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Vegetarian diets can be perfectly healthy for kids of all ages, 即使是婴儿, but it's important to not let them be a french-fry-vegetarian, 只关注不吃肉吗. Beans, tofu, diary, and egg should always be present in a healthy vegetarian diet. 注册营养师Dr. 朱莉换上 from the University of Utah explains the different types of vegetarian diets and tells you which ones your child shouldn't be on. She also discusses the vegetarian alternatives for protein and nutrition that comes from meat.


播音员: Medical news and research from University of Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

面试官: 大发娱乐和Dr. 朱莉换上, Registered Dietician and the Chair of the Division of Nutrition at the College of Health. 孩子和素食:对他们健康吗? 他们是否摄入了足够的蛋白质?

Dr. 我: 哦,当然. Vegetarian diets can be perfectly healthy for kids of all ages, starting from when they're infants. And just like with all kids, we have to pay a little more attention to their nutrition overall. 所以我想说,是的,它们绝对是健康的.
The one thing you want to avoid is being a french fry vegetarian. What that means is that you're not having an overall healthful diet, 你只是专注于不吃肉. So I think it's really important for all of us when we eat to think of all the foods and the food groups, 吃素也是一样. So what you need to do if you're a vegetarian and with kids is really encourage vegetables. And so I think that's one thing that gets missed overall, especially for adolescents.
Now there are two types of vegetarian patterns that aren't so healthy for kids. 一是如果你是长寿者, 对孩子来说健康是可能的, but it's difficult and that's a common type of vegetarianism. The other is the raw food diet, which is a very strict vegetarian or vegan diet. What happens is that kids have really little stomachs compared to adults, 所以当体积很大的时候, like a raw food diet is a lot of volume for the number of calories you have, they can often get too full before they get what they need out of food.

If they're starting when they're very young it's usually the parents. They might be doing it for religious reasons, or environmental reasons or out of tradition. 也许他们就是这样长大的, and that's often a very healthful thing because they have a lot of generational knowledge behind them. What I often see also is when kids are about seven or eight, 或者是青春期前, they decide that they don't want to eat animals anymore.

面试官: What other kind of food choices are more appropriate for a vegetarian diet in children?

Dr. 我: 他们将不得不依赖大量的豆科植物, 像豆子, 黑豆, 豆, 芸豆, 鹰嘴豆, 类似于蛋白质. Things like tofu, tempeh, they're going to have to be sure to have plenty of oils in their diet. If they have dairy foods in their diet, like milk, yogurt, kefir, then that's a pretty balanced diet. If they have eggs in their diet, they'll be just fine. 当乳制品组或蛋类组, 然后就有点难了, and they have to rely even more on some of the soybean and bean type products.

面试官: 让你. 好吧. 有副作用吗?

Dr. 我: Well there are certain vitamins and minerals that can be deficient if the diet isn't carefully planned. 一个是B-12. B-12 is a vitamin that's only found in animal foods. 当然,它也存在于补充剂中. 你可以服用B-12补充剂. 它也存在于啤酒酵母中.
The other nutrient that's a concern for all children, 尤其是素食儿童的维生素D. Again, if you have dairy foods in the diet, no problem. If you don't, you'll want to consider supplementation and talk to your pediatrician. The other food that can be deficient is the mineral zinc. 这是很多孩子的共同问题, but zinc is found in meat foods but it's also found in whole grains, so if kids have whole grains they should be just fine.

面试官: 你提到了一些加工食品.

Dr. 我: 正确的. One thing that's happening is a lot of individuals are taking up a vegetarian diet. So in turn, food manufacturers have made a lot of vegetarian products. 这很好. If you go to a barbecue, you might want to have a veggie burger instead of a hamburger. But what happens is sometimes vegetarians rely too much on processed foods and they're going to have a lot more sodium. They may have a lot more preservatives that they might try to be avoiding, and they might just become so convenient that they forget to eat vegetables.
我总是告诉别人, because I come from a background of working mostly with adolescents, my favorite thing that I always hear from adolescents is that they want to be vegetarian but they don't like vegetables.

面试官: 当然.

Dr. 我: 这是行不通的. 你必须开始喜欢他们. So if your child wants to be vegetarian or you're a vegetarian family, 我有几个建议. 一是学习很多关于食物的知识, 这样你就可以依靠天然食物了, 全谷物食品, 很多水果和蔬菜.
The second is if you run into problems with their growth, 去看儿科医生, 再找个营养师.

And third, have fun with lots of different food options. 不要对你的家人要求太严格. We don't want to run into problems with weird food behaviors or kids feeling nervous or tense about their food choices.

播音员: We're your daily dose of science, conversation and medicine. This is 范围, University of Utah Health Sciences Radio.