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Oct 18, 2018

季节性情感障碍(SAD)可能发生在较长时间的黑暗和极冷的温度之间. According to women's health expert Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones, the symptoms of SAD primarily affects women. Dr. 琼斯谈到了在秋冬季节如何减轻沮丧和绝望的感觉.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Jones: It is really dark in the morning these days. 秋天有美丽的色彩,白天也很美,但它们越来越短了. Are you sad about that?

Announcer: Covering all aspects of women's health. This is The Seven Domains of Women's Health with Dr. Kirtly Jones on The Scope.

Dr. Jones: 北纬地区白天变短变暗会影响很多人的情绪. 大约每20个人中就有1人会经历抑郁症的季节性变化, with fall and winter showing a rise in depression. 在那些受季节性抑郁症影响的人中,五分之四是女性. 这种情况被称为季节性情感障碍, 适当地简称为SAD综合征或季节性抑郁症.

在纬度极端的北极圈附近, 冬天与自杀风险增加有关,而夏天整天都是阳光, and night has been associated with increased mood, even euphoria, really increased good mood. Symptoms of SAD include feelings of depression, worthlessness, low energy, 对你平时喜欢做的事情缺乏兴趣. 其他症状和行为是疲劳感导致睡过头. 在被窝里度过更长时间,白天又长又暗是很常见的. Some women describe carbohydrate cravings, 如果你吃那些万圣节糖果和圣诞饼干,会导致葡萄糖水平波动,这会使情绪稳定变得复杂,当然也会增加季节性体重, which is depressing.

症状从秋天开始,到春天好转. 这个问题与收入和生活方式因素无关. 根据美国国家心理健康研究所, 季节性有效疾病的主要风险是年龄, sex, history of depression, and distance from the equator. 这种情况似乎始于20多岁和30多岁的女性.

为什么女性更容易受到影响还不太清楚. 一些研究人员认为,日照减少会影响血清素水平, a brain hormone that affects mood. 波动的雌激素(女性有而男性没有)也会影响血清素. Also melatonin, 在黑暗中产生的一种大脑激素会在黑暗的日子里增加,对大发娱乐的睡眠-觉醒节奏产生不利影响. 它会扰乱大发娱乐的昼夜节律,这可能与抑郁症有关. So if this is you, what to do?

第一种是早晨的光疗或强光疗法, 这已被证明能有效减轻多达85%的季节性情感障碍女性的症状. Now, this is really bright light, brighter than any light bulb, especially now with our new light bulbs. Special devices that deliver 10,000 lux. Lux, L-U-X, is a measurement of light. 它们不是很贵,在网上大约50到100美元就能买到, and some are more expensive than that. 确保灯箱的设计是为了治疗季节性情感障碍. 你可以在“季节性情感障碍”中搜索“灯箱”,然后在搜索词后面加上10,000勒克斯.

This bright light is like medicine. 它可以抑制褪黑素,所以应该在早上使用. 坐在离灯箱两英尺远的地方,阅读或做一些工作20到90分钟. 灯光很亮,但是不要戴太阳镜. 可能会伤害眼睛的紫外线已经被这些灯箱过滤掉了, so the bright light doesn't damage your eyes. 如果你发现自己在秋天起得越来越晚, 使用晨光疗法可以大发娱乐你重置生物钟,这样你就可以早起了.

Number two, go outside and get some natural light. In most of the western U.S., we have lots of light in the winter. 东北部和中北部各州通常多云, so it can be harder to find natural, bright light, 但是仅仅出去走走就能让人感觉好一些.

Number three, exercise makes you feel better. Even when it's the last thing you want to do, 和朋友或孩子约个时间,做些运动. Regular exercise, especially early in the day, not before bedtime, has been shown to help regulate circadian rhythms, which can be important in treating SAD.

Number four, eat this, not that. 试着限制与高碳水化合物食物和甜食相关的糖波动. This is the time to eat your protein and veggies. If you aren't getting enough vitamin D in the winter, 大发娱乐大多数人都不会,因为大发娱乐生活在北方寒冷的气候中,穿得很暖和, leaving nothing exposed to get our natural vitamin D, 你可以从鲑鱼等富含脂肪的鱼类和鸡蛋中自然获取维生素D. 一些研究表明,SAD患者体内维生素D和omega-3脂肪酸含量较低. 无论如何,在饮食中增加这些食物的来源对你的心脏和大脑都有好处.

Number five. 如果你知道在秋天和冬天你很容易抑郁,情绪低落, 尽早开始有大发娱乐的活动和干预措施. Don't wait until the darkest days of your mood. 明亮的光疗法和有计划的饮食和运动在秋天早期改变.

Six. My favorite recommendation is to change your venue. Go south, visiting climates that have more sun. Of course, this can be expensive and disruptive to the family, 如果妈妈在感恩节和圣诞节去海滩度假的话, but it's just a thought. Of course, cranking up the heat in the house, 带上沙滩毯子,穿上短裤,坐在50美元的灯箱前要便宜得多, but not so much fun.

最后,也是最重要的一点,这个秋冬假期对女性来说压力很大. If you're already struggling with depression, substance abuse, anxiety and the dark days are making it worse, reach out for help to family, friends, and your clinician. 在你情绪低落的日子里,你可能不相信,但大发娱乐可以让它变得更好. I'm off to dig up my light box. Thanks for joining us on The Scope.

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