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Physical activity is crucial for every一个, including those with physical limitations or disabilities. 学习 Aaron Lowry, PT, 一些策略和练习可以根据你的需要量身定制, 如何调整设备, and why professional guidance from specialists like physical therapists is vital for learning how to keep yourself healthy through activity.


面试官: Oftentimes much of the exercise advice out there seems to be tailored to those without limitations, leaving people who have some sort of limitations feeling left out and wondering how they could also pursue their fitness goals. Today we're going to explore the topic of exercising with limitations and discover how to make fitness inclusive for everybody.

物理治疗师Aaron Lowry说,来自 犹他大学健康克雷格H. 尼尔森康复医院, is an expert at helping individuals overcome obstacles so they can achieve their fitness goals even with physical limitations. 我是说,这就是你整天做的事,对吧? You work with people that have had some sort of an accident or incident and they're just trying to get back to kind of normal.

亚伦: 是的,绝对. 大发娱乐大发娱乐的很多病人在他们的生活中都经历过导致瘫痪的事件, 他们试着在瘫痪中生活, 麻痹运动, 而且还, 如你所说, 恢复正常,这样他们就可以做所有其他人会做的事情.


面试官: What are some of the common types of limitations that people face when it comes to exercise and physical activity? 我的意思是, this can be hard for people who don't have any limitations to even kind of fathom that this could be an issue, 正确的? 那么你看到了什么呢?


亚伦: 是的. 大发娱乐的很多病人整天都坐在轮椅上,他们站不起来. 他们不能走路. 所以他们不能经常使用大发娱乐其他人在健身房使用的很多设备. 即使它们可以,它们也不能很容易地使用它. 所以他们必须要有创造力,找到不同的锻炼方式.

面试官: 然后,在 康复医院 你工作的地方, 还有其他的限制吗, 也许不是很重要, that people struggle with when it comes to trying to get some exercise or physical activity?

亚伦: No, definitely there's a whole host of things with our bodies that can be suboptimal let's say, 这可能会使项目的实施变得困难. 所以可能是心血管功能受限. 他们觉得自己的耐力太差了. 他们觉得自己就像做日常工作一样累. 你们能明白我的心情?

面试官: 正确的.


亚伦: 可以是1. 身体限制是真实存在的, 但大发娱乐经常在心理上觉得大发娱乐不能做大发娱乐能做的事情. 你们能明白我的心情?

面试官: 是的.

亚伦:大发娱乐的自言自语中,大发娱乐是自己最大的敌人, where we say to ourselves we can't do things that we actually probably could start to do if it was small enough and we started small enough.

面试官: Do you find that individuals generally know what their specific limitations are and they understand how those impact their ability to exercise or get some activity?

亚伦: 我认为在某种程度上是这样的. 但在某种程度上,你不去尝试是不会知道的,对吧? 但问题是,大发娱乐真的不知道如何开始尝试. 大发娱乐不知道要对自己做什么测试才能知道大发娱乐的极限. 大发娱乐只是在猜测.

面试官: 当然,确定. So there could even be a limitation that you just don't think you can do it for whatever reason, 但你也从来没有真正尝试过.

亚伦: 是的. 也许你做不到. 但我喜欢在那后面加上“还”这个词. 你知道? 我还做不到.

面试官: 正确的.

亚伦: 但我可以开始朝着这个方向努力. But it's knowing how to start that process that people often hit a roadblock because they don't know how.


面试官: 如果有人有兴趣开始, 就像大发娱乐刚才说的, 也许有人只是觉得自己做不到, 但他们从未尝试过, are there any sort of precautions that somebody should take or keep in mind when they're exercising with limitations, 当他们开始的时候?

亚伦: 在这方面,经常咨询专业人士确实是明智的. Like the commercials say sometimes, "Consult your doctor before starting an exercise program.“正确的?

面试官: 正确的.

亚伦: 这主意不坏, especially if you have a heart condition or something like that where you really want to have the guidance of a professional to make sure that you do the 正确的 amount at the 正确的 time. 另外, 如果你有身体残疾, 尤其是你生活中的瘫痪事件或其他类似的大事, 去看理疗师 or some一个 else who's trained to like really understand how to adapt exercises for you is a great place to start.

面试官: 如果你去找专业人士, they would perhaps take some of those exercises that you haven't been able to do because of your limitation and they can help you find a way to modify that for you it sounds like. 这是你经常做的事吗, 你能给我举个例子吗?

亚伦: 是的,完全. 比如说大发娱乐有个病人 脊髓损伤 他们的手不能使用,但是他们想要加强他们的手臂,对吧? They can't grip a standard-like grip to lift weights because their fingers are paralyzed, 正确的? 所以他们制作专门的把手和手套供人佩戴, that we can train them how to procure and how to use so they can still pull with their arms and push with their arms and do a lot of the regular exercises the rest of us could do. 所以修改他们与机器连接的方式,使其仍然能够使用.

或者他们为瘫痪的人制造了特殊的机器, 他们把这些东西装进机器里. Or they may have like a big chest plate that the person can lean against while they pull on something, 正确的? 如果你的躯干瘫痪了, 在拉重物时,你不能用背部肌肉来稳定自己, 正确的? So you need to have a way to have something to push against with your trunk so that you don't fall over while you're lifting, 正确的? So a lot of specific machines have those built in so people that have disabilities can still use them and be safe.


面试官: I think the thing I've learned from this conversation is that if you have a limitation, 这时候咨询专业人士就非常重要了.

亚伦: 是的.

面试官: That's when it's really important because you just don't know what impact it might have if you decide that you want to start doing some sort of exercise, whether it's strength training or some sort of aerobic activity or playing some sort of a sport. It just really sounds like you should talk to a professional who can help you in your specific situation and make sure that you're safe.

亚伦: 一般来说,这是对的. 这是人们有新伤的一个重要原因, 不管是脊髓损伤,中风,心脏病发作还是其他什么, 正确的, 当你从伤病中恢复过来的时候, 医生开物理疗法是很常见的, 一个, 为了功能改进, but two so you can learn how can I keep exercising into the future and maintain strength and fitness and injury prevention and all the other benefits with my disability.


话虽如此, 尽管有残疾, 你仍然可以在你的身体上成为一个绝对的野兽, 正确的? 不管它是朝某个方向看的, 被强, 做竞技运动, 就像人们追求它一样, 正确的, 如果他们真的想的话. 所以不要觉得这一定会阻碍你,因为它不会. You can really do a lot of really cool things and really excel at your specific thing if you want to.

面试官: 不要让这些限制成为你前进的道路. 我可以想象你经常看到这种情况.

亚伦: 是的.

面试官: That people come in and just the amazing things that they can do when they kind of start to realize, oh, 等待, 我可以.

亚伦: 是啊,当一个人的心态发生转变时,真的很有力量,对吧? In their mind they start to realize that 我可以 still do a lot of really cool things. 这需要大量的工作,而且很难. 它确实如此,甚至比大发娱乐其他人更重要. 但这绝对是可以做到的. 很高兴看到有人在自己的头脑中消除了这种限制. 看到这些真的很有力量.

面试官: 我可以想象如果有人有任何限制, 你会说弄清楚如何锻炼和活动是很重要的. 谈论活动的重要性,即使是那些有限制的人.

亚伦: 是的. 我的意思是,活动和锻炼对大发娱乐所有人都很重要,对吧? But when you have a disability and already kind of have the deck stacked against you so to speak in regards to maintaining fitness because you can't do certain things anymore, 做你能做的事并且多做就变得格外重要了. 所有 of us as we get older, whether we're disabled or not, we start to lose function, 正确的? But a lot of that decline happens way so一个r than it has to simply because we stop moving as much as we could and we stop doing hard things regularly, 正确的? 这只会导致越来越多的衰退,甚至更快. 这对大发娱乐所有人来说都是真的,不管有没有残疾.