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Top 3 Things an ER Doctor Needs

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Top 3 Things an ER Doctor Needs

Jul 02, 2014

急诊室里很少有无聊的事情,但听诊器的价值是多么的重要? Dr. 特洛伊·马德森描述了他经常面临的疯狂情况, 保持冷静以避免不堪重负的重要性, and why the modern tools used for making a prompt, accurate diagnosis are so vital.

Episode Transcript

Intro: 来自犹他大学医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to The Scope.

Interviewer: We're with Dr. 特洛伊·马德森,大发娱乐急诊室医学. Dr. 麦德森,我要用这个问题来为难你. 要做好你的工作,你必须具备哪三样东西? 如果其他一切都被拿走,你只剩下三样东西, what three things would you pick?

Dr. Troy Madsen: Are we talking tools or skills?

Interviewer: Either. I think that's interesting. Let's start with tools.

Dr. Troy Madsen: Okay so we'll start with tools first. So we're talking specifically emergency medicine.

Interviewer: Yes.

Dr. Troy Madsen: Like working in an ER.

Interviewer: So is a stethoscope, would that be one of them?

Dr. Troy Madsen: You know it's funny. I'm not going to say it is.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Troy Madsen: Because I can do my job without a stethoscope.

Interviewer: All right.

Dr. Troy Madsen: But I need an x-ray.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Troy Madsen: 我绝对需要x光来有效地完成我的工作,因为我在处理骨折和受伤时看到的很多东西,你知道我可以看着它,然后说, "It might be broken,“但要知道是哪种骨折,我真的需要x光检查. So that is an absolute essential in emergency medicine.
The other one is a CT scanner. So kind of like an x-ray. 这是大发娱乐承受了很多压力的原因,因为人们会说,“哦,急诊室医生只是扫描所有东西." But we do! 你知道,当你谈到头部受伤时,我可以看着别人说, "Yeah, 你可能有脑出血,但我需要一个CT扫描仪来弄清楚.
The other thing is abdominal pain. That's the most common thing we see. 我可以做一些血液检查我可以检查病人,然后说, "Well, yeah, your risk of appendicitis is maybe 10 to 15% but, you know, 通常唯一能理清头绪的方法就是CT扫描.
And then, you know, probably the third tool I need, 我真正需要的第三件事是血液检查. 大发娱乐需要能够做实验室工作,这也是大发娱乐在梳理问题方面所做的重要工作. 对于阑尾炎,我需要检查他们的白细胞计数. 很多时候我需要检查他们的电解质和肾功能.
So if I had to say, you know, 作为一名急诊医生,我真正需要做的三件事是什么,以实践现代医学,并有效地完成我的工作, 这可能是我需要的三个最重要的工具.

Interviewer: Interesting. Everything else is just frosting for you. It makes life a little easier maybe.

Dr. Troy Madsen: It's helpful, you know. Ultrasound is very helpful. We use ultrasound a lot. 但如果我只是在一个地方,我说,“我需要什么东西?“如果我必须在超声波和CT扫描仪之间做出选择, 我知道我的一些喜欢超声波的同事会因此批评我, 但我会选择扫描仪,因为我不能用超声波检查一个人的大脑,看看那里是否有出血.

Interviewer: Gotcha.

Dr. Troy Madsen: So I'd choose the CT scanner.

Interviewer: What about skills? 你认为自己最重要的三项技能是什么?

Dr. Troy Madsen: 这是一个很好的问题,因为在急诊医学中,它确实需要一套独特的技能. And number one is multitasking. You know, 两天前我还在急诊室工作,我看了一下,在之前的30分钟里,我照顾了8个新病人. And I looked and I had 20 total patients under my care. 大发娱乐说的不是咳嗽和流鼻涕的病人. 大发娱乐说的是中风,心脏病发作,非常严重的腹痛,非常复杂的病人. So you really have to be able to multitask.
我认为第二点就是保持冷静. 这可能是我工作中最有意义的事情之一就是能够走进一种情况就在两天前我也遇到过这样的情况人们只是有点惊慌,有点像, "Well, what are we going to do?" you know.
And you just walk in, 你要控制局面,而不是像对人发号施令那样控制局面,而是非常冷静地说, "Okay, first let's do this. Next we'll do this. And here we'll do this.“当你能在那种情况下行走并做到这一点时,真的会有所不同.
And then I think the third one is just, you know, 试着控制自己的情绪,这很难做到. And, you know, when I say emotions under control, you know, we're talking number one, 不要生气,因为有些人在其他情况下,甚至在急诊室,会让你真的很生气.
当有人进来想要毒品的时候你会跟他们说, "Hey, I'm concerned about this. 你经常去急诊室想弄到麻醉剂," they call you all sorts of names. 他们告诉你你有多可怕,他们会打电话给医院管理层,这是你慢慢学会的东西. That's a tough thing and it's a tough thing emotionally.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Dr. Troy Madsen: 然后是与坏结果相关的情绪. 你知道,不好的事情发生了,你尽你所能去阻止它. 它会影响你的情绪,这是我工作中很难做到的,但你会尽你所能, you try not to, you know, 划分得太多,但你必须在一定程度上这样做才能有效.

Interviewer: 你最希望做的一件事是把工作做得更好?

Dr. Troy Madsen: I wish I had more patience. 是的,有时候你需要更多的耐心,你知道,很多时候. Sometimes, yeah. 我希望我有更多的耐心,我妻子也经常提醒我这一点,所以.

Outro: 大发娱乐是你的每日科学,对话,医学. 大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学电台的Scope.