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作为一个新父母,你可能已经采取措施来保护你的家. 插座上的盖子. 机柜上的锁. But have you considered some of the less obvious burn dangers in your home? 安妮特·马瑟利 犹他大学烧伤中心 discusses the three top burn dangers in your home and how you can protect your new baby from them.


面试官: 你是初为人父吗? 下面是你需要注意的三种烧伤危险. 大发娱乐将在接下来的《大发娱乐》节目中对此进行详细介绍.

女士: Health tips, medical news, research, and more for a happier, healthier life. 大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学栏目.

面试官: 当你带着一个全新的孩子回家, there are a lot of things that you've got to make sure that your house is safe for them. One of the things you have to start thinking about is potential burn dangers, 大发娱乐将讨论你应该做的三件事 . . . three burn dangers you should watch out for when you bring that new child home or you have a new child in the house. 安妮特·马瑟利(Annette Matherly)就职于犹他大学烧伤中心. 让大发娱乐来谈谈这三件事:第一 . . .

安妮特: Number one would absolutely be that beautiful glass fronted gas fireplace, 这对我来说太拗口了, but that fire is really attractive to young children and that glass stays hot for at least an hour after it's turned off. 所以不只是火在烧的时候才热. It's when it's off and it looks safe that it remains hot enough to burn a child in about a second.

面试官: And I think that's really surprising when people find that out because they think that that glass is like the glass in your oven, 正确的? 烤箱温度可以达到450度. 你可以摸一下那个杯子. 你很好. 玻璃壁炉,不是那种玻璃.

安妮特: 绝对不是, 这很奇怪,因为它大约是1,热的时候是300度, 想起来很疯狂吗. 所以, 现在, there's legislation moving forward to ensure that everybody puts a guard around that glass fronted fireplace, but that doesn't protect you if you go to a vacation spot or a hotel or a restaurant that doesn't have that guard around or it doesn't protect you if you've had your glass fronted gas fireplace in for a while and you're not aware of the danger surrounding that.

面试官: 好吧. So, 还记得, 那个玻璃壁炉, 很, it's like a magnet that kids' hands would love to go up there and it stays hot for a long time. 所以要注意这一点. 这是第一点. If you're a new parent, you've got three burn dangers to watch out for: number two . . .

安妮特: 第二个是热液体像火一样燃烧, 这似乎违反直觉,因为大发娱乐认为火像火一样燃烧. 大发娱乐不会想到杯子里的东西像火一样燃烧, but to k现在 that hot water 正确的 from your water heater is set at about 146 if you haven't turned it down. 这是给初为父母的建议, 尤其是因为孩子的皮肤比成年人薄得多, 是把热水器的温度调低到120度吗. You can measure that by putting a candy thermometer in the first water that comes out of your tap and then it's usually a low, 中设置.

面试官: 所以热水器的默认设置是146度.

安妮特: 146.

面试官: 烧死一个孩子要花多长时间?

安妮特: 两秒钟内就会造成重大伤害.

面试官: 120稍微安全一点,或者安全很多?

安妮特: 绝对. So it doesn't mean that you won't get burn injured, but what it means is that there's some more time. 有分,而不是秒.

面试官: And what about hot liquids like in your cup there that was hot, cups of coffee and stuff?

安妮特: 想想星巴克吧, 不管是什么, 您选择的饮料, 当咖啡师倒咖啡的时候, 大概180度, which is crazy if you think 146 is water that comes from your tap and burns you in two seconds. So 180 is outrageously high and much faster than that two second incident. So never carry your young child whilst carrying a hot beverage and ensure that your beverage stays away from countertops and tables, that tablecloths aren't used so young children can't pull on that tablecloth and pull that beverage down onto themselves.

面试官: And maybe go out and buy some mugs like your fancy one three with that airtight seal on it.

安妮特: 绝对. 我美丽的银器, so, 你知道, 如果你有个小孩,大发娱乐通常会说, 我有个孩子, 盖上盖子."

面试官: 好吧. 很好. 好吧. 前面是玻璃壁炉, 热液体像火一样燃烧, what's the third thing that new parents should watch out for as far as burn dangers are concerned?

安妮特: 所以大发娱乐说很多东西周围都有一个三英尺的安全区. So around a campfire would be another thing, but also around your cooking area. So, 如果你有一个小孩, I k现在 it's not always possible to put a physical three-foot marker with duct tape on the floor. 大多数人都不希望自己漂亮的厨房里出现这种东西.

面试官: 你可以.

安妮特: 当然可以, 但是想象一下那个标记在哪里, especially when you have little children roaming around or a brand new infant because that also includes cooking with a child in your arms. So to be aware of what you are holding in that precious bundle and is it worth the risk.

面试官: 除了炉子, 很多人并没有真正意识到微波炉的作用, 从那里出来的东西可能很危险, 拉面, 沸腾的水.

安妮特: 绝对. So 拉面 are the number one for teens because teens come home from school. 他们把热的东西放进微波炉, 通常, 再一次。, 如你所说, 它在头顶上方, and so they're reaching to pull something down and they'll pull it 正确的 down on their face.

面试官: 是的. And if you have a child in your arm and you reach up with one hand, you fumble that item. 不会花很长时间的.

安妮特: 绝对.

面试官: 好吧. So those are the three really good things to watch out for if you're a new parent because a lot of burn prevention is just awareness and implementing some of these changes in your household. Do you have any other final advice for that new parent coming home with that new child to keep them more burn safe?

安妮特: 最后一点是预防烧伤是一项团队运动. We work as a team to ensure that each other is kept safe so when you bring home your new child then to talk to others that are maybe not familiar with the dangers that you've just heard about. 所以也许祖父母, maybe babysitters would be another really important one as you go out on a date with your partner and leave your child in the care of another. 所以, to ensure that they're aware of the things that could really cause lifelong injury to a small child would be really important to mention before you leave.

面试官: 进行这些对话真的能带来改变.

安妮特: 绝对. 大多数烧伤是可以预防的. 它非常。, very infrequently that we see somebody come through our unit that it could not have been prevented. So, to k现在 and to educate yourself about the dangers of fire and then to educate those around you would be really important.

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