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The Difference Between Good and Bad Stress

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The Difference Between Good and Bad Stress

May 12, 2014

每个人在某些时候都会感到压力,但大发娱乐并不总是知道如何应对. Psychiatrist Dr. Jason Hunziker谈到过多的压力如何导致不健康的习惯, 并给你一些健康应对压力的建议. 他还讨论了“好”和“坏”压力之间的区别,并告诉你如何区分这两者.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: What is too much stress? Is worrying too much a problem? Can you un-worry? Is there a difference between good stress and bad stress? We'll talk about that next on The Scope.

Announcer: 来自犹他大学内科医生和专家的医学新闻和研究可以让你更快乐, healthier life. You're listening to The Scope.

Interviewer: We're talking with Psychiatrist Dr. Jason Hunziker from the University of Utah. Dr. Hunziker, first of all explain to me what is good stress. Is there a good stress?

Dr. Jason Hunziker: I guess there's good stress. 我的意思是,生活中肯定有一些积极的事件会导致压力. 但我也认为有一些压力源可以被认为是激励大发娱乐实现目标的动力.

Interviewer: Some examples of that?

Dr. Jason Hunziker: So let's say you have a large test coming up on Friday. 这种压力让你想要学习,这样你就可以为你需要照顾的考试做准备.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Jason Hunziker: Now I would consider that good stress; other people would say, "Oh, that's terrible stress. I can't handle that." But I think we're all different that way.

Interviewer: So what is the definition for you of a good stress?

Dr. Jason Hunziker: 我认为对我来说,好的压力是鼓励我更好的自己,激励我想要站起来做一些事情,而不是让我瘫痪,无法发挥作用.

Interviewer: 所以我认为良好的压力是有好处的? It's motivating?

Dr. Jason Hunziker: Definitely, I think there are always benefits to good stress. 对我来说,压力可以激励我,让我想要变得更好,也许想要改善我正在做的事情. 但有时,即使只是增加一点点压力,也会破坏整个事情.

Interviewer: 所以好的压力很有可能变成坏的压力?

Dr. Jason Hunziker: Definitely.

Interviewer: And what is bad stress?

Dr. Jason Hunziker: 我认为坏的压力是任何会影响或干扰你生活的东西. 如果它不能让你有机会继续提高和完成你的目标, 然后这种压力会使人衰弱,导致更多的并发症.

Interviewer: 所以很明显,有两种方式可以让你产生不良压力. One is that maybe you have too much of good stress, 但一般来说,如果你没有这些压力,坏压力从何而来?

Dr. Jason Hunziker: 我认为坏压力的定义对我来说可能和别人不一样. 但它甚至可能来自日常活动,只是看起来太过压倒性. And I can give an example of that. Let's say that you're going to get married, which would be a positive event in your life, but you're also trying to go to school. You're also trying to work every day. 然后你收到一张交通罚单,然后你的另一半出了问题,摔倒了,摔断了腿. 突然间,你所承受的这种良好压力太令人兴奋了, that was motivating you to get prepared for, 你开始把所有这些东西加在一起,压力负荷太高,你无法正常工作.

Interviewer: 压力过大或不良压力过大是否会导致身体健康状况恶化, or good stress?

Dr. Jason Hunziker: 不幸的是,压力常常会让大发娱乐做一些事情,试图以快速的方式减轻压力. 有时候大发娱乐会选择做一些对大发娱乐不好的事情, 当人们感到压力时,像喝酒这样的事情就会成为一个大问题. 有时,当他们感到压力时,他们会转而使用非法药物来大发娱乐他们. 当你感到压力时,你也可能会暴饮暴食,最终伤害到自己. 有些人最后进了急诊室以为自己心脏病发作了因为他们所承受的压力太大了.

Interviewer: 所以任何关于减少坏压力和在压力下保持健康的建议都是好的, the good way to do it; the good way to reduce stress?

Dr. Jason Hunziker: Yes, good healthy coping skills. So I think again, this is a personal choice; everybody has things that they like to do that help them refocus and calm down. 有些人喜欢坐在电视机前看电影,那对他们来说一切都消失了,然后他们就没事了. 其他人听音乐,他们会坐在房间里听一会儿iPod. Some people take a bath and that is very relaxing. 其他人会去散步,这有助于他们放松,并大发娱乐人们重新思考. 我认识一些人,他们去健身房剧烈锻炼,这有助于他们重新集中注意力.
吃得好能帮你减压,睡得好能帮你减压. 所以最终,无论你喜欢做什么,都能大发娱乐你减压. You just have to give yourself the time to do it.

Interviewer: So it sounds like it's different for each person.

Dr. Jason Hunziker: It definitely is different. But I think that the concept is the same. 大发娱乐找到大发娱乐喜欢的东西,然后大发娱乐用它来大发娱乐大发娱乐处理其他所有真正给大发娱乐带来问题的东西.

Interviewer: Any final thoughts?

Dr. Jason Hunziker: 我认为每天给自己留点时间很重要. 你有15到20分钟的时间坐下来做一件你喜欢做的事情,这样可以大发娱乐你保持专注,保持良好的精神状态.

Announcer: We're your daily dose of science, conversation, medicine; this is The Scope. The University of Utah Health Sciences Radio.