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When you say allergies most people think of springtime: 花, 草, 树, 花粉. 但冬季过敏也是一个问题. 从圣. 位于怀俄明州杰克逊的约翰医疗中心. Martin Trott讲述了为什么过敏全年都会发生, and you'll be surprised to find out some of the things that can cause allergies in the wintertime.


播音员: Medical news and research University of Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

面试官: 说到过敏,大多数人想到的是春天, 花, 树, 花粉, 但冬季过敏也是一个问题. 大发娱乐正在和Dr. Marty Trott,一只耳朵,一只鼻子, & St .喉科专家. 杰克逊霍尔的约翰医疗中心. 大发娱乐来谈谈冬季过敏. 我从来没听说过这种事,但它确实存在.

Dr.Trott: 是的. 过敏一年四季都存在. We think of things typically during summertime as you mentioned, 一绺头发, 草, 杂草, but there are things that happen all year round and some of those things happen during the summer and winter, 像猫和狗, 在怀俄明州, 马.

面试官: 是的,当然. 好吧.

Dr. Trott: 但是在秋天,冬天和春天, people talk about snow mold or other things that exist in the home.

面试官: 雪模具?

Dr. Trott: 好吧, basically when the snow is melting and there's a high humid condition, 霉菌孢子和真菌, 哪些人会过敏, 也存在.

面试官: 真的? 你能看到雪地上的那些吗?

Dr. Trott: 你可以在雪里看到真菌, but what you see may not be the symptoms you're actually experiencing.

面试官: 好吧. 还有哪些其他的冬季过敏呢?

Dr. Trott: 我认为这些是主要的. 我的意思是, 在足够温暖和潮湿的地方, 可能像盐湖一样, 你可能有尘螨.

面试官: 好吧.

Dr. Trott: 就在杰克逊洞大发娱乐, 哪里干燥一点, 湿度较低, 尘螨不是什么大问题.

面试官: 好吧. So a lot of your allergies it sounds like, other than snow mold, probably happen inside.

Dr. Trott: 正确的.

面试官: Explain some of those things and 也许 what I can do to avoid them.

Dr. Trott: 好吧, high humidity environments are probably the biggest problem creating where there's potential issues with allergies. And the other places that are a problem are barns and those people that have barns and there's many of them here. 所以那些在外面骑着马踢起尘土的人, 或者出去喂牛喂马, they potentially are around high humidity environments and all kinds of bacteria and fungi grow better in high humidity environments than low humidity environments.

面试官: 我想是相同类型的症状.

Dr. Trott: 是的. Itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose, and patients who have asthma. One of the biggest challenges for us treating asthma are patients who are exposed to things in the home that trigger their asthma, 比如霉菌过敏或真菌孢子过敏.

面试官: 能给我打一针吗 . . .

Dr. Trott: 是的,我想可以. 这是大发娱乐最后的治疗方法了. 大发娱乐通常, 和其他东西一样, 在可能的情况下先尝试避免, 然后使用医疗管理, 药片、鼻喷雾剂或吸入器, in those cases where they are necessary and then the absolute line of defense is to use desensitization which usually comes in the form of some kind of allergy shot.

面试官: 好吧. 所以我来了,我有点过敏, 这些喷雾剂或药片, 他们很体面吗?? I remember as a kid I suffered allergies terribly and it didn't seem like the pills ever worked.

Dr. Trott: 好吧, a lot of the pills work but we have a trade-off between the side-effects of the pills and the benefits of the pills. So a lot of the pills that are highly effective also cause a lot of side- effects like fatigue. Some of the newer medications which are now available over-the-counter, 像他定, 哪一个总是在广播里播, those medications have a lot less in the way of side-effects, but they're also slightly less effective in terms of potency. 但如果对病人有效,那才是最重要的. It's not a matter of what we call it or what the side-effects are from our standpoint, 它对病人的影响非常重要.

面试官: 好吧. So you do some pills, you do some sprays, and then what's the second level?

Dr. Trott: 第二层, 对保守疗法无反应的患者, 大发娱乐考虑做过敏测试. And I don't typically allergy test patients right off the bat because if they tell me that they're allergic in spring, 通常是树.

面试官: 确定.

Dr. Trott: And if they're having problems when they're cutting the grass it's probably the grass.

面试官: 这是划痕测试吗?

Dr. Trott: 这是一个划痕测试. 还有一种血液测试可以做. I think the scratch tests are a little bit more cost effective, 在我看来, trying to determine if we're going to treat a patient with any kind of an allergy shot, 大发娱乐想知道他们对什么过敏.

面试官: 确定. 所以注射,现在,是更高的效力? 镜头里有什么?

Dr. Trott: 打针是由你过敏的东西制成的. Essentially, if you're allergic to bees we can give you bee venom and desensitize you to the bees. So if you get stung by a bee in the future you won't have a life threatening reaction. And patients that have asthma that's triggered by grass pollen, we give them grass pollen injections that desensitize them to the grass pollen with high degrees of efficacy. 在不久的将来, 在接下来的六个月内, the FDA will be approving medications that you can use under your tongue that will also be effective for specific types of allergens and it looks like Timothy grass, 一种草, 会是第一个吗.

面试官: And where is that going fit into the whole ladder of treatment options?

Dr. Trott: 好吧, I think it's going to be dependent on what the patient and the physician decide together is best for that particular patient. 我试着引导病人做最简单的事情, 最具成本效益的事情, 这能解决他们的症状.

面试官: What would you want one person to take away from this conversation, 谁患有过敏症, 也许, 像我这样的, 像个孩子一样幻想破灭, 注射无效? 情况好转了吗??

Dr. Trott: I think things have gotten better and I think allergies are also more of a problem. There are more people who are allergic now than there ever were before, 大发娱乐对为什么会这样有一点理解.

面试官: 为什么大发娱乐现在有更多的过敏?

Dr. Trott: 关于这个有很多理论. 有些是相当复杂的免疫讨论理论. 所有ergies weren't even really described until the late 1800's and when they first were described they were with the wealthiest of people in England. There's a thought that there's a connection between hygiene, 接种疫苗, and allergy and the more we immunize ourselves against other things that would otherwise kills us, the more likely we are triggering our immune system to be responsive to things that less harmful but potentially harmful.

面试官: 这是一种权衡. You don't get diseases that kill you, but you might have a plugged up nose.

Dr. Trott: 正确的. And I would never advocate for someone not getting measles 接种疫苗, 或者水痘疫苗, but we are understanding somehow that the instances of allergy and asthma is far greater here in the developed world than it is, 例如, 在非洲.

面试官: 有趣的.

Dr. Trott: 这并不一定与饮食有关, 肯定是大发娱乐在做别的事, 很多人都在关注这个问题.

播音员: Medical news and research University of Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.