研究 to Help Diabetics With Hypoglycemia Unawareness

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研究 to Help Diabetics With Hypoglycemia Unawareness


糖尿病患者的生活已经够艰难的了,但那些服药控制症状的人可能会出现低血糖, 或者低血糖, that if left untreated can lead to, 癫痫发作, 昏迷甚至死亡. While most diabetics experience warning symptoms, such as shakiness or hunger, 20% of type 1 diabetics do not, 这意味着他们不知道他们需要采取行动将血糖提高到安全水平. Dr. 西蒙·费雪, co-director of the Diabetes and Metabolism Center at the University of Utah, describes hypoglycemia unawareness and his search for drugs to alleviate the problem. He also explains why support from nonprofit organizations such as JDRF, which supports his work, has become increasingly important in recent years.


面试官: 许多糖尿病患者都经历过血糖水平的危险波动,但问题是复杂的,他们甚至不知道发生了什么. Dr. 西蒙·费舍尔解释了他在JDRF支持下对抗低血糖无意识的研究.

播音员: Examining the latest research and telling you about the latest breakthroughs. The Science and 研究 Show is on 范围.

面试官: 我正在和医生谈话. 西蒙·费雪是犹他大学糖尿病和代谢中心的联合主任. Dr. Fisher,在大发娱乐开始研究之前我想谈谈非营利组织的作用. 你的工作是由JDRF资助的,我想大发娱乐会越来越熟悉其他可见的活动,比如ALS冰桶挑战. It seems that these organizations are becoming more prominent these days.

Dr. 费雪: As you know the National Institute of Health, our Federal Government, is under a lot of financial restraint and they're very selective of giving out money, and money's tight all around, 因此,来自国家卫生研究院的实际资金增长率并没有跟上研究的步伐. So there's an incredibly important role and we rely on agencies to fund our research. So the JDRF focuses on Type I Diabetes based research. Everyone has their own interest, personal connections to family members who may have this disease, and I guess we're talking about diabetes, 对他们来说,让他们感觉到他们正在做的事情会导致更好的治疗或治愈,这是非常重要的, 可以说,每个机构都有自己的议程,这使得他们可以把钱花在他们认为需要的地方.

面试官: 您最近获得的JDRF资助用于支持您调查糖尿病相关并发症的研究. 所以它源于一个矛盾的观察糖尿病导致高血糖水平但糖尿病的一个主要问题是低血糖, 或者低血糖, 这是怎么发生的??

Dr. 费雪: 因为大发娱乐对糖尿病的治疗越来越好,越来越积极,试图使血糖降至正常水平,甚至低于正常水平低血糖的发病率, that's low blood sugar, has now eclipsed that of high blood sugars in terms of hospital admissions. People are coming in now because we're treating them more and more aggressively. These low blood sugar reactions can be mild, I mean they happen every day, or every other day for people who have tightly controlled blood sugars.
问题是,随着这种情况越来越多,他们就有出现神经问题的风险. 再一次。, 随着时间的推移,你抵抗低血糖的能力会受到损害,你的大脑几乎完全依靠血糖运转,所以当你的血糖下降时,你的大脑开始出现功能问题, 可悲的是. 你得到, it can be as mild as a confused, 有点迷失方向, but it can cause people to pass out if your blood sugar gets low enough. 如果你的血糖太低,可能会导致癫痫发作,大发娱乐最近发表的一项研究表明,低血糖实际上是致命的. If your blood sugar is low enough for long enough people die.

面试官: 哇. Now normally people know when they're becoming hypoglycemic, right? There are different warning signs that the body give you?

Dr. 费雪: 所以你可以想象当你的血糖变低,你的大脑停止运作时,这是一种逃避或对抗压力的反应. Your brain activates your adrenaline, 你肾上腺素, 你去甲肾上腺素, other hormones in your body help bring your blood sugar back up. What I'm studying in our laboratory is hypoglycemia unawareness. 你的身体不会收到这些传统的警告信号,你不会感到饥饿. 例如, 你不走, "Gee my blood sugar is low," and go get something to eat, go grab a glass of orange juice, 等等
Nocturnal, that is night time; low blood sugar is particularly dangerous. 患有糖尿病和低血糖的人不知道的人不会在半夜醒来. 这就导致了不幸的“死在床上”综合症,这听起来很可怕.

面试官: 显然,这是一个非常严重的问题,你的方法是在动物模型中进行研究.

Dr. 费雪: 正确的, that's the novel part about our research, is we've now created an animal model to investigate hypoglycemia unawareness. 这对很多人来说是一个窍门, many years is how do you get an animal model to respond hypoglycemia unawareness? In humans it's easy you say, "Do you recognize that your blood sugar is low?" And we lower their blood sugar and they say, “是的,我感觉很糟糕,我走了, "Okay you're aware of hypoglycemia."
对于长期患有糖尿病的人如果大发娱乐把他们的血糖降低到一个较低的水平,他们会说, "No I don't feel anything at all." They're by definition hypoglycemia unaware. 你不能问老鼠...

面试官: 不,我想没有.

Dr. 费雪: ...if they're, how they're feeling. So what we've done is we've modeled this by saying, "What is going to help somebody if their blood sugar is low?" Basically they need to go and get food. 所以大发娱乐要做的就是测量大发娱乐的老鼠在血糖低的时候吃了多少食物, 在大发娱乐的模型中大发娱乐所做的是让目前处于低血糖状态的老鼠, similar to patients that take insulin every day, 如果他们的血糖在某一天或第二天变得很低他们就很有可能在第二天发生低血糖而没有意识这就是在大发娱乐的老鼠身上发生的情况.

面试官: 所以得到食物的老鼠意识到,至少在潜意识里意识到他们的低血糖状况. The rats that don't eat are hypoglycemic unaware.

Dr. 费雪: 正确的, and so what the JDRF has, the goal of their research is to say, "Well what we can do to make people more aware?" So essentially what we're doing is a drug screen. 大发娱乐给这些老鼠注射了许多不同种类的药物作用于中枢神经系统, these rats that we've made hypoglycemia unaware, and then we're seeing which drug is really going to make them say, "Oh geez I feel horrible I've got to go eat,“任何可以大发娱乐他们决定去吃东西的药物都是一种增强低血糖意识的药物.

面试官: 我注意到在你们的药物筛选中你们筛选的是已经被FDA批准用于其他疾病的药物. 有什么理由让你选择这种方法而不是通过新化合物进行筛选吗?

Dr. 费雪: There are several reasons. One is, technically it's easier. 这些药物都是FDA批准的,所以大发娱乐可以把它们从货架上拿下来,然后把它们扔到老鼠身上,看看它们是否有效. 其次, 从实际的角度来看,如果大发娱乐想尽快给病人治疗,如果大发娱乐发现在老鼠身上有明显疗效的药物,大发娱乐可以立即进行临床试验,因为这些药物已经得到了FDA的批准, we can accelerate the pace of research and get it into people sooner rather than later.

面试官: 你认为通过筛选并使药物进入临床试验的实际时间框架是什么.

Dr. 费雪: 所以很明显,这些研究需要先在老鼠身上进行然后大发娱乐可能会在大型动物模型上进行然后大发娱乐可以相对较快地进入人体模型. 这就是为什么, 再一次,我试着利用我的临床经验,看看那些被送往医院的患有严重低血糖的人, they were driving their car, they passed out because their blood sugar was so low they crashed, they took away their license, 作为一名糖尿病专家,我想让他们恢复功能,过上正常的生活. 我希望我的研究能有一个转化的方面,这样我就可以把药物带到人类身上,让他们受益,让他们活得充实, 有意义的, 和富有成效的生活.

播音员: Interesting, informative, and all in the name of better health. This is 范围 Health Sciences Radio.