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Binge Eating Disorder is a disruptive condition characterized by repeated binge/purge cycles. Psychiatrist Jason Hunziker explains why the condition and other eating disorders may be a symptom of a deeper underlying mental disorder. 提示, effective treatment of the mental disorder can help to avert long-term physical problems often associated with obesity.


面试官: People with eating disorders experience severe disturbance in their eating patterns. It's important to remember that eating disorders are mental illnesses and the physical effects are the symptoms. 这就是下一期《大发娱乐》节目的内容.

播音员: Medical news and research from University of Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

面试官: Three percent of Americans suffer from binge eating disorder. 大发娱乐正在和Dr. Jason Hunziker, a psychiatrist at the University of Utah. Dr. Hunziker, what mental conditions can cause an eating disorder?

Dr. 杰森·亨泽尔: There are lots of mental illnesses that are associated with eating disruption or eating disorder for different reasons. An example would be somebody with schizophrenia gets very paranoid often, so they won't eat their food because they're afraid it's been poisoned. We have other people who are so anxious about allergies in food that they just won't eat, 所以他们对某些食物有特定的恐惧症. Some recent studies have shown that people with bipolar disorder and/or depression also struggle with eating disorder of a different type in which they binge eat.

面试官: 首先,什么是暴食?

Dr. 杰森·亨泽尔: Binge eating is when you're going along fine and you eat normal foods, then you have an episode in which you just can't get enough food. 不管你面前有什么,你都会尽情享用. 大多数情况下,它不是对你有好处的东西.

面试官: 总是.

Dr. 杰森·亨泽尔: 你吃了很多. Then, you eat to the point that you almost feel like you're going to burst. That leads to some people then going in and purging and getting rid of the food that they just ate.

面试官: So, 这和, 说, on a Saturday night I'm in front of a movie and I'm eating everything that's in my kitchen. 这是不同的. It's those people that do that but then feel guilty, and then they throw up afterwards. 对吗??

Dr. 杰森·亨泽尔: 这是正确的. 通常, with binge eating there is a number of times you need to participate in that event before it even gets classified as a binge eating disorder. 一周或一个月要有好几次. 那么,你就有暴食症的资格.

面试官: What exactly causes someone mentally to think okay, I need to throw up? Because when I eat too much and I'm full I just wait for the food to settle down.

Dr. 杰森·亨泽尔: Not everybody does throw up when they have the binge eating. 他们会怎么做, 虽然, is they use that food as some way to help comfort them for whatever's going on in their life. 通常,就像我说的,它与抑郁有关. 当人们伤心沮丧的时候...

面试官: 他们吃.

Dr. 杰森·亨泽尔: ...想吃东西. And, the same with bipolar disorder - when you're sad and you're down, you eat. 这给了他们一些安慰, 但同时它也会让人感到羞耻, 和内疚, 以及其他方面, 现在我的体重增加了, 现在我不瘦了. 这对他们来说是一个恶性循环.

面试官: We obviously know that we classify binge eating as an eating disorder which is a mental illness. 它还能引起什么其他的身体健康问题呢?

Dr. 杰森·亨泽尔: 这取决于这个过程持续多久. Clearly, binge eating is going to increase your weight. As your weight increases we know that affects all aspects of your body including your lungs, 你的心, and then the cardiovascular system and other physiologic effects that it can bring on. Type-2 diabetes in this country now is really expanding because of the obesity problem, and this would be another way to contribute to that problem.

面试官: 这很有趣. There are all these sorts of more severe diseases that can come from just binge eating.

Dr. 杰森·亨泽尔: 这是正确的.

面试官: 显然,你知道这是会发生的. 你要治疗它. Is it something that you physically and emotionally are maybe aware of, or do you need somebody to tell you I think there's a problem you need to go see a specialist?

Dr. 杰森·亨泽尔: 我认为有些人意识到了,有些人没有. I think if it's associated with your mood disorder that would be a time to get into your doctor and get on some medication for your depression, which often will help take care of those binge eating episodes. Sometimes the medication itself will help take care of that compulsion or drive to eat which some people just have. They just feel compelled to do it and they can't feel good unless they do it. 然后,他们做了之后感觉很糟糕. 这真是一个恶性循环. 药物通常会有所大发娱乐.
There are good therapies that can help with eating disorder as well. It's really important to understand the underlying cause, and if it's caused by another illness to make sure that you treat that illness so that you can then treat the binge eating.

面试官: 对暴饮暴食有什么最后的想法吗?

Dr. 杰森·亨泽尔: I think that the important thing to do is for the patients and/or their families to recognize that the binge eating is a disruption to them, and that they get into talk to their doctor as soon as possible about what could be done to help them...

面试官: 因为它是可以治疗的.

Dr. 杰森·亨泽尔: ...因为它是可以治疗的.

播音员: We're your daily dose of science, conversation, medicine. 这是Scope. 犹他大学健康科学电台.