Med Student Mentor: How to Make a Good Impression on Your Attending Physician

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Med Student Mentor: How to Make a Good Impression on Your Attending Physician


Medical students must make the best impression on their attending physicians that they can, but doing so without being overbearing and in a short amount of time can be difficult. First-year med student Kara Arnold gets some tips from fourth-year Bob Chestnut about things you can do and shouldn’t do to create a good impression to get the recommendation you want.


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面试官: 大发娱乐正在和鲍勃·切斯纳特谈话. He's a fourth-year medical student at the University of Utah School of Medicine.
I'd like to talk to you a little bit more about creating those relationships with your attendings, 和你一起工作的医生, 以及你如何建立这些关系.

鲍勃栗: A lot of physicians and attendings have a lot of interesting stuff that they're doing. 除了练习之外,他们还会做研究. 显然他们还有其他的事情要做. And so a great way to get involved and get to know a physician is to get involved with the research that they're doing.
一般来说,他们非常热衷于分享. 他们很高兴有人对他们正在做的事情感兴趣. And so that's a great way to establish and also to prove to them that you are someone who can buckle down, 得到结果, and that you're willing to put in a strong effort on someone else's behalf.

面试官: During your rotations in third and fourth year you are usually working with that doctor from maybe a week. How do you create a lasting impression on that doctor's mind that they can come back and write you a letter of recommendation, 或者只是做一个伟大的导师? 你是如何在这么短的时间内产生影响的?

鲍勃栗: 通常, I think you can get to know someone and have them get a good feel for you in a lot less than a week as well. An example for that would be during third year while you're on your pediatric rotation you rotate with a new attending every single day, 有时早上和下午是不同的. And a fair amount of students don't like this because they feel like it's not enough time for an attending to really make a good evaluation of them.
But my personal experience was that the best evaluations I got and the most personalized evaluations I got actually came from those physicians during that time.

面试官: Do you think those physicians looked more towards your competency within the workplace and your skills, 更重要的是你是一个怎样的人?

鲍勃栗: You know, I think it's both; and so I think that to a certain level you do have to prove yourself. 大发娱乐常常陷入想要了解一切的困境, 给人一种大发娱乐无所不知的感觉, but I think many people respect you being willing to put yourself out there, with you being willing to be comfortable with being uncomfortable and pushing the limits of what 你知道. 当你说“我不知道”的时候,很多人会尊重你.

面试官: 很酷的.

鲍勃栗: So I would argue that someone can actually get to know you very well if you go there and you're engaged, and they can see that you're trying to learn and you're trying to put the best foot forward.

面试官: 为什么你会觉得有一天你可以, 和一个人相处一个小时,你就能给人留下这样的印象?

鲍勃栗: Honestly I think there's a certain advantage to being there for just one day, 因为你不需要每天24小时都积极主动, 但实际上你只有4个小时的时间, 也许5个小时, 你可以在5个小时内保持异常状态.

面试官: How do you negotiate the line between trying too hard and seeming like that gunner with your attending physicians versus just being yourself and being that proactive student that doesn't look like a crazy?

鲍勃栗: You're right; it is a fine line. And I've seen it in myself as well as other students where we want to be relaxed. 大发娱乐想做自己, 所以大发娱乐要做一个病人报告, 大发娱乐会故意让它成为一个松散的病人展示, because we don't want it to look like it's been memorized and been rehearsed.
When really if we wanted to make it more formal we could; and it took me several months of third year to realize, 你知道, 我应该把这些写得更正式些. I'm the one who is watering these presentations down and really delivering a little bit lower than what I could, 因为我告诉自己,这才是做我自己.
所以有一次我把这个想法搁置了, I started pushing myself to include a little bit more in my presentations, be more assertive about wanting to include another tidbit that I had learned when reading about the patient, really demonstrating that I knew the patient better; but doing it because I do have a genuine interest and it's okay to let that genuine interest show.

面试官: 感谢您对第三年的深刻见解. Is there anything else we should know about how to impress your attending physician, 或者如何与医生建立持久的关系?

鲍勃栗: A great thing to do is to allow your physician to see that you are present in your patient care. 所以对很多学生来说,一个难点就是你的手机. 你的手机是一个很棒的资源. 你可以在手机上查找毒品和其他东西. 它可以大发娱乐你做很多事情, but it does look like you're texting someone when you're using your phone.
And some attendings will be very proactive about this and they'll tell you to not use your phones or they'll actually have you switch your phone into . . . 我不知道模式是什么, 但这是一种不能打电话的模式, 或者发短信. 所以要意识到这一点.
另一件事是在做病人报告的时候, 如果你看过文献, 如果你查过一篇论文, I think that it's very helpful to print out that paper and to go through it and then on the back of that paper summarize it very briefly in your own words, 这样主治医生就能看到你不仅找到了这张纸, but you've actually digested it and you are now interpreting it for the benefit of this patient.

记录: 大发娱乐是你每天的科学指南, 谈话, medicine; this is 范围, 犹他大学健康科学电台.