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Facelifts are a surgical option for people who may want to tighten skin around the jawline or other parts of the face, 通常是为了看起来更年轻. There are many types of 整容 surgeries, but 整容s are not necessarily for everyone. 整形外科医生 Dr. Eric Cerrati talks about some of the things to consider before having the procedure and how to know if you are a right candidate for a 整容.


面试官: 如果你正在考虑整容,你需要知道什么. 这就是下一期《大发娱乐》节目的内容.

播音员: 健康信息来自预期,由研究支持. 来自犹他大学健康中心,大发娱乐是scoperadio.com.

面试官: Dr. Eric Cerrati is a plastic surgeon at University of Utah Health, and he specializes in 面部和颈部的整形和重建手术. 如果你想做面部拉皮, 希望大发娱乐能回答你们的一些问题.

那么为什么病人认为a 整容? What kind of leads them to making the decision that that's something that they want to pursue?

Dr. Cerrati: 所以很多时候是病人, middle aged and they're starting to notice the jowling or the extra skin that's kind of hanging down over the chin. 这是人们看到的第一个迹象.

面试官: 当有人说整容时, is it generally the jowling that we're talking about that we're fixing, 或者整容包括其他东西吗?

Dr. Cerrati: 最常见的是整容会重新定义下颌轮廓. 这是主要的目标区域,在下巴下面,沿着下巴.

面试官: 好吧. 当有人进来,你做一个评估, 你推荐哪一种, 你去看专科医生, 你如何大发娱乐确定他们是否适合这个职位?

Dr. Cerrati: So first and foremost, it is an elective surgery, so the patient needs to be 医学健康 对于程序. Then as you look at body habitus to make sure the patient's not having weight shifts or that sort of thing, to make sure you can get him a lasting result and something that they're happy with. 这很大程度上与病人选择有关. You want to make sure that their hopes and wishes is something that you can accomplish.

面试官: Sure that what they're asking for is something that can actually be done.

Dr. Cerrati: 完全.


面试官: 那么整容不能做什么呢? 你有没有病人来找你说, “我想整容," and they're trying to accomplish something that just can't be done?

Dr. Cerrati: 绝对. There's the anatomy of the neck and the way that the neck is structured that some patients are more, 说, 做整容手术的理想人选,有些则不然, 在这种情况下,你不能得到一个非常明确的下颌轮廓.

面试官: So there are a lot of different 整容手术的种类 and ways to do a 整容. When a patient comes in and starts asking you about those different things, 你如何引导他们完成这个过程?

Dr. Cerrati: 所以你可以浏览所有不同的 整容手术的种类, skin only and addressing the underlying tissues and that sort of thing. But really, all these things are not necessarily important for the patient. The patient needs to be familiar with their surgeon and make sure the surgeon has the proper credentials. And if the surgeon has the same aesthetic and can achieve the goal that the patient wants, the approach that they use isn't necessarily the most important thing.

面试官: 让你. 所以很多时候你都在解释这个,我想.

Dr. Cerrati: 完全.


面试官: 有人想做整容手术. 那是什么样子的? I would imagine there's not a lot of preparation if they are already healthy and whatnot. 他们会来做手术. 通常需要多长时间?

Dr. Cerrati: 所以这个过程可以持续到, 我不知道, 两个半小时到四个半小时. 所有 the incisions are really hidden behind the hairline and then around the ear. 几周后,这些切口就很难看出来了. 对我来说, I do do some planning pre-operatively to try to minimize any type of bruising and to help the patient throughout the whole process. 在一天结束的时候, it is an elective procedure and these patients do not want to feel sick and have a long, 漫长的术后过程.

So I do a lot of things before surgery to kind of help the patient get through that and minimize. I also don't like to use drains and prolonged dressings and those type of things, so patients can really get back to their daily lives as fast as possible.

面试官: 大发娱乐有一个范围吗? 它真的会因手术的不同而不同吗?

Dr. Cerrati: 情况各不相同, but usually I tell people after two to three weeks they're really back to their pre-operative status.

面试官: 如果你回去工作, are people going to be able to see visible signs at that point that you've had something done?

Dr. Cerrati: So after about two weeks, a lot of the swelling and bruising has pretty much subsided. 切口可能有轻微的红色, but patients can really get back to their normal routines after two weeks. 那时他们也可以. . . After the first week you can really apply makeup, so a lot of it can be hidden.


面试官: 让你. 结果会持续下去吗? 要多久??

Dr. Cerrati: 这取决于方法, 如果你处理深层组织, 结果通常持续10年左右, 大概是这个范围吧. It's because the aging processing and with gravity, it's still going on. 所以即使你做了手术,衰老过程仍在继续.


面试官: And picking the right doctor to do a 整容 is really important, because it is your face. So how does somebody know that they have somebody that is going to really do a good job for them?

Dr. Cerrati: So the number one thing I would 说 is the patient should do their homework. 他们应该看看谁是外科医生, where they've done their training and what pathway they've taken in order to get to become a plastic surgeon who's operating on someone's face.

面试官: Are there some certifications in general that you should kind of make sure that the surgeon has?

Dr. Cerrati: 绝对. So is there a residency in plastic surgery that's monitored by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. A fellowship by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 这也是董事会的认证. 这是两个主要的问题.

面试官: And it's your opinion that you should look for somebody who has both of those?

Dr. Cerrati: 任何一个都可以.

面试官: 哦,都可以?

Dr. Cerrati: 这是两条不同的路径.

面试官: 它们是两个独立的东西. 让你.

Dr. Cerrati: 对我来说, I did a fellowship by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

面试官: And if they don't have one of those pathways, then maybe be a little cautious?

Dr. Cerrati: 我会发出警告.

面试官: 好吧. 然后再问一些问题?

Dr. Cerrati: 绝对. In addition to qualifications, you should really feel comfortable with your surgeon. 即使在最初的咨询之后,你也没有很好的感觉, 再去办公室看看. And just make sure before you sign up for anything that it's something that you're happy with and that you're confident that the surgeon can give you the results that you want.

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