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What to Do When Your Child Chips or Knocks Out a Tooth

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What to Do When Your Child Chips or Knocks Out a Tooth


Kids can be rambunctious and rowdy. 尤其是在温暖的夏季,当他们在户外运动和跑来跑去的时候. 当他们最终打翻一颗牙齿时,你知道该怎么做吗? Pediatric dental specialist Dr. 汉斯Reinemer 解释了你需要做的一切,从碎片和裂缝到完全打掉的牙齿.

Episode Transcript

面试官: 你的孩子摔倒了或碰到了什么东西,他们撞到了牙齿. What should you do? That's next on 范围.

播音员: Health information from expects, supported by research. From University of Utah Health, this is


面试官: It's bound to happen once in a parent's life. 他们的孩子摔倒了,首当其冲的是牙齿,你畏缩了. What do you do at that point? Dr. 汉斯·雷默(汉斯Reinemer)是犹他大学牙科学院儿科牙科科主任. 如果孩子对牙齿造成这样的影响,父母下一步该怎么做?

Dr. Reinemer: 好吧, it's a very good question, and kids are always stumbling, 下降, 尤其是每年的这个时候,孩子们又回到户外玩滑板了, 滚筒叶片. They're 下降 down. 尤其是5到7岁的孩子,他们总是在打闹. So it's important that parents be aware of what to do.

面试官: 好吧. 所以最坏的情况也不总是牙齿被打掉. There are some other things that can happen. So let's just start with maybe what those are.

Dr. Reinemer: 确定. 它可能是牙齿的一个简单肿块,牙龈组织周围会出血. It could be a fracture of the tooth. 它可能是一颗牙齿被打掉了,但还在嘴里, and it could be a tooth, worst case scenario, that's completely knocked out of the socket. 所以父母首先要知道的是和牙医保持良好的关系是很重要的, so, in the case of any of those situations, they have somebody to call.

面试官: 好吧,因为你不一定要去急诊室?

Dr. Reinemer: 你可以,但是会有更长的等待时间,医生并不总是知道. Most emergency rooms are not set up for dental emergencies. So the relationship with a dentist is your best bet.

面试官: 好吧. So, 作为家长, if one of those emergencies does happen and I have a dentist, 我可以打电话, 一般, get in fairly quickly then?

Dr. Reinemer: You should be able to. 当你和牙医建立关系时,确保他们有一个紧急电话号码, 所以在下班时间或周末发生事故时,你可以打电话给别人.

面试官: 好的,很好. 那么在这些情况下,最不坏的情况是什么,父母应该怎么做?

Dr. Reinemer: 最糟糕的是,孩子的牙齿可能会轻微松动. 如果牙齿处于正常位置,那么随着时间的推移,这些牙齿通常会收紧. 所以软性饮食,确保保持清洁,这些东西会自愈的. But, 再一次。, there can be some underlying issues there. So, even if it looks minimal, 最好尽快去看牙医,确保牙齿状态良好.

面试官: 好吧. 我想这取决于你需要多快去看牙医.

Dr. Reinemer: 当然,是的.

面试官: The least of the worst scenario, you should still go to a dentist, have them take a look at it to make sure everything's okay. But other than that, really not a lot to do.

Dr. Reinemer: Not in the short term. Even if you just bump a tooth and it appears to be okay, the tooth has the potential to die down the road, 因为牙齿内部有神经和血管如果它们受到损伤, it could cause the tooth to die. 所以这就是为什么获得一些基线信息,良好的第一眼,是很重要的.

For More Severe Tooth Injuries, Get to a Dentist ASAP

面试官: 好吧. What's the next kind of up the ladder of severity?

Dr. Reinemer: Might be a couple examples of that. One would be a fractured tooth. 例如, the crown of the tooth or the part of the tooth that you see, maybe a piece of that has been chipped away or broken off. 另一个例子可能是一颗牙齿轻微错位. 所以这些牙齿需要重新定位然后用夹板固定. Those require a little bit more sense of urgency. 再一次。, a relationship with a dentist is good.

面试官: 如果是牙齿脱落或者你刚才提到的其他情况父母在牙齿脱落和去看牙医之间应该做些什么吗?

Dr. Reinemer: If a tooth is fractured, a piece is broken off, if you can find the piece that's broken off, 通常情况下,它们可以直接连接到剩余的牙齿结构上. 如果一颗牙齿被打掉了,并且有点松动,让孩子保持舒适. 保持清洁. But, 再一次。, get into the dentist ASAP.

For a Knocked Out Tooth Consider Purchasing a Storage Medium

面试官: 好吧. 和 what's after that? We're getting worse and worse here.

Dr. Reinemer: 好吧, yeah, worse and worse. 最坏的情况是一颗牙齿完全被打掉了. 现在, in the case of a baby tooth, 如果你有能力判断它是乳牙还是恒牙. If it's a baby tooth, we 一般 do not put those back in. 再一次。, important follow-up, because a piece of the tooth could remain in the socket, so it's good to establish that it was completely lost.

就恒牙而言,大发娱乐面对的可能是最坏的情况. 如果可以的话,最好的办法就是把牙齿放回牙槽里. 如果你不能,那么把牙齿放在一个好的储存介质中是很重要的,比如冷牛奶. 市面上有一种叫做“拯救一颗牙齿”的产品, which is the ideal storage medium, 然后尽快带着你的孩子去看牙医. Time is of the essence. 如果可能的话,你要在30分钟或更短的时间内把牙齿放回牙槽. If you can't, prognosis goes down.

面试官: So, when you put it back in the socket, you just have the child hold it with their finger, 他们的舌头, or . . .

Dr. Reinemer: 是的.

面试官: Just however they can do it?

Dr. Reinemer: 轻轻地抓住牙冠或牙齿的顶部,把牙齿放回牙槽里, 然后, just have the child hold it. Even if it goes in backward, just get the tooth in the socket, because as soon as it's surrounded by blood and saliva, that's a more natural environment, 而牙根周围的细胞将保持活力并活得更久, and increase your chance of success.

面试官: So that's the optimal situation.

Dr. Reinemer: 这是最好的. 现在, you may not reposition it perfectly, but to get it in the right spot, the dentist can then reposition it 然后 splint it.

面试官: 迷人的. 和 the gel medium that you mentioned?

Dr. Reinemer: So there's a product out there called Save a Tooth.

面试官: 如果你是一个运动队的教练或者类似的事情,你认为哪一件事最适合你?

Dr. Reinemer: 绝对. This is even a product that could be kept at home. It costs less than $20. You can get it on Amazon. 当然,每个教练或运动教练的急救箱里都应该有这个.

面试官: 听起来,如果你的孩子有任何牙齿损伤, whether it's a baby tooth or an adult tooth, 你应该经常去看牙医,因为可能会有你不知道的事情发生. The severity would dictate how quickly you need to go do that. Is it within a day or two, or is it immediately? Even if it doesn't look like there's anything wrong, if somebody took a hit to the teeth, dentist trip probably a good idea?

Dr. Reinemer: Always good to follow up with your dentist because, 再一次。, like I said before, 可能有一些肉眼看不见的潜在疾病. Maybe it requires an x-ray. 它需要一些其他的测试来确保它处于良好的状态. 和, 再一次。, 它为你大发娱乐提供了基线信息,如果你能与未来联系起来,因为你也遵循了这一点.

播音员: Have a question about a medical procedure? Want to learn more about a health condition? 大于2,000 interviews with our physicians and specialists, 你很有可能会找到你想知道的. Check it out at

updated: June 19, 2019
originally published: June 20, 2017