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你喉咙里卡了一块食物. Maybe a piece of steak you didn’t chew well enough. 它是n’t blocking your airway, but it’s definitely not going anywhere anytime soon. 你应该去急诊室吗? 急救医生 Dr. 特洛伊马德森 tells us when that lodged bit of food is an emergency and shares a surprising at-home remedy to try.

播音员: 严重到要去急诊室吗? 难道不是吗?? 你现在收听的是“急诊室与否”节目.


面试官: 你应该去急诊室吗 if you have food stuck in your throat? 今天的“急诊室与否”请来了Dr. 特洛伊马德森. Play along, think about it, if you get food stuck in your throat, should you go to the ER? 我能想到一个例子,你会. That's where if it's blocking your ability to breathe, then absolutely call 911, go to the ER. What about the situation where you can still breathe but you can just feel it there still? 这值得去趟急诊室吗?

Dr. 马德森: You know, that's actually more common than you might think. 就像你说的,首先想想气道. Any airway issues, trouble breathing, absolutely, get to the ER, call 911. 但, 撇开这些不谈, 你知道大发娱乐经常看到, I would say in the ER I see one of these cases every month or so. Someone who is eating, it's generally steak, usually the large pieces of steak, usually men . . .

面试官: 你是认真的吗?

Dr. 马德森: 我是认真的.

面试官: 好吧.

Dr. 马德森: 是的, 通常是男人,通常是, 也许, middle-aged men are 也许 watching a game or something. 我不知道. 我不知道具体情况, but they're eating large pieces of steak and eating it too quickly.

也许他们有一些潜在的 食道问题, 食物管通往胃, where 也许 it was narrowed or something like that and makes them a higher risk for this. They'll be eating it and then it just gets stuck in the esophagus. And then they come in and they're usually holding like a bowl or some sort of basin or something, 因为它们不能吞咽唾液. 没有什么能通过这食物, so they're spitting it into this thing and it's very obvious what's wrong.

面试官: 是的.

Dr. 马德森: They've got this food lodged in there and I'll ask them, "好吧, where is it?" and they can usually point right where it is. Most of the time I kind of find it's their upper throat, like you if you feel on your neck kind of where it hits the sternum there, 上面的部分. They point right at that point, that's the common spot. Otherwise they might point down lower chest kind of towards the stomach. Those are the two points where we really see this food get stuck.


So, 如果这发生在你家里, there is something you can try and it's something we can try in the ER as well. 但 it's not a bad idea just to give it a shot, and that is to try and drink a Coke. And you're not going to be able to swallow the Coke because it's not going to go past the food, but if you can get a little bit down your throat and let it sit there, 某种程度上这是可行的.

And I've kind of wondered how exactly does it work, 也许 just the carbonation that kind of relaxes things in the esophagus and 也许 helps that to move down. 我不知道是不是可乐的酸味. That it would be that rapidly acting, I have a hard time believing it, but it is a trick. 教科书里有. You know, anecdotally, 也许 I can say I've seen it work. In talking to other ER doctors, they say, "Oh yeah, I've seen it work now and then. 我试过了,似乎很有效." My guess is that's probably going to work more for something think you can feel that's down lower, 靠近胃部, 也许 that just has a little bit further to go. 但 I think you can give it a shot, but if that doesn't work, you're going to have to go to the ER.

面试官: 好吧. So, is that one of the first things you try in the ER, is the "Coke Trick"?

Dr. 马德森: 我不能说我确实尝试过. I have a couple of times in people where it's down low. 你知道这种情况, 如我所说, where someone comes in and they're pointing to their upper throat, 我就想, 这是行不通的, 你知道. 但在更低的地方,我试过了. There's also an IV medication we can try in the ER, but typically those things go to where we're calling the 胃肠道的医生 in. 它们在下降, pushing the food down all the way in the stomach or pulling it out so it's out of the way.

面试官: 问题. 那就在家试试可乐吧. If that works, hey great, be more careful next time. 就像你妈妈告诉你的那样.


Dr. 马德森: 就像你妈妈说的,咀嚼食物.

面试官: 就是这样. And if it doesn't work, that is something you need to go to the ER for.

Dr. 马德森: 它是. 是的, 它通常不会自己过去, especially if you've been feeling it there for an hour or so.

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