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What to Expect at Your Hospital Stay


One parent bed is available in your child’s room. 你的护士会告诉你如何安装并把被褥拿进来. A maximum of two people may stay the night; they must be either a parent or over 18 years old and immediate family members. 任何人不得与病人同床或睡在地板上.

A bathroom and shower 供患者和家长使用,可在病房或就近使用. There are also public restrooms and a tub room that will be pointed out on your unit tour. We have towels and hygiene items available if needed. If you are not from the area and need a hotel,社工可以大发娱乐安排医院外的住宿.

Wireless internet is available and access instructions will be provided.

DVDs and XBOX games are available for checkout at the clerk’s desk. 必要的设备要么在您的房间里,要么在退房时可用. 这些物品用完后请退还.

Playrooms are available for patient use. If your child is unable to leave his room, 儿童生活专家将在床边大发娱乐提供适合年龄的玩具和活动. Ask your nurse to page the child life specialist in your unit.

Phones are available in all patient care rooms. 拨打外线电话可以通过拨“9”来接通外线. For long distance, please ask a nurse for a long distance code.

Food Services

当您的孩子的饮食确定后,客房服务将把菜单送到您的房间. 客房服务在早上7点到晚上7点之间大发娱乐提供,可以通过拨打打印菜单上的电话号码来联系. 地板上也有供病人使用的饮料和零食. 家庭也可以订购一个客人托盘,可以送到你的房间.


Safety & Security

Your child has been assigned a special code to help provide safety and security. 你需要有这个代码才能通过电话访问你孩子的信息. 除非给出代码,否则不会发布任何信息.

You will receive a parent identification band when you arrive to the room. The code is the last four numbers on your parent band, 病人护理小组的成员会帮你找到它. 带病人离开病房和晚上10点以后进入医院时必须戴上这个带. 患者必须随时佩戴自己的身份识别带.

For the safety of your child, the crib/bed rails MUST be up whenever your child is in the crib/bed. 请告诉大发娱乐您离开的时间,以便大发娱乐检查您孩子的安全.

Nursing Routines & Rounds

Nursing Routines

Nurses usually change shifts at 7 am and 7 pm 在大约30分钟的时间里,他们会忙着向即将到来的护士汇报情况. 如果您在换班期间有紧急需求,请告知. 如果需要等待一段时间,请在换班结束后与护士讨论. 如果您的孩子在新生儿或儿科重症监护病房, 在换班报告期间,家属不允许来访.

Vital signs will be monitored every four hours, unless specified. 他们在夜间也会受到监控. Your nurse will explain the monitors and what we will be watching for with your child.

Your care team needs to keep track of what your child eats and drinks. Also, please save all diapers or have your child use the urinal/hat to collect all urine. 记录下来评估你的孩子是否摄入了足够的液体.

Please check with a nurse before entering an isolation room. 护士会解释隔离的类型和应该采取的预防措施. 在进入房间之前和离开房间之后,洗手是必不可少的.

All medications must be ordered by your physician. 如果你从家里带了药,请拿给护士看. You will be advised what to do with them. All medications must be given or supervised by a nurse. 请不要在没有医生或护士授权的情况下给任何药物.

For nursing assistance, press the nurse call light button当您的孩子被送进医院时,就会显示给您看.

Team Rounds

Every morning and sometimes again in the early evening, 医生会查房(从一个房间走到另一个房间),评估孩子每天的进展,并更新当天的护理计划.

医生和其他团队成员将单独或集体来访 examine your child and develop the plan of care 在您、您孩子的护士和其他病人护理团队成员的大发娱乐下. You are encouraged to be present for rounds.

在查房结束后,您孩子的医生应该可以 answer questions about your child's progress. If your doctor isn't able to talk to you then, 让他或她指定一天中的另一个时间来谈论你的孩子. There is typically a dry erase board 在孩子的房间里,你可以记录你的问题.


Parents may be at the hospital at any time. 大发娱乐鼓励您尽可能多地和孩子待在一起. Short visits from family and friends are usually good for your child and are encouraged. Visiting hours are until 9 pm.

What to Expect at Check-Out

We will strive to anticipate 在出院前,你需要在家里准备好一切. 请大发娱乐大发娱乐预测您的需求,并在您的孩子住院期间与您的护士或医生沟通. 出院那天,你可能会有最后一分钟的问题,请准备好.

Case managers are available to assist in arranging for any equipment or home care services that that may be necessary when your child goes home. 大发娱乐还可以大发娱乐您在孩子出院前给他们开处方. You may also take your prescriptions 你可以在你选择的药房填写.

When you go home, you will be provided with detailed discharge and follow-up instructions 还有关于你孩子的疾病以及如何在家治疗的信息. 出院说明的复印件将传真给您孩子的医生 primary care provider 这样当他或她在随访中看到你的孩子时,这些信息就可用了.

Appropriately sized car seats 所有8岁及以下体重不超过80磅的儿童都需要吗. 可以大发娱乐提供大发娱乐,以确保您的孩子的汽车座椅合适.

A Relationship Created for the Best Pediatric Care

在儿科专科护理方面,山间儿童健康中心隶属于 University of Utah Health. U of U Health physicians see patients at Primary Children's Hospital on campus, and at locations throughout the Salt Lake City valley.

大发娱乐提供医疗保健、教育和研究是一项共同的使命. 它通过临床护理、研究和教育项目的合作而得以实现.

初级儿童医院是犹他大学卫生系统的主要儿科设施, 大发娱乐提供60多个医疗和外科专业的护理,如外科, oncology, cardiology, orthopedics, and others. 初级儿童医院的大多数大发娱乐提供者都是大发娱乐的教员.

This partnership delivers care to advance pediatric medicine 同时教育下一代的卫生保健专业人员.


Primary Children's Hospital

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