What Your Cosmetic Surgeon Wants You to Know About Your Procedure

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What Your Cosmetic Surgeon Wants You to Know About Your Procedure


Cosmetic and reconstructive surgery is not a magic overnight process. To get results, these surgical procedures take a lot of time, after-care, and money. Dr. 考特尼克龙比式 explains the realities of cosmetic procedures that all patients should know when considering an operation.


面试官: So maybe you're considering getting a cosmetic or a reconstructive procedure done. We've all seen the before and after photos, but it's there's sometimes a journey in between those two points, and to kind of talk us through this is Dr. 考特尼克龙比式. She's an Assistant Professor and plastic surgeon with University of Utah Health.

现在,博士. 克龙比式, 有哪些呢, 你知道, 你可以在杂志上看到, you see on advertisements, 你知道, the before and the after. But, 你知道, there's a lot more involved with the recovery, regardless of what your procedure is. Why don't you walk me through some of the things that you as a surgeon really want your patients to understand when they're first thinking about these kinds of procedures.

Dr. 克龙比式: So most of the time, 你知道, our patients come and meet with us. They'll have at least one, and sometimes multiple meetings with us prior to a given procedure. And then on the day of the procedure, once again, we meet in the morning. They'll meet their anesthesiologists, and then they'll meet with us, ,通常, depending on what the procedure is, we'll do our markings and our consent forms and then off to surgery.

手术后, we usually see them within the first week for their first follow-up appointment, and it'll either be with the surgeon, or someone on our team to check in and make sure that they're doing okay with their pain medicines and that our surgical sites are doing okay, if there is drains involved, 你知道, a drain check and just to see overall how they're doing.

听候我差遣, I usually end up seeing patients probably every one to two weeks after their procedure until the kind of the final product of our procedure is done, which may be anywhere up to six weeks later. 所有 our checkups were following drain outputs and removing drains, 检查伤口, 删除Steri-Strips, and when it is time to start doing massages on massaging of scars, we will talk you through that portion, talk about sun exposure to scar, and get you through everything to the end product.

面试官: 除了疤痕护理之外, 伤口护理, 疼痛管理, what are some other things that they also should be keeping in mind? 我认为, 你知道, they're going to be out for a while, they're not going to be able to, 你知道, 拎东西, run around with the kids. What are some of those other kind of, 你知道, social and psychosocial aspects of all this?

Dr. 克龙比式: We discuss with you your daily activities of what we start allowing you to do, 从遛狗到, 你知道, 带着孩子, 和孩子们一起玩, 骑自行车. Whatever the activities are, we're usually discussing what those things are that we think is okay to do based on what wounds you have, what muscles are lying under those wounds. So we're very involved with everything because we want you to have the very best outcome for the things that we're helping you through.

面试官: So a patient who, 你知道, they hear that it's going to be a process, right? They hear maybe they're going to hurt for a while, 他们可能不得不, 你知道, work through one thing or another, what is something you tell them to kind of reassure them, if this is something they really want to do?

Dr. 克龙比式: I remind them that there are going to be good days and bad days, 祝你好运, you really need to sort of tone it down so that your bad day, you don't totally crash. And I ask them about their support system, and I encourage their significant others to help them through on, 你知道, to be their cheerleader, and to help them through on their bad days, and hopefully they have a good support system. We want our patients to do well. It's a reflection of us, of course, and, 你知道, we want the best for our patients. We want good outcomes for them. And that's why we're here.