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Clinical Trials Another Option for Cancer Patients

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Clinical Trials Another Option for Cancer Patients

Jun 18, 2014

在亨斯迈癌症研究所,参与晚期癌症治疗的临床试验已成为许多患者的“常态”. Dr. Sharma explains that for patients who have exhausted other available therapies, clinical trials may show promise. This segment of The Scope explores the pros and cons, the costs, 患者可以在大发娱乐找到更多关于犹他州和世界各地的临床试验的信息, specific to their particular situations.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: 在你的癌症治疗中你对是否存在临床试验感兴趣. What do you need to know? We'll examine that next on The Scope. 来自犹他大学医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过上更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to The Scope.

Let's talk about clinical trials for treatment of diseases such as cancer. 有很多这样的人,但你可能会想,“我怎么能参与其中呢??" We're with Dr. Sharma from Huntsman Cancer Institute. 如果有人对临床试验有兴趣因为他们得了某种癌症他们会怎么做? Where do you even start?

Dr. Sharma: 这是一个复杂的话题,患者当然会感到困惑,有很多问题. I think there are a couple of different ways to do this. One is if they are currently being treated by an oncologist. 美国的大多数肿瘤学家实际上都很了解临床试验, so that would be a starting point. 另一个起点是电子媒体,大发娱乐拥有的美妙的电子媒体. I would point at two different sources. 一个是,如果你能上亨茨曼癌症研究所的网站大发娱乐有非常清晰的描述哪些临床试验是可用的, the descriptions, and all of the different kind of selections. 患者可以选择自己的癌症类型,并在亨茨曼癌症研究所搜索可能可用的临床试验.

临床试验信息的另一个重要来源是一个名为clinicaltrials的网站.gov or gov, which is actually run by the National Cancer Institute. Patients can actually search for clinical trial information around the country, 世界各地的人在这个网站上通过不同的搜索词使用自己的癌症类型或其他类型的关键词,可以得到很多信息.

Interviewer: Aren't clinical trials dangerous?

Dr. Sharma: Clinical trials in general it's been shown, I'm restricting my comments to the cancer clinical trials, are generally not dangerous. Clinical trials are different phases. Phase 1 trials would be the earliest form of clinical trials. Phase 3 trials or Phase 4 trials are the later forms of clinical trials. 当大发娱乐从第一阶段试验到第三阶段时大发娱乐在人类身上获得了越来越多的特定药剂的经验. Obviously you would de-risk, or have less risk potentially once there is more experience with the patients, however, 在过去的20到30年里对所有癌症临床试验的回顾表明产生严重副作用的几率小于1%.

Interviewer: Wow, okay. Do most people, then, 发现即使在第一阶段的试验中,治疗癌症的权衡也超过了任何副作用?

Dr. Sharma: There are pros and cons to participating in, for instance, a phase one trial. The pros, of course, 是不是在很多情况下病人已经用尽了其他正常的治疗方法能够获得更新的临床试验药物这显然是有利的. 参与第一阶段临床试验的另一个好处是总的来说病人得到了非常好的医疗照顾因为大发娱乐对病人进行了密切的监测. The cons of participating in a clinical trial, like an early phase clinical trial, 患者是否会面临更高的未知副作用风险尽管大发娱乐尽了最大努力将其最小化. In most cases we're able to do that. There is a risk, potentially, of having some unknown side effects that would have to be taken care of.

Interviewer: 如果有人在进行临床试验,这是否意味着这是他们唯一的治疗方法? Do they have to give that up in lieu of getting standard treatment?

Dr. Sharma: No, absolutely not. This another thing that is very, very important for us to point out. In a lot of cases a clinical trial itself can incorporate standard of care. In other cases it might be appropriate once they've exhausted standard of care. 标准护理治疗非常重要,大发娱乐真正关注的是确保患者有全方位的选择以及每种方法的优缺点. 参与临床试验不会以任何方式影响标准护理治疗的大发娱乐提供.

Interviewer: What's the cost? Is that something that the person's going to have to pay out of pocket, or does insurance cover clinical trials?

Dr. Sharma: This is a great question, actually, 因为在美国大多数时候临床试验有两种不同的费用. 一个是与药物和专门测试相关的费用,他们必须对这些病人进行监测. 这些都包括在临床试验本身,所以病人不负责这些. The second part of the cost is what we call usual medical care, 不管他们是否参加了临床试验他们都会收到哪些药物. Those have to be borne through their insurance companies. 总的来说,大发娱乐没有发现参加临床试验以任何方式增加了患者的成本.

Interviewer: 还有其他想法吗,如果涉及到临床试验,有人对这条路感兴趣吗?

Dr. Sharma: 我认为大多数癌症领域的临床试验都是主流癌症治疗的一部分,因为, unfortunately, 大发娱乐对晚期病人的很多药物治疗都无法治愈, 所以大发娱乐迫切需要亨茨曼癌症研究所的临床试验有更高的参与率. 大约17%到20%的患者参加了临床试验这是一个非常高的比例. Nationally the rate is 3 to 5%, 所以大发娱乐当然鼓励病人看看并探索他们所有的选择,临床路线是否适合他们的特殊情况可以确定.

Our aim is to bring clinical trials to the community as well, 所以大发娱乐正在与山间癌症护理项目合作,将临床试验带到社区. 大发娱乐在亨茨曼癌症研究所有一系列非常好的临床试验, 他们当然可以找自己的肿瘤医生或者来大发娱乐寻求关于参与或适合自己情况的意见.

Announcer: We're your daily does of science, conversation and medicine. This is The Scope, University of Utah Health Sciences Radio.