Ignoring this Small Skiing Injury Could Lead to Lifelong Problems

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Ignoring this Small Skiing Injury Could Lead to Lifelong Problems


There's a common skiing injury that can quickly develop into a chronic and painful condition if ignored. The problem is many times it’s shrugged off as a tweak or strain, so it goes untreated and develops into a life changing injury that might prevent you from skiing again. 整形外科医生 Dr. 大卫Rothberg 描述了滑雪者拇指的症状, how it happens and why it’s so important to get it looked at immediately after you first notice the symptoms.


面试官: You come back from the slopes, and your thumb is hurting really, really badly. 这是你该担心的事吗? 大发娱乐将在接下来的节目中找到答案.

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面试官: Dr. 大卫Rothberg is an orthopedic surgeon at the 大发娱乐. We're going to talk about something called "skier's thumb" right now. So you go for a day of skiing, you come back, your thumb hurts. 你到底有没有滑雪拇指? 你怎么知道的? 首先,什么是滑雪者的拇指?


Dr. Rothberg: Skier's thumb is a relatively common injury of the upper extremity suffered when someone falls on a pole. So the most common scenario is with a grip-fitted poles, 你会, and the pole is forced into the palm as you place your hand down to slow your fall.

People know when they have it because the actual ligament that's hurt is your ulnar collateral ligament on your thumb, 它支撑着你的拇指作为支柱. So when you pinch with your forefinger and your thumb . . .

面试官: Kind of making the "OK" symbol except for against the side of your thumb . . .

Dr. Rothberg:That's putting pressure on that collateral ligament.

面试官: 好吧.

Dr. Rothberg: If you think about all the daily tasks we do with grip strength and manipulating objects with your hand, it's really common that we use your thumb as a post. So the quickest and dirtiest way to figure this out is to use your thumb as a post. Press your forefinger against the side of your thumb and see if it hurts at the large knuckle at the base of your palm, 或者你的MCP关节.

面试官: 它指的是向下的疼痛, because you're touching at the very top part of the thumb, 它正在下降, 钉子的底部几乎, 到一边去.

Dr. Rothberg: 对,你会感觉到的.

面试官: 好吧. And if you feel that, is it for sure that you've got skier's thumb?

Dr. Rothberg: 这可能并不确定, 因为像所有韧带损伤一样, 它真的会带来不同程度的伤害, 扭伤, 绝大多数人会是谁, 完成眼泪, 韧带插入处的骨折.


面试官: So if you're feeling pain, should you go see somebody right away? Is it important that you see somebody or should you just kind of wait and see if it goes away?

Dr. Rothberg: 我认为, 最开始的时候, if this is something that gets better very quickly, 那你可能就安全了. But if you have a persistent pain lasting more than a day or two, 它会导致功能障碍, 值得去医院检查一下 手部整形外科医生.

They're most commonly going to take an X-ray to rule out that scenario where there may be fracture associated with it. The reason that you want to take care of this is it can lead to a chronic instability of that joint, meaning that you're no longer able to fully use your thumb as a post because of non-healing of the ligament.

So the typical course of treatment is in a non-operative setting, 哪一个是绝大多数, 是一个括号. That brace is going to hold your thumb in a position that protects it from being used as a post or really straining or stressing that ligament as it attaches at the MCP joint.


面试官: 这听起来是件大事, because it could hinder your usage of that for the rest of your life if you don't have something done to it, 这很简单. 这是一个大括号.

Dr. Rothberg: 完全正确. When chronically injured, then it becomes something kind of interesting historically. 它被称为“猎场看守人的拇指”," and that referred to when people who farmed chickens they would break the neck of the chicken over their thumb, and it could lead to repetitive stress on the ligament, that then loosened it and then caused chronic disability.

So that's the worry when you don't take care of this skier's thumb is that it becomes a chronic instability that causes pain and dysfunction.

面试官: How long does it take for this to recover at this point, after you get the brace?

Dr. Rothberg: 通常, 病人需要接受4到6周的治疗, and then depending on the range of motion and tasks that they have in their daily life, 他们可能会开始一些手部治疗. 运动有助于愈合过程. 所有 in all, people can be back to activities around the six week mark.

面试官: So just for perspective, not something to be taken lightly. 而不是说"哦,只是我的拇指. 我不会担心的."

Dr. Rothberg: 这是非常正确的, and 我认为 it's a real common one that people get and take lightly, 然后给大发娱乐带来问题.


面试官: 那就太晚了. 到那个时候是不是太晚了? 我想这是个好问题. 如果三年后,我进来呢? 现在解决这个问题是否太晚了?

Dr. Rothberg: 现在还不一定太迟, depending on whether you've developed any arthritis in the joint because of instability. 当然, 还有后期的重建, where we can reconstruct the ligament to give you stability. 对大多数人来说, this tends to be something they pick up and don't really miss, 因为它确实会导致一些功能障碍. But getting it looked at sooner is always better than later.

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