Think Before You Drink: Alcohol Affects Men & 女人是不同的

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Think Before You Drink: Alcohol Affects Men & 女人是不同的


What do the strong female leads of many television shows have in common? At the end of the day they're often shown with a large glass of wine. Dr. Kirtly Jones says that heavy alcohol consumption often has worse consequences for women than for men. She presents the case for limiting your intake and thinking before drinking.


Dr. 琼斯: What do the following TV shows have in common; Rizzoli & Isles, The 关闭r, Scandal, Castle, and the Good Wife? I'll tell you soon, next, on 范围.

播音员: Medical news and research from University Utah physicians and specialists you can use, for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

Dr. 琼斯: Data from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism says 68% of women in this country, have at least one alcoholic drink a year. 没什么大不了的. But 14% have more than 7 drinks a week, and that would probably include our TV heroine's. Moderate drinking is no more than one drink a day for women. Thirteen percent of American women are heavy drinkers. 那么问题是什么呢?

Well, women metabolize alcohol entirely different than men. One drink on an empty stomach can create an alcohol level that increases the risk of death while driving in women, 但对男人来说不是这样. One drink a day can increase the risk of breast cancer; more than taking hormones in the menopause in women, 但对男人来说不是这样. Women drinkers are more likely than men to develop liver disease. Women drinkers are more likely than men to get alcohol related brain changes. Women drinkers are more likely than men to get alcohol related 心脏病 and 中风s. The number of female drivers involved in alcohol related fatal traffic crashes is going up; even as the number of male drivers involved in such crashes has decreased.

喝酒的女性比男性少, 然而, 最严重的饮酒者, women equal or surpass men in the number of problems that come from their drinking. 例如, female alcoholics have death rates 50 to 100% higher, 比男性酗酒者要多, 包括自杀死亡, 与酒精有关的事故, 心脏病, 中风, 和肝硬化.

So why are these beautiful, smart, tough 30 something, female heroines drink? They have very stressful lives and it seems like they drink to deal with the stress in their lives. In that respect they're like a lot of us. Our lives are stressful and we may self-medicate with alcohol to deal with the stresses in our lives. Also women use alcohol to self-medicate our depression and anxiety, both of which are more common in women than men. So heavy drinking is more than seven servings of alcohol a week. 一份是12盎司. 一瓶5盎司的啤酒. 一杯酒,或者一杯 .5oz. 的精神.

Alcohol abuse is a pattern that's harmful to the drinker or others. Alcoholism; is a disease marked by a compulsion to drink, inability to stop drinking once it's started, and a need to consume more alcohol to get the same effect; to get high or get relaxed, 这就是容忍度. Alcoholics may also suffer alcohol withdrawal symptoms like, nausea, or shaking, or anxiety.

Whether or not to drink is a personal choice. How much to drink and when to drink is a personal responsibility. Adolescence under 21 should never drink; we'll talk about that on another Scope. You should never drink if you're driving, you should never drink if you're taking prescription drugs that interact with alcohol; particularly anti-depressants, 焦虑的药物, 或麻醉剂. And you should never drink if you're not in a safe place socially. You should never drink if you're pregnant.

那么,你会怎么做呢? Honestly look at your alcohol consumption; count them up. 一周超过五次吗? 一周超过七次吗? How big is your glass of wine; our TV lady's drink of choice? Ask yourself why you're drinking. Are you drinking to treat your stress, your depression, and anxiety? Are you being encouraged to drink by a manipulative partner? If yes, to those questions above, dial it down or get help to deal with why you're drinking. And you probably don't need the calories; those TV ladies are never eating food anyways, so I guess they can get away with it.

这是Dr. Kirtly Jones; and this is the scope of the problem for women and alcohol, 感谢收看大发娱乐的节目, 范围.

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