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The Do's and Don'ts of Breastfeeding

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The Do's and Don'ts of Breastfeeding

Aug 29, 2019

Breastfeeding may seem like second nature, but it can be complicated. For new mothers that may be anxious, Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones 回答一些关于母乳喂养的主要问题以及你应该做什么和不应该做什么.

Episode Transcript

For something that is as common, normal, and naturally engineered as breastfeeding, most first-time moms are a little nervous.

Okay. Here are some dos and don'ts about breastfeeding for new moms. If you've done this before, it's usually like riding a bicycle. You don't forget. 如果你不是第一次当妈妈,而且上次的母乳喂养效果不太好, it doesn't mean in all cases that you won't be able to be a happy, successful breastfeeding mom this time.

So here we go. Do plan to breastfeed. The vast majority of women are biologically equipped to do it. 很少有妇女身体上不能或不建议母乳喂养. 现在的默认决定是母乳喂养,而不是在大发娱乐母亲的时代.

Don't beat yourself up if you cannot or choose not to breastfeed. 对于许多作为家庭主要或唯一收入来源的妇女来说, they must go back to work immediately. 只有当你休假一段时间后,家庭假才能保证你的工作. It doesn't guarantee that you'll get paid, at least not in the U.S. 如果有医疗原因,你不能母乳喂养或你住在大城市附近, 你有可能从母乳银行获得捐赠的母乳.

怀孕后要服用什么药物,是否要咨询专业的医生. 不要指望所有的医生和护士都知道药物和母乳喂养背后的所有科学知识. 许多人下意识地默认,“如果你正在服用这种药物,就不要母乳喂养。."

The Centers for Disease Control,, has a section on breastfeeding with a section on medications. The National Institutes of Health and the U.S. 医学图书馆有一个叫做LactMed的网站,上面有一个网站详细介绍了不同的药物和母乳喂养的相互作用. 您或您的医疗保健大发娱乐提供者可以输入药物名称并查找事实. It's updated monthly.

德克萨斯理工大学健康科学网站的InfantRisk中心大发娱乐提供了很多有用的信息, and a link to MommyMeds, a mobile app for meds and breastfeeding.


从你分娩的医院的哺乳专家那里得到一些有用的建议吗. 大多数医院都有经过专门培训的护士来大发娱乐新妈妈适应母乳喂养, how to help the baby latch on to the nipple, 如果你在最初几天遇到困难,如何排除故障.

But remember, 大多数没有复杂的阴道分娩的妇女在24到48小时内回家, and that's before their milk comes in. For new moms, 如果他们计划纯母乳喂养,这可能有点可怕,因为牛奶还没有进来. It may take even longer after a cesarean section. 哺乳专家知道这一点,他们会给你一个联系电话和一份讲义,告诉你在等奶的时候会发生什么.

Don't freak out when your milk comes in. 它经常像火车一样来,乳房会非常膨胀,不舒服. 把这看作是大自然为万一你生了双胞胎而制定的保险政策. You may make more at the beginning than your newborn can use. 如果乳房太紧,婴儿无法吸住,可以用手挤出一些乳汁或使用吸奶器. 这是一个很好的时间抽出多余的宝宝吃饱后,把它放在冰箱里.

Do keep very well hydrated. Water is a good source. Milk, if you drink it, 如果你每天喝三杯,你就有母乳喂养所需的卡路里、蛋白质和钙吗.

Don't expect to do it all. 最初几周的护理和产后恢复是令人厌烦的. If you're breastfeeding, you'll be nursing every couple of hours. You will be sleepless. 提前想想你的朋友和家人能为你做些什么,并准备好一个清单,这样当人们说, "What can I do for you?“你可以看看你的清单,因为你太累了,想不出新的清单. So you've got your list and you can tell them what's on your list.

Do think carefully about drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana. 喝酒后血液中的酒精含量被转移到母乳中,在血液和母乳中是相等的. 婴儿的肝脏不能很好地代谢酒精,所以他们的酒精停留的时间更长. 这并不意味着一杯葡萄酒或啤酒就能让你的宝宝昏倒. But remember, if you're making breast milk, 当你喝酒的时候,酒精会在你的母乳中停留几个小时.

THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, and there are many but this is the one that gets you high, 在母乳中排泄,大发娱乐不知道它对发育中的大脑有什么影响.

Don't, just don't smoke cigarettes while you're breastfeeding. Just don't smoke cigarettes. 如果你放弃它是因为你知道它对怀孕有害,它对你的新生儿也有害.

Do get your vaccinations, especially influenza and measles and Tdap. If they find that you aren't immune during your pregnancy, 在母乳喂养中唯一禁忌的疫苗是天花和黄热病. And most of you aren't going to be looking out to get those. 你可以在疾病预防控制中心的网站上查看有关疫苗接种和母乳喂养的信息.

Don't ignore your partner. 母乳喂养与你和你的宝宝建立了一种高度亲密的关系. 如果你有一些冷冻的牛奶,你有时会用瓶子装母乳或配方奶, let your partner in on it if they're willing and interested. 它为你和你的宝宝创造了一个很好的备份,让他们在生活中更接近宝宝.

Do try to be flexible. A newborn and breastfeeding don't always fit into your pre-baby life. At the end of the day, if you have to stop breastfeeding, 有好的选择,你不是一个失败者或一个坏母亲.

不要因为生病而停止母乳喂养,除非你病得不能母乳喂养. 如果你因为一些临时药物治疗你的疾病而不得不停止,继续抽水. You can discard the milk, 但是要保持乳房的分泌能力,这样你就可以在身体好转的时候继续母乳喂养. If you stop breastfeeding or pumping for some days, it can be difficult to get the mechanism going again.

This is just a very short list of things women might wonder about. 美国儿科学会和疾病预防控制中心在其他主题上有很多信息. 如果你有问题,请向当地的哺乳专家寻求大发娱乐. You can do it. Thanks for joining us on The Scope.