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Top 5 Reasons for ER Visits

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Top 5 Reasons for ER Visits

May 07, 2014

Emergency physician Dr. 特洛伊·马德森分析了人们去急诊室的五个最常见的原因. 他谈到了什么时候去看急诊室,什么时候去看紧急护理或初级保健医生. 他还建议,当涉及到身体的某些疼痛时,宁可谨慎也不要犯错.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: Top five reasons people might end up in the ER. 想想你认为它们可能是什么,你将在接下来的节目中找到答案.

Intro: 来自犹他大学医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to The Scope.

Interviewer: One of the top five reasons people come in the ER. We're with Dr. 特洛伊·马德森,大发娱乐急诊室医生. 大发娱乐来看看有人可能会进急诊室的五大原因. Number five.

Dr. Troy Madsen: This is based on actual research we've done. 所以大发娱乐研究了来到急诊室的病人, and we try to quantify why did they actually come in. 排名第五的原因是背部疼痛,这通常是急性背部损伤. 也许他们扭伤了背,或者只是站错了,或者发生了什么事. Or sometimes it's chronic back pain. 这是他们多年来的痛苦,他们来急诊室就是为了这个.

Interviewer: Let me ask you one question further. Is that a reason to go to the ER? Should you go to urgent care?

Dr. Troy Madsen: It is a reason to go to urgent care. 来急诊室的原因是如果你有任何膀胱或肠道问题, like, where you just cannot urinate or you can't hold it, like, 你只会尿在自己身上因为那样大发娱乐会更担心脊髓受压.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Troy Madsen: 去急诊室的另一个原因是背部受伤, like, direct trauma to the back, something that could cause a fracture.

Interviewer: All right.

Dr. Troy Madsen: Again, another reason to go to the ER.

Interviewer: But just a pain or an ache?

Dr. Troy Madsen: Yeah. 就是疼痛,尤其是这些慢性疼痛. 这可能是一个更好的理由去看你的初级保健医生.

Interviewer: All right. Number four. Reasons people might end up in the ER.

Dr. Troy Madsen: Number four reason is coughing and congestion. A lot of upper respiratory symptoms. So they just got a cold. They're just feeling kind of miserable. Maybe they have a fever along with this, 但这在急诊科很常见.

Interviewer: Just the kind of coughing that doesn't stop? I could never imagine going just because I'm coughing.

Dr. Troy Madsen: Yeah. 当大发娱乐浏览这个列表时,你会发现一件事, 你会发现很多你无法想象去急诊室的事情. 但当我想到我开始在急诊室工作时,这是最让我惊讶的事情. 这是很多大发娱乐经常看到的更小的事情, but, you know, I think people get very concerned. They may just have really, quite honestly, just a cold. 但不管出于什么原因,他们担心可能会发生更严重的事情.

Interviewer: Again, coughing. 这是去急诊室的原因还是更紧急的护理情况?

Dr. Troy Madsen: 去看急诊或看初级保健医生是件好事.

Interviewer: All right.

Dr. Troy Madsen: 例外情况是如果你有潜在的免疫系统疾病或者你正在接受化疗, 任何你发烧的地方都会更令人担忧,这是去急诊室的一个原因.

Interviewer: Or you just can't breathe.

Dr. Troy Madsen: Exactly. Yeah.

Interviewer: All right.

Dr. Troy Madsen: 如果你只是没有呼吸,你的肺部因为哮喘或类似的疾病而非常紧张.

Interviewer: Top five reasons people come into the ER. Number three.

Dr. Troy Madsen: Number three is chest pain. 大发娱乐见过很多胸痛,这绝对是要去急诊室的. 这是一件非常令人担忧的事情,尤其是在老年人中. Once people start to get into their 50's or even older, and especially if you have risk factors for heart disease. If you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, any family history of heart attacks, it's absolutely a reason to come to the ER, and it's one of the more common things we see.

Interviewer: Number two.

Dr. Troy Madsen: Number two is trauma and orthopedic injuries. We certainly see a lot of people after car accidents, 被救护车带进来的人和自己走进来的人,要么在事故现场被救护车看到,要么被救护车释放,但因为疼痛而自己开车进来. Or people who have traumatic injuries from falls, from orthopedic injuries such as twisting their knee, hurting their legs, you know. 所以大发娱乐大发娱乐讨论的是一系列的创伤,非常严重. 这些东西,你知道,可能是更多的扭伤或拉伤. Things like that.

Interviewer: 有没有一种方法可以让病人自己判断是否有, again, 他们应该去急诊或急诊室?

Dr. Troy Madsen: You know, my general rule of thumb is, "If it's something that's from a car accident, and it involves your spine, your chest, or your abdomen, these are things to go to the ER for. 如果你的膝盖扭伤了,但你可以在上面施加一些重量, 即使你在体重上有困难, still, it's a great thing to go to an urgent care for."

Interviewer: All right. Top five reasons people come into the ER. Number two.

Dr. Troy Madsen: It works up to number one.

Interviewer: Oh. Top five reasons people come into the ER. Number one.

Dr. Troy Madsen: Number one. 令人惊讶的是,大发娱乐看病的首要原因和大多数病人都是腹痛. 大约有25%的病人是因为胃痛才去的. They may have had some nausea, some vomiting, maybe some diarrhea, maybe just some cramping, 或者可能是更严重的疾病,比如阑尾炎或胆囊炎, which is their gall bladder being infected. So we see kind of a full spectrum of things there as well, 但这是大发娱乐在急诊室看到的第一件事.

Interviewer: And the same question, 我怎么知道这可能只是一个紧急护理或初级保健医生的问题,而不是进入急诊室?

Dr. Troy Madsen: Yeah, and this is always kind of a tough one, but I often, you know, 更严重的问题是腹部在右侧. So the right lower side is your appendix. The right upper side is your gall bladder. If you're a lot of pain in those places, if you push in there and it hurts, and even more concerning if when you release, it hurts even worse, those are signs that you should probably go to the ER.
But, again, 有些事情他们可能会在紧急护理中看到你, or if your doctor could get you in that same day, they can probably see you and evaluate you.

Interviewer: 如果你还在犹豫,你能不能先给什么地方打个电话?

Dr. Troy Madsen: Usually, calling your doctor's office might be helpful. 有时这有点困难,因为你可能没有和你的医生交谈. 你可能只是在和接电话的人说话. 这有点难,但看看你能做什么.

Interviewer: All right. So just use your best judgment?

Dr. Troy Madsen: Yes. Use your best judgment. If you're concerned, come into the ER. 我认为从这个列表中得到的最重要的一点是如果你来到急诊室,你认为它没有那么严重, trust me, 有些人的病情远没有你严重. 所以宁可谨慎,也不要因为需要去急诊室而感到羞耻.

Outro: We're your daily dose of science, conversation, medicine. 大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学电台的Scope.