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High Fives to Improve Life for Children with Autism

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High Fives to Improve Life for Children with Autism


一个简单的心态改变可以极大地改善自闭症儿童的生活质量. Joseph Viskochil谈到了自闭症儿童的父母和兄弟姐妹如何成为一个“击掌的家庭”,创造一个积极的环境. 他给出了一些做出这种改变的建议,并建议对这种新模式进行进一步研究的资源


面试官: 一个非常简单的心态改变就能让你的自闭症孩子的生活质量大不相同. We'll tell you what that change of mindset is next on 范围.

播音员: 来自犹他大学医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to 范围.

面试官: 在与自闭症患者打交道时,有一种新的思维方式叫做基于力量的视角, and it's one of these things that is, 就像, ‘哇. 真的? We didn't think of this earlier?“但如果你有一个患有自闭症的孩子,它会让你的生活质量大不相同。. We're talking with Joseph Viskochil, 大发娱乐来谈谈这种基于力量的观点,以及它能带来的不同. 但 before we do that, let's go to what the thinking was before. It was something called the Deficit Model.

约瑟夫Viskochil: 正确的. 所以赤字思维模式在大发娱乐的社会中根深蒂固. We look at what is wrong with the person. We look at what the person needs to improve on. 大发娱乐将这个人的行为与他们的同龄人和全国各地的其他人进行比较. 为什么这个人没有在他本可以成功的领域取得成功? What could we do to change those deficits?

面试官: And that's for everybody?

约瑟夫Viskochil: That's for everybody.

面试官: 好吧. 这有什么不好??

约瑟夫Viskochil: 这样做的结果是,它往往会把你的注意力集中在个人所缺乏的东西上. If, 说, I wanted to go play basketball in the NBA, we would all be able to see you're too short, 你不能跳, 你跑不快, and you can't make shots. 所有 these things that you can't do takes me to a perspective of, 'Oh, this is never going to happen for me.“这真的让我失去了享受打篮球的希望. Whereas if you look at the 积极的s, the strengths that an individual has, 它会让你产生希望,有一天你将能够做所有你真正喜欢做的事情.

面试官: So maybe the strength is, 'I'm really great at passing, I have amazing ball control, and I can steal it from anybody.'

约瑟夫Viskochil: 我赶紧. 我付出了百分之百,这不是每个NBA球员都能说的,这是肯定的.

面试官: So this is a new way of thinking for individuals with autism? The deficit model; where did that come from in the first place?

约瑟夫Viskochil: 好吧, 大发娱乐治疗医学疾病或精神疾病的方法是, 'Where is the problem and what can we do to fix that problem?这都是关于问题识别分析,然后解决问题,而有些问题更容易解决, such as a bacterial infection. OK. Let's use the Deficit Model there. We focus on what's wrong, and we try to treat it. 相反, 如果大发娱乐严格从思维缺陷模型来看,有很多行为倾向, 这真的很难. You're fighting tooth and nail to make any sort of behavioral progress. 但如果你换个角度,如果你关注这个人的积极行为, 它可以真正起飞,把你的生活质量带到一个新的高度.

面试官: 这看起来很简单,但这是一个相对较新的概念.

约瑟夫Viskochil: For some reason, it is a relatively new concept. 在某些圈子里, we do focus on their 积极的s, 说, for typically developing children, we look at what they do well, and we try to force them into that route. That's where parents of phenomenally young athletes really pressure them; into playing that they're good at and pushing them. For kids on the spectrum, 这种模式还没有发展到你把太多的注意力集中在别人的积极方面,你把所有的注意力都集中在那里,因为你太忙着纠正缺点了.

面试官: 所以有些人可能会说,这种“Rah, Rah, cis, boom, bah”,这种欢呼,“每个人都是赢家。. You're doing everything fantastic,' approach might be detrimental. Is that the case or not?

约瑟夫Viskochil: 确定. This is the common argument; if everyone gets a medal, then no one is special. 但 that's not really what we're trying to target. We're not 说ing at one individual event. We're 说ing as a global perspective, viewing a child at what they can do and what their strengths are in, 没必要每次他们做对了就给他们奖杯, but really becoming more optimistic, 积极的, 培养这种积极的感觉,让一个人度过成长的岁月.

面试官: Who developed this way of thinking? 再说一次,这听起来很简单,大发娱乐都能想到,但大发娱乐没有.

约瑟夫Viskochil: 我见到的第一个对自闭症患者非常支持这个的父母是我的朋友, 克莱恩·尤迪[SP]. 他告诉我,当他儿子还小的时候,他们拼命想要解决所有的问题, it really wasn't going anywhere. When you focus on the deficits, that's all you see. 当你看到的都是消极的东西时,你的整个世界观就变得消极了. 但 if you flip it around, if you become a family of high fives and focus on the 积极的, that elevates your mood, the mood of your entire household, and it really creates the sense of well-being.

面试官: How can parents utilize this? Give me an example of how a parent with a child with autism or anybody. Actually, it sounds 就像 it's good for everybody.

约瑟夫Viskochil: It is good for everybody. The trick is to let yourself do this. 你几乎可以把所有的赤字都看作是你肩上的一只小苍蝇. Imagine that little fly on your shoulder and flick it off. Say, 'I'm not going to worry about that right now. Let's find something that we can celebrate in your son or daughter. Let's find something that can turn into a 积极的.'

面试官: Is it important to hone in on specifics?

约瑟夫Viskochil: The more specific the praise is, the better. 如果你能非常具体地赞美某件事,那比笼统地赞美要好. 所以说, 'I really 就像 how you made your bed this morning,而不是, 'Good job with your chores.' The more specific with the individual praise, the better. 但, 在一般情况下, 只关注, finding the 积极的s, 增加增援的数量和创造更积极的环境并不一定是单一的, 具体的事情.

面试官: 你会注意到这种行为的一些结果是什么?

约瑟夫Viskochil: 如果你受到表扬,让自己专注于自己成功的事情, that's going to open doors to become more successful in the future. If you feel successful, you're going to be more successful. This is a concept called Self Efficacy. If you think of yourself as being competent, able to do something, and able to succeed, 你更有可能成功,而如果你试图让自己从赤字的阴影中走出来, it's going to be so much harder. 你在泥石流中奋力向上攀登,而不是像往常那样徒步向上攀登.

面试官: 如果人们有兴趣了解更多,你能推荐什么资源吗? Maybe some key words or something?

约瑟夫Viskochil: 在谷歌上搜索基于力量的研究可能会给你带来很多. 但是,说真的,你要寻找的只是你自己的内心. This doesn't have to be something that you go externally for. This can be very introspective. 一天晚上. 花一分钟. 扪心自问,‘我是如何关注赤字的,我能做些什么来改变这一点? What are the 积极的s that I can focus on?' This can be very individualized and very personalized.

面试官: Does it feel silly at first when you start doing that?

约瑟夫Viskochil: It does, and you have to commit to it. You have to 说, 'This does feel kind of silly. This is definitely not the way my grandfather was raised. This is not tough love. This is not any of those concepts.但一旦你克服了最初的不情愿,它就会为你打开很多扇门.

播音员: We're your daily dose of science, conversation, medicine. This is 范围, the University of Utah Health Sciences Radio.