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Scalds are the most common burn injury for children under five, 它们是痛苦的,可能会改变你的生活. 不幸的是, it’s easier then you think for a child to suffer severe burns from hot drinks, 浴缸里的水, 还有微波食品. 预防永远是最好的第一步, 但是如果你的孩子被烫伤了, would you know what to do to minimize the damage and pain? 安妮特·马瑟利来自 犹他烧伤中心 tells you about the four C’s; four steps that can really make a difference that everyone should know in case a child you love gets scalded.


面试官: 如果你的孩子被烫伤了怎么办. 大发娱乐将在接下来的《大发娱乐》节目中讨论这个问题.

Annette Matherly报道 犹他大学烧伤中心. 烫伤的伤害, of course prevention is always the best thing you can do, is you want to prevent a scald injury because they are devastating, 他们是痛苦的, 它们可以持续一生. But if you can't prevent it, if something happens, what do you do? 大发娱乐马上就会知道答案. First of all, scald injuries, they're pretty common right? 那是烧伤吗?

安妮特: 它是. In fact it's the top burn injury for those under the age of five. But scalds are on the gamut of age, so there's no one safe from hot liquids.

面试官: 五岁以下,你要注意. But just kids in general, they're all getting them.

安妮特: 绝对.

面试官: 那么,为什么烫伤如此可怕呢? 是什么让他们这么糟糕?

Why Scald Injuries Are Dangerous and How to Avoid Them

安妮特: Well, I think it's because you don't realize that things are so hot. In fact, we teach our children that hot liquids burn like fire. But when you have a hot frappuccino or your beverage of choice in your hand, 你不会认为温度是160华氏度, and that can cause a burn injury in just one second in a child. If you think about the water that comes from your tap, if you haven't turned your hot water heater down, then that water is about 146 which would cause injury in a couple of seconds. So it's these things that we use every day that we don't think are dangerous that absolutely can cause devastating injury.

面试官: 是的, I think that's because most of the time when you think scald injury you go back to school and they taught the pot of boiling water that's the thing that you got to watch out most for, 但事实并非如此, 它是? I mean, it's dangerous but, some of these other things are more dangerous.

安妮特: 绝对. 我不会在炉子上敲滚烫的水, because of course we should keep our pan handles in and cook on the back burner, and we have lots of children that come in that way too. And so, that's really important, that whole circle of safety around the stove. So to make sure there's about three feet that your child doesn't enter when you're cooking anything. So that's a cause of injury too but the bathtub scalds, the "I'm drinking a hot drink" scalds. In fact, the other thing that we say is, have a kid get a lid. So we want you to use lids on your travel mugs so that we can keep those injuries from occurring to small children.

面试官: Because those liquids we can handle drinking gets on young skin and it's just terrible.

安妮特: 绝对. 他们很好奇. They just want to reach up and they want to pull that cup down.


面试官: 预防再次, the most important thing you can do as far as you know, 你只是不想让它发生. 但是在这种情况下,父母应该怎么做呢?

很酷的 受伤

安妮特: Probably the easiest thing to remember is, the four C's. 这些代表冷静, 所以你想在受伤之后, you want to quickly take your child or take whoever's been injured and cool that injury under cool but not cold water for about 5 to 10 minutes. 把组织里的热量带走, remember to remove any diapers or any clothing that the child has on because those can also retain heat.

清洁 受伤

你要做的第二件事是清洁它, 这也包括粘面, the pieces of carrot or potato that are on the child, 或者在尿布里面. 所以你要冷却它,你要清洗它. 然后,你想让你的孩子保持温暖.

封面 受伤

So one of the most important things to do after you've cooled and cleaned it, is to cover your child in something that will cause them not to be cold, because we want to get heat to that area and open up those blood vessels, and allow perfusion to occur that's happened to an area of injury. So wrap a blanket or wrap a towel around the person that's injured, and then call for help. And that's much simpler I think than people imagine, because you can call from the community directly to the 烧伤中心 and have your needs addressed right over the phone.

呼叫 寻求大发娱乐

So if you have a child that's been injured you can call 801-581-2700, talk to one of our charge nurses that's on call 24 hours a day. Be linked in with a physician who can get you immediate assistance, whether that be being admitted to the 烧伤中心 or an outpatient appointment, or hopefully just being able to take care of it at home with some simple instructions on what to do. And we've received many calls from the community and helped them.

所以要记住的经验法则是, 如果它危及生命, 然后拨打911,得到你需要的大发娱乐. 如果是轻伤, even if you don't think it perhaps needs to be seen, 那最好给烧伤中心打个电话. We're on call 24 hours a day and at least run it by us, and we can help figure out if it should be seen or not. 因为有时候它看起来并不重要, but it can cause injury that maybe you wouldn't have thought of.

