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When hip or shoulder pain disrupts your life, the cause could be a labral tear. 但这意味着什么呢? 整形外科医生 斯蒂芬·青木博士, 分解了什么是唇裂, 这种损伤是如何发生的, and the treatment options available as well as when surgery may be the next best step.


面试官: 如果你或你认识的人正在经历持续的髋关节疼痛,或者可能是一种捕捉感,或者只是一般的不稳定, 这可能是唇裂的结果. 这是一种非常常见的髋关节损伤, but it can significantly impact a person's ability to move and live their lives. 如果不及时治疗, it has the potential to lead to more complications such as arthritis later in life.

To help us better understand what a labral tear is and what we can do to treat them, 大发娱乐请来了一位整形外科医生 Dr. 斯蒂芬·K. 青木, who is a professor and the chief of sports medicine at University of Utah Health.


现在,博士. 青木,髋部的唇状物到底是什么? 它在做什么?? 当它被撕裂时会发生什么?

Dr. 青木: 确定. 这是一个很好的开始. 如果大发娱乐看下唇, 把唇状部想象成一个垫片, 髋关节周围的软组织环在哪里. 髋关节是由一个球和一个窝组成的, 这两块骨头一起运动,让你的臀部可以朝不同的方向运动,发挥功能. The labrum is a ring of tissue that surrounds the cup or the socket of the joint, 这是一种软组织稳定结构,可以增加支撑力, 大发娱乐卸载关节, 并有助于关节的稳定性.


面试官: So what can cause, say, a tear to this gasket of the hip, like you were explaining to me?

Dr. 青木: 确定. So the labral tear usually is loaded in a way, like anything, 正确的? 如果你有一个结构,如果你对它施加足够的力 . . . if you hit your car, at some point if there's enough energy, it's going to break or dent your car. 处理唇裂也是一样的. 如果有足够的能量穿过组织, 它可能会受伤, and it can tear or at least get loaded in a way that can cause some damage.

这可能是活动的结果, 所以如果你切得很猛的话, 扭, 绕轴旋转, jumping-type activities where you're putting a lot of force through the hip joint.

但它也会受到影响 . . . and particularly this is very common and probably the most common issue related to labral tears, 髋部是否有某种潜在的骨骼问题, 或者髋部的骨骼变化使得髋部的球和窝不能完美地结合在一起.

如果你有球窝的概念, if a ball fits really well and is machined in a way that it fits perfectly into that cup, 然后移动得很好. 如果那个球是蛋形的, 然后随着臀部的移动, 如果你想在圆槽里滚鸡蛋, 它不合适.

And so when you have something that doesn't fit, then it loads the edge. 在这个组织的边缘是唇. And so oftentimes in the young healthy individual who gets a labral tear, 髋部有一个潜在的形状问题导致或使你更容易发生唇裂.

面试官: 所以我听说如果你经常搬家, 如果你对那个关节施加了很大的力, 这可能会导致, 也只是形状. 如果你的身体有点不同,可能会引起一些问题. Does that mean that there are particular types of people that are more likely to get a labral tear, or is this something that affects a whole lot of people across different ages?

Dr. 青木: 它影响了很多不同年龄的人, but typically the individuals that we see come in that are younger that have this issue, 他们是典型的在活动中更有攻击性的人他们有某种潜在的形状问题,以一种可能不理想的方式负荷髋关节.

面试官: 我假设大发娱乐有运动员. 你还在其他类型的人身上看到过这种情况吗?

Dr. 青木: 主要是运动员,但我想任何人都可以. 我的意思是,唇裂和形状问题的挑战 . . . which actually the term for it is called femoroacetabular impingement, or FAI for short. 这通常是一个形状问题,球不是圆的. It's just a way that it formed as you were going through those growing years. 通常大发娱乐在运动员身上更常见因为髋关节周围的生长板受到刺激会导致额外的骨头形成.

面试官: 哦,哇.

Dr. 青木: And that shape issue ends up pinching in the hip joint, and it pinches directly on that labrum.


面试官: 所以如果有人经历了唇裂,他们怎么知道? 他们有什么症状? 他们首先注意到什么,甚至送他们去看医生?

Dr. 青木: 确定. 大多数情况下,当你髋部受伤或唇部撕裂, 最初的症状通常是腹股沟疼痛. 它就在那里面 . . .

面试官: 哦,真的?

Dr. 青木: . . . 在骨盆和大腿之间做折痕. 就在你坐的地方, 你在哪里形成了关节或腿上的折痕, 这正是人们往往感到不舒服的地方. 所以这是髋关节前部的疼痛.

它可以辐射到后面, so you might get this radiating pain that goes back into the buttock region, 但大多数时候它都在前面.

面试官: 好吧. 我还听说了一种引人注目的感觉. Is that pretty typical, or is that kind of rare with something like this?

Dr. 青木: 它可以发生在更机械的地方. 大多数时候, individuals will have more discomfort with deep squatting or more aggressive 扭, 绕轴旋转-type活动. You can have pain with prolonged sitting, which is another common complaint.


面试官: 哦,有趣的. So they go to their doctor, they're like, “嘿, my hip is bothering me," etc. 是什么让他们最终得到唇裂的诊断然后被送到像你这样的外科医生那里?

Dr. 青木: 是的. 我的意思是, 任何时候你有这种不适, 当它刚开始的时候, most of the time it's kind of a reasonably tolerable discomfort that sets in. And if it is the femoroacetabular impingement problem with the underlying labral tear, 通常情况下,休息的时间, 活动变化的时期, 试着从非手术的角度来解决问题, initially usually it feels better when you take a break from activity.

面试官: 哦,好吧.

Dr. 青木: 然而, 恢复活动, if the pain continues to return when you go back to the things in life that you like to do, that's when I would start looking at trying to get in to see someone to get an evaluation.

通常它是进来的, 就像大多数医疗问题一样, hearing a patient's story gives you a lot of information and kind of keys you into a diagnosis. 然后是, on top of an exam and usually getting some X-rays to look at the shape of the hip, as well as potentially moving towards getting an MRI to look for that labral tear.

面试官: So they got their MRI, they have been diagnosed with a labral tear, and they come into your office. 病人的期望是什么? 作为一个外行,当我听到, "Oh, no, 我身体的一部分被撕裂了,“我马上想到, “嘿, 我得去把这缝起来." Well, that might be a little too crass, but just like, “嘿, I need to get this fixed.这是正确的做法吗? Or what do you tell patients when they come in and they know they have a labral tear?

Dr. 青木: 绝对. 这可能是大发娱乐在髋关节诊所处理的最具挑战性的问题之一大发娱乐处理的是被解读为唇裂的核磁共振成像.

这很有趣,因为在核磁共振成像上看到的唇裂和大发娱乐看到的很多不同的骨科问题是不一样的, 正确的? 通常大发娱乐看到的髋关节唇裂是当放射科医生和大发娱乐在看核磁共振成像时, 大发娱乐正在观察组织的变化, 或者有一个信号. It's looking at a color on the MRI and it gives us an idea of an injury.

我更喜欢“唇伤”这个词而不是“唇裂”, 因为对外行人来说,撕裂会让你觉得你必须把它修好才能好起来. 但这并不总是正确的.

可能更重要的问题是那些髋部疼痛的人有一个潜在的核磁共振成像被解读为唇裂是临床图片. 你受这个困扰多久了? 它让你慢了多少? 你有没有先尝试过非手术治疗?

因为有些人就这样变好了. 如果你让他们休息一段时间, 如果你给他们一段时间的活动调整, 可能会和治疗师一起工作, 让事情平静下来, 通常会有一些人回到他们想做的事情上,事情就好了.

这是反复出现疼痛的个体. 他们休假了, 他们做了一次很好的尝试, 当他们开始增加活动时, 疼痛又隐隐袭来. 这时大发娱乐就会开始考虑从手术的角度出发做一些事情.

我试着向病人解释唇裂的问题,从某种意义上说,有一些论文是关于没有髋关节疼痛的人的, and they get MRIs and they send them to experienced radiologists, 在这些论文中,有40%到80%被认为是唇裂.

So a read on an MRI may not necessarily mean that that's the pain generator. 虽然它可能是,但它可能不是每个人的疼痛源. 所以一定要花时间确保你在接受手术之前先进行非手术治疗.


面试官: 这就是第一种方法. 即使你被诊断为唇裂, 大发娱乐从保守的方法开始, 我猜是冰的压缩和上升. 这是关节的标准吗,还是有点过了?

Dr. 青木: 是的. 髋部可能有点不同,因为髋部很难抬起,除非你头朝下. 但是,是的, 我认为,最重要的可能是花一点时间,在一段时间内调整这些活动,让事情平静下来. Let the discomfort settle and then start regrouping and getting back into what you want to do.

复发性疼痛, 疼痛又卷土重来,限制了你的活动, 这时你就会开始考虑另一个方向可能会考虑手术来解决问题.

面试官: 好吧. 所以病人尝试了休息. 他们已经尝试了典型的东西. They've worked with a physical therapist to try to ease their pain, 但他们仍在经历. 现在他们在你的办公室. 有哪些可用的选项? What is the next step if those more conservative approaches do not work?

Dr. 青木: 确定. 现在回到那个保守时期, 即使是在6到12周的窗口期,我也可能会考虑到这一点, 这仍然是相对较短的时间, 虽然这是大发娱乐开始考虑如果情况没有改善,可能会转向另一个方向的时候.



但如果你没有好转, then it's looking at potentially seeing an orthopedic surgeon that specializes in hip, 坐下来和他们讨论,特别是和他们讨论困扰你的是什么. 你哪里不舒服?? 什么活动容易引起不适? 你做过身体检查和学业评估吗.

我认为当你处理髋关节疼痛时要考虑的另一件事是还有很多其他问题可以模拟髋关节疼痛. And so you just need to make sure someone who is experienced in hip problems can help sort that out.

面试官: 比如说有一个病人他们已经做了他们应该做的一切也许是时候考虑手术了. 你会告诉他们什么? What can a patient expect if they go out and they seek treatment for a labral tear? 情况会好转吗? 或者这是他们必须要处理的事情?

Dr. 青木: 是的, 我认为最好的办法是如果你在非手术的情况下没有好转, then it's time to start looking at trying to find someone to see.

有很多教育资源. 大发娱乐在犹他大学健康网站上有一些,你可以去骨科页面搜索“髋关节唇裂”.“但是你也可以看很多其他的教育信息,这些信息可以大发娱乐你更多地理解这个过程.

但如果你感到沮丧,你的活动和功能水平令人烦恼,以至于你对自己在生活中所做的事情不满意, 那就该进去找个人了. We have a lot of great individuals who can help take care of you at the University of Utah.

面试官: 最后一个问题在大发娱乐结束之前假设他们不在犹他州可以去犹他健康大学这样的地方. 他们在找什么样的医生? What kind of clinic are they looking for to get this type of treatment?

Dr. 青木: 是的, for your initial evaluation, I would try to see a non-operative sports provider. There are a lot of individuals who specialize in sports medicine who can do the initial screening.

然后从那里开始, 如果你需要推荐的话, 一般来说,大多数非手术运动医学大发娱乐提供者都知道如果你需要进行手术,他们可以从那里大发娱乐你.

我会找一个专门研究髋关节问题的医生,确保你能去看他们. 再一次。, 大多数人都有很好的网站,可以大发娱乐你了解他们在骨科方面的专业.

面试官: 完美的.