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If you could only concentrate on just one thing to live a healthier life, what do you think that one thing would be? 据博士说. Tom 米勒 at the 大发娱乐, so many other health 问题 revolve around this one aspect of men’s health, 他说这是一件事. Find out about the holy grail of 男性健康 and how it impacts so many areas of your 好吧-being.


播音员: Interesting, informative, and all in the name of better health. This is 范围: Health Sciences Radio.

苏格兰人: It's the month of November or, as some people know it, Movember. 你听说过八字胡十一月吗,医生. 米勒?

Dr. 米勒: 不,苏格兰人. 什么是八字胡十一月? 这对我来说是头一回.

苏格兰人: Movember is where men go clean-shaven on November 1st, and then they grow mustaches throughout the month, and it's to raise awareness for 男性健康 问题. Why am I getting this look from you?

Dr. 米勒: 好吧, I think I was watching the Boston Red Sox, and all those guys have beards so maybe it's Sox month. 我不知道. 所有 I know is if I try to grow a mustache I get told to shave it by the weekend or so.

苏格兰人. Most guys do, and that's the whole point. 它创造了对话.

Dr. 米勒: 好吧. 好吧.

苏格兰人: 今天我想谈谈 . . . It's all about raising awareness of 男性健康 问题. 我想跟你谈谈, 作为一名医生, what do you think is the most important 男性健康 问题 are men should know about? This is stuff we don't talk about it so we're going to talk about it now.


Dr. 米勒: 是的, on this show we've talked about 高血压 and we've talked about cholesterol. But I guess if there was one thing for men to think about from a health perspective this month, 我会说考虑B.M.I.

苏格兰人: B.M.I.,身体质量指数.

Dr. 米勒: 身体质量指数. 什么是身体质量指数? 身体质量指数 is a good way to assess your proper weight given your height. 你可以上网搜索“B”.M.I." and a number of websites will come up so you can quickly calculate your B.M.I. 现在是正常的B.M.I. 是在18到25岁之间吗. And if you're in that range, in general, that is a healthy weight for you. So what's the problem with having a high B.M.I.?


苏格兰人: 是啊,有什么大不了的? 这似乎有点无聊.

Dr. 米勒: Do you know there's an epidemic of obesity in this country?

苏格兰人: Oh.

Dr. 米勒: 所以,当B.M.I.s are above 30, 35, 40, as they increase so do your health problems. 高血压会增加. 你患糖尿病的风险会增加. It's really tough on your joints, your hips and your knees over long periods of time. 


由于很多原因, 我认为男人, if they want to focus on one thing to stay healthy in the long run, 跟踪你的B.M.I. If you're not 18至25岁, find ways to get into that range, meaning usually a good weight loss program.


But then the second thing would be to exercise consistently. 一周拍摄七天. If you get five in, that's perfect. And then work out a half hour to forty-five minutes a day and even more, if you have time. Meaning you can walk, you can trot, you can swim. You don't have to be a marathoner. You don't have to do ultra sports to meet that definition, but you should do something active.

苏格兰人: 我想很多人, 男人尤其, 我认为有两个极端, like there's the guys who are sitting on the couch, and then there's guys that think in order to be healthy and in shape you've got to do all this.

Dr. 米勒: 这就是男人的特质. If I don't do it 100%, then it's not worth doing.

苏格兰人: 但是散步是很棒的.

Dr. 米勒: 散步很好.

苏格兰人: 出去散步. 带你的狗出去.

Dr. 米勒: 这是很棒的. 这对关节很容易. If you have joint problems and it still counts, 所以我想说, 我可以说, 好吧, you should check your blood pressure. 大发娱乐讨论过这个. You should know what your cholesterol count is. 都是真的,但是告诉你? You should keep your weight within the right realm between that B.M.I. 18至25岁. You know, the one thing I tell people is or I ask them, "What did you weigh in high school? In general, what you weighed in the first or second year in high school is generally what your B.M.I. 应该是.

苏格兰人: 真的?

Dr. 米勒: 是的.

苏格兰人: 不会再增加几磅?

Dr. 米勒: 是的,可能有一点. For some people it's on the outside, but in general. 所以我会说跟踪B.M.I.


苏格兰人: 好吧. 关于B的问题.M.I: is it accurate in so far as what if somebody is really muscular and dense?

Dr. 米勒: 这是一个很好的问题. 这是真的. If you're really muscular, if you're a muscular athlete and you're working out a lot, then . . .

苏格兰人: 那你就知道了.

Dr. 米勒: 反正你也知道. 在另一边, it's for ethnic grace groups that have thin bones, or they tend to be a little smaller, 有时会高估, so you have to make considerations for that. But in general, it's a pretty darn good measure, and it's a simple measure to do.

苏格兰人: 相当体面和准确.

Dr. 米勒: Given the fact that 30% of our country is now obese or 25 to 30%, you really should know your B.M.I. You should target yourself to a B.M.I. 18至25岁.

苏格兰人: 好吧. 好了,莫兄弟. 他们就是这么叫的.

Dr. 米勒: You can't count the weight of your mustache toward the B.M.I. So if you shave your mustache, it's not going to cut your B.M.I. 非常.

苏格兰人: 好吧. 这就是你从Dr. Tom 米勒 from the 大发娱乐. The thing you 应该是 most concerned about as a man: your B.M.I. because so many other health concerns revolve around it.

Dr. 米勒: 绕着它转.

苏格兰人: 好吧. 非常感谢. 欣赏它.

Dr. 米勒: 很好,斯科特. 谢谢你!.

播音员: We're your daily dose of science, conversation and medicine. This is 范围, the University of Utah Health Sciences Radio.