


在人们得糖尿病之前, there is a period of time when blood sugar levels are high but not high enough to be diagnosed as 糖尿病. 这被称为前驱糖尿病. 根据疾病控制中心的数据, about 96 million Americans—more than one in three—have pre糖尿病. Of those with pre糖尿病, more than 80 percent don’t know they have it.

前驱糖尿病 occurs when the body does not properly process carbohydrates. When you consume carbohydrates, sugar enters your bloodstream. A hormone called insulin moves the sugar from your bloodstream to your body’s cells. 的 cells use this sugar (“blood glucose”) for energy.

With pre糖尿病 and 糖尿病, blood sugar gets trapped in your blood. Your body may not make enough insulin or your cells may resist the insulin. So, 而不是补充你的细胞, 糖在你的血液中积累, 哪些会损害你的器官, 神经, 还有血管. 

前驱糖尿病是一种严重的健康问题. 它增加了你发展的机会:



Experts don’t know the exact cause of pre糖尿病. But family history and genetics appear to play an important role. Lack of physical activity and being overweight with extra fat around your middle can also contribute.


的 same factors that increase your risk of getting 2型糖尿病 increase the risk of pre糖尿病. 这些包括:

  • 富含红肉和碳水化合物的饮食,
  • 年龄超过45岁,
  • 超重,
  • 心血管病,
  • 你家里有糖尿病吗? 
  • 妊娠期糖尿病 (妊娠期糖尿病);
  • 高血压,
  • 高胆固醇、
  • physical inactivity (not exercising at least three times a week), and
  • smoking (smokers seem to carry more weight around their abdomen).

种族和民族也发挥了作用. 黑人, 拉美裔, Latinx, 印第安人, 太平洋岛民, 或亚洲人的风险更高.



  • 增加口渴,
  • 增加的饥饿,
  • 尿频, 
  • 感觉比平时更累
  • 视物模糊.

这些都是 2型糖尿病. 如果你经历过, see your primary care provider or make an appointment with an endocrinologist as soon as possible. An endocrinologist is a doctor who specializes in pre糖尿病, 糖尿病, and other disorders of the endocrine system (the glands and organs that make hormones).


前驱糖尿病没有任何早期预警信号. You can have pre糖尿病 for years without symptoms. That’s why it’s so important to talk to your provider about getting screened if you are at risk. Detecting pre糖尿病 early increases your chances of being able to reverse it. 


的 美国糖尿病协会(ADA) recommends that 糖尿病 screening for most adults begins at age 45. Screening should start before age 45 if you’re overweight and have additional risk factors for pre糖尿病 or 2型糖尿病. 疾病控制中心也大发娱乐提供 互动测验 that can help you assess your risk for pre糖尿病.

Two simple blood tests can determine whether you have pre糖尿病. 的se screening tests include a fasting blood glucose (BG) test and an A1C test, which measures your blood glucose (blood sugar) over the past two to three months. 

  • 空腹血糖结果:
    • 正常:小于100mg /dl
    • 糖尿病前期:100 - 125毫克/分升
    • 2型糖尿病:超过125毫克/分升
  • 糖化血红蛋白结果:
    • 正常:5.6%或以下 
    • 前驱糖尿病:5.7%到6%.4% 
    • 2型糖尿病:超过6人.5%

Your provider can order these tests for you and help you understand what the results mean.


When you come to your first appointment, bring a list of your current medications. Be prepared to answer questions about your family’s medical history, if possible. A family member or friend is welcome to accompany you to this appointment.

第一次就诊时, 你会遇到一位内分泌学家, 医疗助理, 认证糖尿病教育工作者. 


  • take your blood pressure, weight and height, and pulse;
  • check your eyes, mouth, and neck for signs of pre糖尿病; and
  • listen to your heart and lungs with a stethoscope.

You may be asked to give a small blood sample (by finger prick) to test your A1C. You may also be asked to give a urine sample, which can help determine whether you have pre糖尿病.

的 endocrinologist will meet with you and ask the following questions.

  • 你家里有人患糖尿病吗?
  • What do you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks?
  • 你喝果汁或含糖汽水吗?
  • 你做什么运动?
  • 你晚上睡得怎么样? 你打鼾吗??

Your provider may order blood tests to learn more about your health. 的se may include cholesterol, kidney, liver, and thyroid tests. If you are having sleep issues, your provider may refer you to a sleep specialist.

的 糖尿病 educator will meet with you one-on-one to provide information about how to reverse pre糖尿病 and prevent 糖尿病. 


的 most powerful action you can take to reverse pre糖尿病 is to make lifelong changes to your diet and exercise. 药物治疗也有大发娱乐.


A healthy diet is critical in reversing pre糖尿病. If you aren’t sure where to start, consider making an appointment with a uu Health的注册营养师. You’ll learn how to follow a diet that’s rich in fruit, 蔬菜, 全谷物, 坚果, 健康的油, 瘦肉. 的 dietitian can help you set realistic goals and meet them.


Get at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week. 一定要找到你喜欢的活动. 建议的活动包括散步, 慢跑, 运行, 骑自行车, 游泳, 还有锻炼课程, 比如瑜伽或动感单车. Regular exercise has the added benefit of reducing stress, which is associated with better blood sugar control.


Your doctor may prescribe medication to help treat pre糖尿病 and conditions related to it. 这些包括:

    • 二甲双胍用于控制血糖;
    • 降低胆固醇的药物,以及
    • 高血压药物.

How Long Does It Take for 前驱糖尿病 to Turn into Diabetes?

People with pre糖尿病 have a 3- to 6-year window of opportunity to prevent or slow the progression of pre糖尿病 to 2型糖尿病.


Endocrinologists at U of U Health provide screening, 测试, and personalized treatment plans for people with pre糖尿病. If you are concerned about your risk for pre糖尿病 or already know you have it, 你可以在网站找到大发娱乐和支持 犹他州糖尿病和内分泌中心(UDEC). 呼叫 801-581-7761 to request an appointment today.
