我的乳房x光检查结果不正常. 现在?

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我的乳房x光检查结果不正常. 现在?


It can be scary when your doctor says she found something on your 乳房x光检查. 这意味着乳腺癌吗? Dr. 汤姆米勒Dr. 妮可·温克勒 discuss what it means when you get the call to come back for more tests. They also talk about what the findings might mean 和 the realistic chances of developing 癌症.


Dr. 汤姆·米勒: You had a finding on your annual screening 乳房x光检查. 接下来是什么? We're going to talk about that on 范围.

Hi. 今天我和Dr. 妮可·温克勒. She's an assistant professor in the department of radiology, 和 she's also a specialist at breast imaging. Nicole, what happens when a woman gets the information back that her 乳房x光检查 was abnormal? 下一步是什么? I know this is a potentially very f正确的ening time for women.

Next Steps After an Abnormal Mammogram

Dr. 妮可·温克勒: 当然,大发娱乐理解这一点. We only call back patients that we really need some additional information on. So what happens is the patient gets the call," 大发娱乐希望你能回来." Usually, we want you to come back for some additional 乳房x光检查 的观点, 和 that's because a lot of the times when we're calling you back, it's because we're compressing a three-dimensional structure of breast 和 creating two-dimensional images from it. So things can overlap 和 mimic a potential 癌症. So we have you come back for additional 的观点, just to squeeze those areas a little bit differently to see if there's truly anything there or not.

Abnormal Mammograms: Benign or Cancer?

Dr. 汤姆·米勒: 所以大多数时候, you would probably not find anything potentially harmful when they come back?

Dr. 妮可·温克勒: 绝对.

Dr. 汤姆·米勒: So what percentage of the time would you have to go on from your next diagnostic 乳房x光检查 to a biopsy?

Dr. 妮可·温克勒: That is about probably 8 percent of the time.

Dr. 汤姆·米勒: 低. 不是很高.

Dr. 妮可·温克勒: 非常低的. 非常低的.

Ultrasounds to Diagnose Breast Cysts

Dr. 汤姆·米勒: So the message for women of having the finding on the 乳房x光检查 is, take a deep breath. 不太可能是癌症.

Dr. 妮可·温克勒: 正确的. A lot of the things that we end up seeing when a woman comes back are a cyst in the breast because we can't tell if something is a cyst on a 乳房x光检查. We actually have to look at it with an 超声波. So if we suspect that, we might just go directly to 超声波 to look 和 see if that's what it is. There are a lot of benign things that occur in the breast, but sometimes we just need to get a view of it. If it's the first time you've had a 乳房x光检查, we need to look at it 和 then just follow it for a while to make sure that it's benign. But getting called back from a screening 乳房x光检查 to a diagnosis of 癌症 is actually uncommon.

乳癌统计数字 & 活组织检查结果

Dr. 汤姆·米勒: 8%的概率, 你可能会做活检, 但即使你做活检, 并不总是癌症, 正确的?

Dr. 妮可·温克勒: 正确的. We biopsy things because we think that there is a chance that there could be 癌症. We're very careful because we don't want to miss a breast 癌症. Things that we think are under 2 percent chance that it's not 癌症; we usually don't do a biopsy. That means that things have a 5 percent chance of being 癌症.

Dr. 汤姆·米勒: 仍然很小.

Dr. 妮可·温克勒: 仍然很低. 大发娱乐做个活组织检查确认一下.

Dr. 汤姆·米勒: 让我想想. So if I did 8 percent 和 3 percent, that's pretty low. 像, .2 percent of the time you might have 癌症s. 是这样吗?? Does that sound 正确的, or is it a little higher?

Dr. 妮可·温克勒: 我想再高一点,但是 . . .


Dr. 汤姆·米勒: 好吧. Could you talk about the density of breast tissue? I think there's a higher call-back rate on women that have higher breast density. 这是真的吗?? Can we talk about that a little bit?

Dr. 妮可·温克勒: 这是真的. 这是真的. Women with more heterogeneously dense breast tissue 和 baseline screening 乳房x光检查s, those women tend to get called back a little bit more than women that have completely fatty breast tissue. That's because there's just more going on in the breast. There's more tissue in there that can obscure a potential 癌症. It also reduces the sensitivity of the 乳房x光检查. 所以如果大发娱乐认为, “好吧, there's some very dense tissue in there 和 there could be something in there,' sometimes we might call you back so we can look at that area a little bit better.

年龄 & 乳腺密度

Dr. 汤姆·米勒: 妮可,这和年龄有什么关系?

Dr. 妮可·温克勒: 年龄 is definitely important for breast density. The density of breast tissue decreases over time, 尤其是绝经后, after the hormones have stopped forming. So we do definitely see women have a reduction in their breast density over time. Women that are on hormone replacement therapy, though, will continue to have dense breast tissue.


Dr. 汤姆·米勒: So it sounds like the take-home message is, if you have an abnormal 乳房x光检查, don't worry too much. 不太可能是癌症.

Dr. 妮可·温克勒: 正确的. But we don't want you to get too secure with that. 大发娱乐希望你能回来.

Dr. 汤姆·米勒: 你一定要回来.

Dr. 妮可·温克勒: 你一定要回来.

Dr. 汤姆·米勒: 做好后续工作.

Dr. 妮可·温克勒: 完全. 大发娱乐想仔细看看.

Dr. 汤姆·米勒: 确保不是癌症. And if it is, there's great therapy out there now, 和 we beat a lot of breast 癌症.

Dr. 妮可·温克勒: 完全.
