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免疫系统会抵抗感染, 但当自身免疫性疾病发展时, 免疫系统有时会攻击身体的健康细胞. Common autoimmune diseases include celiac disease, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. 身体是如何开始攻击自己的呢? Dr. Tracy Frech discusses some theories and research behind the increasing number of autoimmune diseases. 她还谈到了类风湿关节炎和早期治疗.


面试官: 风湿病学到底是什么? 大发娱乐将在接下来的《大发娱乐》节目中对此进行详细介绍.

播音员: Medical news and research from University of Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

面试官: Dr. 特雷西·弗雷奇是犹他大学的风湿病学家. 什么是风湿病学家?

Dr. 特蕾西·弗雷希: 风湿病学家是专门研究自身免疫性疾病的医生. 如果你的免疫系统能抵抗感染,那它就是一个很好的系统, 或者检查身体是否有癌症. 如果它无缘无故地攻击细胞和多个器官, 主要是关节, then a rheumatologist can help determine how to best suppress the immune system so that doesn't happen.

面试官: 风湿病学家也会参与艾滋病毒和艾滋病的研究?

Dr. 特蕾西·弗雷希: 奇妙的问题. No, those would be infectious disease doctors specializing because in that case your immune system is not functioning because of a virus.

面试官: 好吧.

Dr. 特蕾西·弗雷希: 自身免疫性疾病, the etiology for why the immune system is not functioning is really not clear and so the way that you would treat an autoimmune disease would be to suppress the immune system, whereas in HIV an infectious disease doctor would give treatments to rid the body of the virus.

面试官: 你能举出一些自身免疫疾病的例子吗?

Dr. 特蕾西·弗雷希: 自身免疫性疾病的例子包括风湿性关节炎, 那是人口的1%, 这是一种关节炎症性疾病. 系统性红斑狼疮或SLE, lupus can involve the kidneys and in that case a rheumatologist would work closely with a nephrologist, 但也涉及到皮肤, 关节, 可以看到癫痫发作, 心脏和肺周围有液体, 凝血异常和血细胞计数问题. Systemic sclerosis or scleroderma is something that I myself specialize in and in this condition the immune system doesn't like the small blood vessels of the body and we work to improve both blood flow and modulation of the immune system's response to that poor blood flow.

面试官: 所以我可能有点落后了, but it sounds like you specialize in the immune system attacking the body.

Dr. 特蕾西·弗雷希: 完全.

面试官: 身体是如何达到不喜欢自己的地步的? 它开始攻击自己? 这是怎么发生的??

Dr. 特蕾西·弗雷希: 所以这是一个价值百万美元的问题,有很多人感兴趣. 是因为大发娱乐有了更多的转基因食品吗, 是环境污染吗?, why are we seeing more and more autoimmune disease nowadays then we did several years ago? And better understanding the immune system is actually a real interest in the University of Utah, better phenotyping or understanding that clinical presentation and how that ties into molecular medicine is really a push of our division and our interest of how we move forward in the future.

面试官: 有什么想法是现在的想法吗?

Dr. 特蕾西·弗雷希: 这可能是多因素的, so you're born with genetics and how those interact with the environment is probably the critical question. It's a better understanding of the genetic background and those environmental triggers is really the forefront of how we're trying to understand these conditions.

面试官: 是不是有点像开关被拨动了?

Dr. 特蕾西·弗雷希: 所以到底. So why your immune system at one point in time does a really good job fighting off infections and then fights self is an important part of understanding these conditions. 对分子模仿很感兴趣, meaning did a bug look a lot like self or modify self and so now after you clear the infection, 你的免疫系统现在识别出自己是外来者了吗, 人们对此很感兴趣. 很多很酷的理论, 他对微结晶现象特别感兴趣, 母亲怀孕了吗, her subsequent child cells from the first sibling somehow cross the placenta, get into the other child and now that's a little bit like self but not quite, 你的免疫系统就会被触发.
Lots of different theories on why your immune system suddenly decides not to act right and lots of really active interest in trying to understand, 作为风湿病学家,大发娱乐如何更好地了解这些情况. 是不是每个人都有相同的诱因, 然而,所有人在患病时看起来都是一样的, is one of the pushes for sort of better defining the molecular basis to disease and 再一次。, 犹他大学的兴趣.

面试官: 听起来像是免疫系统出了问题, oh, 这很糟糕, now I'm going to make a little note of what this looks like so if I ever see it 再一次。, 所以它一直在被编程.

Dr. 特蕾西·弗雷希: 完全, it's constantly being programmed and it has a great ability to diversify and be able to recognize similarities between viruses and bacteria and whether ourselves get in the middle of that, 有很多积极的兴趣试图更好地理解这一点.

面试官: 有没有, kind of a generalized symptom somebody might have if their immune system is starting to attack themselves?

Dr. 特蕾西·弗雷希: So what we generally as rheumatologists take great interest in is inflammatory joint disease, 关节又红又热又肿, 这不正常.

面试官: 好吧.

Dr. 特蕾西·弗雷希: So you know lot of people ache and a lot of people are fatigued and that can be a symptom of rheumatic disease, the important one is that red hot swollen joint and that's not something that rheumatologists really like to see because, 再一次。, not only define our profession early on but allows us to engage in a cost effective workup.

面试官: Does a patient need to go to their primary care physician before they can see you, or if they feel that something is very familiar in this conversation that we had, 他们能直接来找你吗?

Dr. 特蕾西·弗雷希: So unfortunately we actually do require referrals from primary care physicians and the main reason being is fatigue and achiness is so common in the community and rheumatologists are so few that we actually do like the primary care provider to say, oh yes that is a red hot swollen joint and then they would call and get the patient right in, if the wait list was long they would call the fellow on call to get any patient with a red hot swollen joint in expeditiously so we could move forward.

面试官: 你所做的事情中真正让你兴奋的是什么? 你为什么这么喜欢它?

Dr. 特蕾西·弗雷希: 大发娱乐让人们感觉更好, so there's nothing better than to have someone come in and be able to really affect their quality of life by getting inflammation under control.

面试官: Is there something that you would like a listener to know or take away from this discussion.

Dr. 特蕾西·弗雷希: 再一次。, 类风湿关节炎占人口的1%,而且是年轻人, 女, we like to catch early and make sure we prevent joint destruction or disease progression.

播音员: 大发娱乐是你的每日科学,对话,医学. 大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学电台的Scope.