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Have you ever wondered why women tend to outlive men? 结果, there are a lot of variables and possible explanations for why the average woman will live five years longer the average man. Dr. Kirtly Jones explores some of the reasons behind this interesting phenomenon.


Dr. 琼斯: Across the industrialized world, women live 5 to 10 years longer than men. Among people over 100 years old, 85% of them are women. 这是怎么回事? 这是博士. Kirtly Jones from Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Utah Health Care and this is about why girls rule in the longevity world on 范围.

播音员: 涵盖妇女健康的所有方面. This is the Seven Domains of Women's Health with Dr. Kirtly Jones在Scope上报道.

Dr. 琼斯: Life expectancy in the US isn't at an all-time high according to a report released last week from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and while the news that we're living on average to the ripe old age of 78 years and nine and a half months is not surprising. 这是一个步骤. 2012年出生的女孩预计可以活到81岁.2 years almost five years longer than a boy born the same year who's likely to live age 76 years. 这是怎么回事? Female newborns, particularly preemies, are more likely to survive than males. Males develop a little later than females especially in lung capacity which is really important for preemies. 作为一个统计问题, 如果你刚出生不久就失去了一个男婴, it has a larger impact on statistical average years than if you lose a man at 78 years.

然而, even if you're only counting on children having survived to five years old, 女人比男人长寿. Accidents and suicide deaths are much more common in men than women and in young men. 你可以把它归咎于文化. 你可以把它归咎于睾丸激素, but the stats are powerful and the fact that they're many more early deaths due to accidents and suicides in men than women. Of course there have been times when the world was at war when the average lifespan of men and women was powerfully affected by the fact that we sent men to the battlefront and not women.

In midlife, men have more heart disease and deaths from heart disease. 吸烟是个大问题. 男人吸烟比女人多. 男性产生的雌激素, 但不像女人那么多, is protective against heart disease until menopause and stress is an issue too. Men process stress culturally a little differently than women. 里面装的更多. On the stress issue, women have more friends and stronger social networks. A study from BYU demonstrated that people with stronger social networks live longer than people who don't. 社交网络有助于缓解压力.

It may be why married men live longer than unmarried men, or maybe married men get nagged by their wives to get health care. 妇女获得保健服务的机会多于男子. Women are more likely to get their cholesterol checked and get regular checkups and they're more likely to have health insurance than men. Some suggest that 70% of longevity is environmental and 30% is your genes. And remember women have one more X chromosome than men and the Y chromosome doesn't do very much for you. 对不起伙计们. 好吧, 它确实能让你变成男人,还能产生精子, but in the longevity world it doesn't do that much for you.

This may affect many more areas of longevity than we currently understand and there's a lot of research in this area. 想想这个, for chimpanzees in captivity who live to their first birthday, median life expectancy is 31 years for males and 38 years for females. 当然,这意味着平均水平. The oldest chimp in captivity was 72 and we're learning more about older chimps every day. These figures were provided to us by the Lincoln Park Zoo's chimp data as part of a unique program we participated in and we are doing work here in Utah to help project future demographic trends in sanctuaries and based on 35 years of records from zoos and aquariums.

也, 女虎鲸, killer whales in the wild live up to 90 years and males rarely live over 50 years. The average in some studies for females in the wild is about 50 years and for males it's 29. This is hard to test because you have to identify individuals in the wild and orcas in captivity have much shorter lifespans and female dogs are longer than males about two years. 狗不抽烟. 他们不会自杀. They don't get much heart disease, but a dog's life can be stressful, I guess.

大发娱乐该如何处理这些事实呢? 女士们,不要抽烟. 继续和你的朋友聊天吗. 分享你的烦恼. 做检查.

Men, if you're listening, you could consider the same things. But be careful with your social networks because we all know what guys can get up to when they hang out with just guys and as the scout master of my son's Boy Scout troop said, 一遍又一遍, “不要做傻事." And we should all take care of each other; men and women together." As for that extra X chromosome thing, sorry guys. 感谢收看范围.

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