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Advancements in the treatment of cataracts tailor the procedure to better fit individual patients. Dr. Craig Chaya from the Moran Eye Center talks about how these options can improve quality of life. He also gives some details about what promising technologies lie on the horizon.


面试官: 如果你现在有白内障, it could be a whole different treatment plan than it was 15 or 20 years ago. 大发娱乐将在接下来的《大发娱乐提供》节目中详细介绍.

播音员: Medical news and research from University Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是“视野”.

面试官: 过去有一种治疗白内障的方法. Now there are a lot of different ways and it's actually very personalizable. 大发娱乐将和Dr. 我是莫兰眼科中心的克雷格·查亚. Let's talk about some of the treatment options for cataracts because it used to be real simple. 只有一件事是可以做的. 现在有很多东西. 有些人可能会考虑很多治疗方案.

Dr. 克雷格:查雅 正确的. 例如, there are a lot of patients with cataracts that actually suffer from astigmatism as well. Astigmatism is a curvature issue with the cornea and often times that needs to be corrected in order for patients to have their best vision. Some of those options include glasses after cataract surgery or sometimes we can do some certain types of incisions that we can make on the cornea to make it more round and spherical, 更规则的形状.

面试官: So actually while you're in there doing the surgery you might be able to do fix some of that other vision as well.

Dr. 克雷格:查雅 正确的. And now we've got these great lenses that not only reduce or eliminate the cataracts, 同时也有助于减少散光, 差不多是二送一. And that really for the patient helps to reduce the dependence on glasses.

面试官: 是的,这是一种治疗方法. 还有其他的治疗方案吗?

Dr. 克雷格:查雅 Some of the other treatment options are there are certain types of lenses that allow people to see both far away and up close without having to use glasses, really giving people independence from glasses and helping patients to be able to be more youthful so to speak in order to be able to enjoy their life, 而不是依赖眼镜来完成某些任务. So those lenses are what we call multifocal lenses and those can be a benefit for the certain type of patient that's really motivated to want to get out of their glasses, 他们愿意接受这一点.

面试官: 有点像双焦点镜片.

Dr. 克雷格:查雅 正确的,是的.

面试官: 是的.

Dr. 克雷格:查雅 We would call them multifocal lenses with this certain type of technology, so that's another advancement in technology that has been beneficial for many patients. Another one would be being able to just customize where we would put a lens. 我能想到一个特别喜欢躺在床上看书的病人. 那个人不想在床上戴着眼镜看书. So for that particular patient I chose a lens that allowed that patient to see clearly while reading and then that person decided to have glasses to be able to see far away. So that choice was really an individual decision that I could not make for that person without having . . . hear them tell me what their hobbies were, what their expectations were before and after surgery.

面试官: So it sounds like you ask a lot of those types of questions now to make sure that it fits their lifestyle.

Dr. 克雷格:查雅 我认为这很重要. 我认为你必须这么做. 否则,患者 . . . You put them in a possibility of being disappointed after a cataract surgery and I've had some. And part of that has stirred me to be more informative preoperatively to ask patients, “白内障手术后你会期待什么?? 之后你对镜片的期望是什么? 你的爱好是什么? 你喜欢做什么? 最终,很多病人说:“医生,帮我选. 我不知道该怎么办." But I think this conversation needs to take place ahead of time in order to be able to choose the appropriate lens for a patient.

面试官: So are there any other considerations when it comes to cataract procedures that somebody should be aware of?

Dr. 克雷格:查雅 Yes, in the several years there has been a new advancement in technology. Traditionally we've taken cataracts out by using ultrasound technology by breaking lens up into small pieces and then vacuuming it out, 但现在大发娱乐有了激光的大发娱乐. Lasers allow us to be a little bit more precise or actually a lot more precise than we can by our own hands. And lasers have been employed in cataract surgery to help soften the lens to make it easier to remove. So what would normally be a very difficult lens to remove in very challenging circumstances, laser cataract surgery may help us to make those changes and do those surgeries, 让它们更常规,对病人更安全.

面试官: 对,安全多了.

Dr. 克雷格:查雅 是的.

面试官: 地平线上还有什么让你兴奋的事情?

Dr. 克雷格:查雅 好吧, 圣杯是一种视力极佳的镜片, 近处和远处都有, 大发娱乐还在等待那个镜头. We don't have one that has really met all the different criteria for an excellent lens that can focus up close and far away with no decrement and quality of vision.

面试官: 是的,我能想象这是个挑战.

Dr. 克雷格:查雅 是啊,大家都很努力. 它确实是白内障手术的圣杯, 所以我认为大发娱乐比十年前更接近了.

面试官: 我不知道. 我想圣杯应该是史蒂夫·奥斯汀的仿生眼. 我想那会很简洁.

Dr. 克雷格:查雅 x射线视觉,这可能是下一个圣杯.

面试官: 是的, do you have any final thoughts for somebody that's facing some cataract surgery? 我认为你给出了一些很好的观点来考虑你的爱好是什么, 考虑一下你的生活方式. 其他东西?

Dr. 克雷格:查雅 我认为这很重要 for anybody that's undergoing cataract surgery or about to undergo cataract surgery to have a really deep conversation with their doctor to let them know what their expectations are because sometimes in a busy practice it may go unnoticed, or it maybe an issue where a doctor may assume that a patient wants a certain type of lens. But 我认为这很重要 for patients to know that there are options now. 这不是一刀切的. We really want to try to tailor make this cataract surgery for the individual.

播音员: 大发娱乐是你的每日科学,对话,医学. 大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学电台的“视野”节目.