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Jun 30, 2014

对于患有肝病的患者来说,饮食可能是一个生死攸关的问题. Dr. Juan Gallegos谈到日常食物选择如何影响患病的肝脏. 他还大发娱乐提供了一些改善饮食和延长肝病患者生命的建议.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: You've been diagnosed with liver disease. How is that going to affect your diet? We'll talk about that next on The Scope.

Announcer: 来自犹他大学医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过上更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to The Scope.

Interviewer: 在你被诊断出患有肝病后,饮食的改变会有所不同. 大发娱乐来看看你现在应该吃什么,应该避免什么, with Doctor Juan Gallegos. 他是大发娱乐的肝脏专家. 请给大发娱乐讲讲饮食以及饮食对肝病的重要性.

Dr. Juan Gallegos: Thank you, Scot. 这是非常重要的,因为肝脏接受你通过口腔获得的大部分营养. 它会从小肠进入血液, then, that blood has to go and get through the liver. The liver cells, basically, detoxify your blood, and are very important in making proteins, making cholesterol, and it's basically like a chemical factory.

Interviewer: So, very important diet.

Dr. Juan Gallegos: Yes. 大多数时候,当我在诊所看到患有慢性肝病的病人时, my main recommendation for them is, first, 戒掉酒精,因为大发娱乐知道酒精对肝脏有直接的毒性作用. So, if somebody already has liver disease, 大发娱乐强烈建议他们戒酒,以免进一步损害肝脏. 如果他们的饮食有任何特别的改变,我建议他们尽量吃得健康. Meaning, have adequate portions of fruits and vegetables, trying to limit their simple sugars, like a lot of flour, and bread, things of that nature. The other main thing, 尤其是对患有晚期肝病的患者, something we call cirrhosis, 是限制他们的盐摄入量因为增加盐摄入量会导致肝脏疾病的并发症或并发症的恶化, such as fluid build up in the abdomen, which we call ascites, or swelling of the legs and arms.

Interviewer: And why does that happen?

Dr. Juan Gallegos: Well, 这是因为肝脏对维持血液中的蛋白质含量很重要, also, 维持血液中足够的盐分. So, when the liver isn't working well, 这些东西的不平衡导致人们血液中蛋白质含量低, 这使得大发娱乐血液中的水分更容易过滤掉, or go out of, 血管会留在组织中,导致腹水和肿胀.

Interviewer: Is it the same thing with sugar, as well?

Dr. Juan Gallegos: 这有一点不同,但肝脏确实与糖和新陈代谢密切相关. 因此,患有晚期肝病的人可能会有类似于糖尿病患者的糖问题.

Interviewer: So it sounds to me, essentially, 肝脏没有按照它应该做的方式工作你必须非常小心因为一个正常功能的肝脏可能会承受超负荷.

Dr. Juan Gallegos: Correct, that is true. 只是肝脏太高贵了,在它真正表现出问题之前,它会受到很多伤害. So, normally, people, when they get diagnosed, 它往往是在疾病过程的后期,这就是营养如此重要的地方.

Interviewer: All right. So we hear these things a lot. We hear nutrition is important. 大发娱乐听说你应该停止喝酒,因为它会影响你的肝脏. How important is it? 就像大发娱乐经常听到它一样,我认为很多人都忽略了它,所以给大发娱乐一些背景.

Dr. Juan Gallegos: Well, it is very important because we are what we eat, basically, and when you have a liver that's already damaged, or faulty, then, 你不想增加对肝脏的损害或者让事情变得更糟以及一些与肝脏疾病有关的症状. The other important part is the alcohol issue. 即使是与酒精无关的肝病患者, 大发娱乐知道肝脏会因酒精摄入而受损, so that's why we recommend, in those cases, not to drink alcohol.
But, 在那些因大量饮酒而肝脏受损的病人中, or now have what we call liver cirrhosis from alcohol, 对他们来说,停止他们的行为和停止饮酒是非常重要的,因为即将发生的事情, if they continue to drink alcohol, 他们的肝脏是否会变得更糟他们是否会达到肝功能衰竭的地步大发娱乐就没有办法再治疗他们了.

Interviewer: 但是一天喝一杯,这没什么大不了的,不是吗?

Dr. Juan Gallegos: 这对一个健康的人来说没什么大不了的,这是真的. In general, the recommendations are, for men, not to drink more than three or four drinks per day, and in women, as they are more sensitive to the effects of alcohol, 建议每天不超过两杯, but that's only for healthy people. In patients that have already liver disease, 大发娱乐的建议是没有最低安全的酒精摄入量, hence, we tend to be more strict and say "No alcohol for you."

Interviewer: 所以说到饮食和酒精,当你有肝病时,它会产生巨大的影响?

Dr. Juan Gallegos: It does. It makes a big difference. Of course, 另一个重要的部分是确保你得到适当的医疗服务大发娱乐提供者的照顾,并遵循建议, not only from a diet standpoint, but also if you're already on medications, to make sure that you follow those as well.

Interviewer: Like the difference of living and dying, living a great life and living a mediocre life; I mean how important are these things that we're talking about.

Dr. Juan Gallegos: 这是可能的,尤其是那些患有酒精性肝病的患者. Continued use of alcohol will definitely result in, not only a very bad life quality, but, also, a shortened life and those people look forward to, basically, 在很短的时间内躺在医院里奄奄一息. And patients that have their types of liver disease, it might not be as dramatic, but, certainly, 大发娱乐可以做的任何事情来延长他们的生命,提高他们的生活质量, I think, is very important.

Announcer: 大发娱乐是你的每日科学,对话,医学. This is The Scope. University of Utah Health Sciences Radio.