Scientists Develop "Smart" Insulin that Automatically Adjusts Blood Sugar

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Scientists Develop "Smart" Insulin that Automatically Adjusts Blood Sugar


1型糖尿病患者(T1D), the burden of constantly judging when and how much insulin to self-inject is bad enough. 更糟糕的是, a miscalculation or lapse in regimen can cause blood sugar levels to rise too high, potentially leading to heart disease and other long-term complications, 或者跌得太低, which in the worst cases can result in coma 甚至死亡. 周永明博士.D., USTAR assistant professor of biochemistry, has helped develop a “smart” insulin that automatically adjusts blood sugar in mice with a diabetes-like condition. He discusses his 研究 results and what it could mean for diabetes treatment in the future. 了解更多有关 研究.


面试官: A new smart insulin could change diabetes treatment. 接下来是《大发体育官网》.

播音员: Examining the latest 研究 and telling you about the latest breakthroughs. The Science and 研究 Show is on 范围.

面试官: 我正在和医生谈话. Danny Chou, USTAR assistant professor in biochemistry at the University of Utah. Dr. Chou, your discovery could really make a big difference in the lives of 糖尿病患者. 告诉大发娱乐你发现了什么.

Dr. 周: So, we used a chemical approach to modify the native insulin molecule, and what we're trying to do is to have insulin that will be activated when the blood glucose level is high, so in the way that further regulate blood glucose level better for diabetic patients.

面试官: So, 已经, your work in mice would suggest that what you've developed is, 我认为, better than anything that's out there right now. 这是真的吗??

Dr. 周: 是的, 因为现在在市场上, there are fast-acting insulins for meal-time use and there are long-acting insulins for basal level use. So basically there's no such insulin in the market right now that could provide any kind of glucose-regulated or glucose-responsive way.

面试官: And it seems like the results that you saw in mice were pretty striking. 你看到了什么??

Dr. 周: So what we see is that we could only do one single injection of this modified insulin, and then what we see is we could do three glucose tolerance test, which is kind of like a meal for the mice, and then we could see that one injection could be good for three different meals within a 13-hour span. So we really think this a very amazing and a very exciting result. 但正如大发娱乐刚才提到的, this right now is only in mice work and then we would try to see whether we could prove the safety of these insulins and one day we could put it into the clinical phase.

面试官: So, how long do you think it might take to get to the clinical phase?

Dr. 周: So, we are thinking about a three-to-five year range.

面试官: For those of us who may not be familiar with living with diabetes, can you explain what some of the problems are that you're trying to address?

Dr. 周: So, 对于1型糖尿病患者来说, they do not have any insulin production inside their bodies. So, people with Type 1 diabetes, they have to totally rely on external source of insulin. And insulin is a drug that is not like you could put as much as possible and then you would still be okay. The thing is that you need to maintain your blood-glucose level in the normal range. So, 当你注射了太多的胰岛素, 那会使你患上低血糖, 哪一种会引起头晕, 或者处于昏迷状态, 甚至死亡. So that's why people are afraid of injecting too much insulin inside a body.
然而, 如果你没有注射足够的胰岛素, that will give you a constant high-glucose levels, 这叫高血糖症, 从长远来看, that will lead to diabetic complications like kidney disease, 眼睛失明, 或截肢. So, that's why we are trying to develop a special insulin in the way that its activity could be controlled by itself. So, basically, the activity is controlled by the blood-glucose levels inside your body. So, 以那种方式, 糖尿病患者, they do not need to worry about the high or low glucose levels because the insulin itself is smart enough to control the glucose level inside a wide range.

面试官: 你知道, 事实上, what you've developed is really incredible, but it sounds like you're also going to work on improving it.

Dr. 周: 是的. 所以现在, 我认为 we have 已经 done a pretty good job in developing an insulin that could be used to reduce the high glucose level back to normal range during the meal time. But 我认为 what we could still improve is in the hypoglycemic end. So what we try to do is we try to have the ideal insulin that the activity of insulin will be stopped or blocked when the glucose level is around, 说, 每80毫克[听不清00:04:33]. So, we will never need to worry about inducing hypoglycemia with this insulin injection.

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