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If your teen has run away from home, the first priority is finding them and ensuring they’re safe. 但在他们安全回家后,你应该做些什么呢? 阿曼达·麦克纳布,城市固体废物,康乐及社会福利, suggests the steps parents should take to understand why your teenager ran away in the first place—and start to rebuild the relationship in a healthy way to prevent future runaways.


面试官: It's a situation that no parent ever wants to deal with, but their teen has run away. Once you have located your teen and got them back home, what do you do next? How can you make sure to resolve whatever is going on and why they ran away in the first place?

To help us understand the situation and what steps to take next, we're joined by Amanda McNabb. She is the quality improvement and training manager at the Community Crisis Intervention and Support 服务 with Huntsman Mental Health Institute.

Amanda, it is a situation that really I think most parents fear sometimes. 当它发生时, 你怎么跟父母说, and what is the first step that they should do when they get their kid back?

阿曼达: 通常, when a parent is dealing with a situation in which a teenager has run away, one of the things that we really suggest is having another support system with them. 所以也许有一个调解人, 家里的朋友, somebody who can come in and help keep the emotions that are going on at a minimum so that the conversation can happen about why.

很多家庭只会说:“别再这样做了. 这可不太好. 现在你有麻烦了." And they don't really focus on what was the reason behind the idea of running away for that teenager.

面试官: 他们离家出走的常见原因是什么? 我的意思是, 我知道每个家庭都不一样, 但是你接触的人太多了, 肯定有一些共同的线索.

阿曼达: 绝对. And those common threads can run from just a teenager who doesn't like the rules in the house and wants to have some extra freedom or things like that. It may be that they're dealing with a lot of pressures and feel like between school and home and friends and everything else that's going on, 他们只是无法处理,需要摆脱这种情况.

There may be some concerns about gender identity or feeling accepted for who they are. And that may be another reason that a teenager might leave the home or leave the situation.

这名青少年也可能有心理健康问题, 抑郁症, 焦虑, 也许是关于自杀的想法. And the idea of running away is the first step towards "What do I do with my mental health itself?"

面试官: 所以第一步, 找一个调解人, 找个中间人, 冷静一些, 我相信, very high-intensity emotions that are happening in that situation. What are some strategies and next steps that we can share with parents who are trying to help identify what is going on with their teen or with their home situation and where can they go next?

阿曼达: 我想是在开始的时候, 如你所说, being able to calm down and really bring those emotions back down to where everybody can actually communicate with one another.

When we're in a high emotional situation, we're not often listening to the other person. 大发娱乐不是在进行真正的对话. 大发娱乐总是在想,“我该如何回应?或者是青少年, 这是, “好吧, how am I going to hold this person to consequences for their actions and their behavior?" And instead, we really want to focus more on, “好吧, what is going on in this situation? 我怎样才能理解他们的观点?"

与青少年, 真正的成年人, 大发娱乐每个人对形势都有自己的看法, 不总是和别人匹配的. So we want to focus in on really being able to use those reflective listening skills and those active listening skills to communicate and say, “多告诉我发生了什么事," so that we can come to a positive conclusion and hopefully make things better.

Sometimes with that piece, we really will say to families and parents, "Call the crisis line." We are here not just for suicide or major mental health concerns. 大发娱乐是为危机而来的.

And when a family has a teenager who's run away, I define that as a crisis. That is something that is creating a lot of discord and emotional upheaval for a family. And so we're here to try to walk you through those next steps or be able to intervene and say, "Maybe we need to do a mental health assessment on the individuals involved to make sure that everybody is in a safe place to have those conversations."

面试官: So with a service like the crisis line with the Huntsman Mental Health Institute, 对一些人来说, this might be the first time they are reaching out to a service like this. 当他们拨打那个电话号码时,他们会期待什么?

阿曼达: 当他们打电话的时候, 通常, you will get ahold of one of our certified crisis workers who will then just ask, “今天我能帮你什么忙吗?? 发生了什么事让你打电话来?"

一旦大发娱乐开始定义发生了什么, 情况如何?, 当前的实际需求是什么, 有时这种需要是正当的, “我需要发泄. 我得跟你谈谈发生了什么事,“也可能是, “我对我能获得哪些资源有疑问," then we can start to collaborate together with the caller and say, “好吧, 以下是可用的. 这是一个可能的选择."

这并不一定是父母的责任. 也可以是青少年. The teenager is always welcome to give us a call or use our SafeUT app or anything like that to reach out to one of our crisis workers and say, “我正在努力应对发生的事情. 我需要大发娱乐.希望如此, they get a warm reception and are able to feel comfortable talking about some of those issues that maybe they haven't been able to bring up with other people before.

面试官: 现在,谁是危机线,它会花费什么吗?

阿曼达: 危机热线适用于所有人. 它对消费者是免费的. 大发娱乐24小时都在大发娱乐. Same with our SafeUT app, which is just a texting way of getting hold of the crisis workers. And it really is for parents, teenagers, anybody who's seeking that extra help.

面试官: So for a parent who is dealing with a runaway and 这是 time to figure out what's going on and heal together, 拨打危机热线的电话号码是多少?

阿曼达: Parents can reach us at 1-800-273-TALK, or the national number at 988.

面试官: 仅为988?

阿曼达: 就是这样.