和前台的工作人员谈谈你更喜欢的方法.
  • Be honest with the practitioner if it's not a good fit – they can recommend a colleague.

uu of U Health优先考虑透明度 最早大发娱乐提供医生评论的公司之一 在线. The teams truly want to know how patients feel, working hard to distribute and collect surveys. The PCP staff also want you to have a good connection with your provider, so they'll gladly work to match your preferences with a recommendation.

梅西说要记住一件事, 当我第一次看到初选的时候, 就是对这个过程要有耐心. “如果他们让问题堆积起来, understand that everything can't be taken care of in one visit,梅西说. “这是在建立一种关系和理解. 就像认识一个新朋友. You don't just meet them and tell them about your entire childhood. 大发娱乐会讲到的."


Macey says there are some days on the job that are harder than others, 但她总能依靠她的团队. "Part of staying at your best is surrounding yourself with an exceptional group of colleagues, 我是如此的幸运. We don't have a lot of ego; we just have a lot of partnership. 这是一个非常有利的环境,”梅西说. “这体现在大发娱乐如何照顾病人."

Another positive difference at U of U Health is how providers see their role. "We understand that a patient may be getting news they didn't want, 这在某种程度上改变了他们, 他们正在处理它,梅西说。. “大发娱乐非常清楚, 大发娱乐在这个过程中处于非常有利的地位, 能和他们一起度过难关."

Macey says people often just want to know if something is normal, 他们需要知道这一点的安慰, 知道害怕是正常的.

“当任何事情出错时,你的大脑就会开始运转. 温迪总是花时间安慰我,”吉布斯说. "She makes sure I understand what the plan is and what to expect, to ease my mind.——阿门主义者吉布斯

It all comes back to the foundations of primary care, says Macey. “我记得我爸爸很久很久以前告诉过我. 你一定是在场的目击者. 不是去承受痛苦,而是去支持人们度过痛苦. 这就是大发娱乐所做的."