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What Is Microtia?


在初级儿童医院的U of U保健大发娱乐提供者处寻找治疗小个子症的方法.

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Microtia is an outer ear abnormality that’s present at birth. It can range from a small, 几乎不明显的异常到外耳的大结构变化. Some babies with microtia are born with no outer ear at all.  

Microtia Grading

Doctors classify microtia based on four grades. 

  • Grade 1: The abnormality is very minor.
  • Grade 2: 婴儿出生时耳朵很小,但许多主要结构仍然存在. 
  • Grade 3: 婴儿有一个“花生耳”,或者只有耳朵结构的一小部分异常残余.
  • Grade 4: The outer ear is completely missing. Grade 4 microtia is also known as anotia.

How Common Is Microtia? 

Microtia is not common. 专家估计,在美国,每3800名婴儿中就有1名患有这种疾病, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although microtia can affect anyone, it’s more common in males.

Does Microtia Cause Hearing Loss?

Microtia by itself minimally affects hearing loss,但有时婴儿会同时出现听力丧失和小耳症. 一些患有小耳畸形的婴儿也有耳道异常,这可能导致听力丧失. 但是小耳缺失症和听力损失是两种不同的情况,需要分开评估. 

侏儒症本身并不是一种功能性残疾,但听力损失可能是一种残疾. Hearing loss could qualify your child for some disability benefits. Although microtia isn’t a disability, it can significantly affect social aspects of your child’s life. 

Why Choose University of Utah Health?

大发娱乐的小畸形诊所包括一个多专业的团队,由委员会认证的面部整形外科医生, pediatric otolaryngologists,头颈外科医生,听力学家和整形学家(假体创造者). 这些专家共同努力,为小脑及其相关疾病大发娱乐提供综合治疗, including hearing loss. 

大发娱乐与U of U Health的专家合作,意味着您的孩子可以根据需要轻松访问一系列专家. 您的孩子将在大发娱乐世界一流的儿科医院接受护理,并获得所有必要的资源来管理其他疾病和并发症.

Microtia Causes

The majority of babies with microtia have it for no known reason. 有时,婴儿患有小个子症是因为在他们出生前发生的基因变化(突变). 如果你有这种家族史,你的宝宝患这种病的风险就会增加.

Can Microtia Be Corrected?

There are several treatment options to correct microtia:

  • Prosthesis placement—We will create a custom-fit prosthetic ear. 大发娱乐将用一种特殊的粘合材料将假体附着在婴儿或幼儿的头上. When children’s ears stop growing around 5-7 years old, we may place a permanent post for the prosthetic ear to attach to. Prostheses don’t last forever and need replacements every few years.
  • Autologous rib reconstruction surgery—大发娱乐将在两次单独的手术中取下你孩子的肋软骨来做一个外耳. 大发娱乐会等到你的孩子长到7-8岁,这样他们的肋骨软骨发育到可以用于重建. 
  • Medpor reconstruction surgery—A surgeon will use a 3D-printed implant to create an outer ear. 有些外科医生会给3-4岁的孩子做这个手术. If you’re interested in Medpor reconstruction, we will refer you to a surgeon who performs the procedure. 

When Is Surgery Needed for Microtia?

Surgery isn’t always necessary for microtia. 如果你的孩子不受其困扰,你可以选择不去纠正. 如果你的孩子患有小耳症并伴有耳道异常,那么他们可能仍然需要手术来治疗听力.  

What to Expect During a Surgery Consultation

虽然大发娱乐不建议在孩子3岁或更大之前进行耳部重建手术, 在孩子出生的第一年进行咨询是很有大发娱乐的. During this visit, we will evaluate your child for hearing loss, examine your child for signs of other craniofacial syndromes, and review treatment options. 您孩子的多学科护理团队将大发娱乐您了解每种治疗方法的利弊. 他们也会根据你孩子的需要大发娱乐提供个性化的建议. 

Ear Reconstruction Surgery

在耳朵重建过程中会发生什么取决于您的孩子是进行自体肋骨重建还是梅波特重建. 大发娱乐的外科医生会大发娱乐您了解每次手术的预期结果. 

Autologous Rib Reconstruction 

An autologous rib reconstruction is a two-stage surgery: 

First Procedure

  1. 外科医生首先切除孩子的肋骨软骨.
  2. Then the surgeon shapes the cartilage into an ear-like structure.
  3. The surgeon removes any abnormal cartilage from your child’s outer ear.
  4. 最后,外科医生将肋软骨放在孩子的皮肤下,也就是耳朵的位置.

This first procedure takes 6-10 hours. Your child may spend several days in the hospital afterward. 随着孩子的康复,肋骨软骨会生长到孩子的组织中. This healing will take several months.  

Second Procedure

第二次手术将在6个月到1年后进行. During the second procedure, your child’s surgeon will: 

  1. During the second procedure, 外科医生在新耳朵后面做切口,将其从头部移开.
  2. The surgeon position sand elevates the new outer ear.
  3. 然后,外科医生将第一次手术留下的额外软骨放置在耳后.
  4. To complete the surgery, the surgeon uses a skin graft to cover the back portion of the ear.

This second procedure takes around 2-4 hours. Your child may be able to go home the same day.  

Medpor Reconstruction 

Medpor reconstruction involves one procedure. 在手术前,您孩子的外科医生将制作3d打印的Medpor植入物. 他们会根据你孩子另一只耳朵的大小和形状定制植入物,这样你的孩子就会有一个对称的外观. 


  1. Make an incision over where the ear should be.
  2. Remove any abnormal cartilage from the area.
  3. Place the Medpor implant.
  4. Use a tissue graft and a skin graft to cover the implant.

The procedure will take around 12-16 hours. 

Recovery After Ear Reconstruction Surgery

在任何一种类型的耳廓重建后,你孩子的外科医生都会在你孩子的耳朵上放置手术敷料. 你的孩子在自体肋骨重建后的三周内必须避免剧烈活动. Medpor手术后的恢复建议将取决于您的外科医生的偏好.

你的专科医生会在接下来的几周内安排多次随访,以确保手术部位愈合良好. 你的孩子在耳朵愈合期间需要避免几个月的接触性运动.

Is Microtia Surgery Covered by Insurance?

Many insurance plans cover microtia surgery. 耳部再造手术的费用取决于几个因素,包括你的保险计划. 大发娱乐的团队将大发娱乐您在手术前了解您的保险范围和费用.

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你的保险决定了你是否需要一个转诊安排预约与小脑症诊所. 大发娱乐建议您在来诊所之前咨询您的保险公司. Call 801-587-2173 to schedule an appointment.

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