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How to Prevent Aches and Pains During Cold Weather

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How to Prevent Aches and Pains During Cold Weather

Jan 25, 2024

在寒冷的天气里,有些人可能会感到身体僵硬和酸痛. 在冬季感到疼痛是正常的吗, or is this a legitimate health concern? Physical therapist Linda Scholl, DPT, 谈论寒冷的天气对你的肌肉和关节的影响, 以及如何通过简单的日常锻炼来预防疼痛.

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Interviewer: Body aches and pains. Is this a legitimate health concern? We're talking with Linda Scholl他是犹他大学骨科中心的物理治疗师.

Body Aches and Pains During Cold Weather

Dr. Linda Scholl: 通常情况下,当天气变化时,人们的伤口或关节会更疼一点. 如果他们碰巧有关节炎的前兆或已经有关节炎, 这就是大发娱乐听到很多人抱怨他们的关节僵硬,当他们第一次开始活动时,他们往往会感到更痛的时候. Oftentimes, that's pretty typical. Usually, 当大发娱乐年纪大一点或者受伤更多的时候, we'll feel it a little bit more.

Interviewer: 所以在冬天,感觉僵硬和酸痛是很常见的?

Dr. Linda Scholl: What tends to be most common is when we're more sedentary. 当大发娱乐从椅子上站起来或下床时的最初几个动作, tends to be when it's the most sore. 大发娱乐只是在冬天更不活跃,所以大发娱乐更容易感觉到它. Also with the cold, 有时候,大发娱乐的关节只是没有那么一点弹性,事实上大发娱乐更冷了. 当物体被加热时,它们往往有更好的伸展,它们不会像以前那样束缚大发娱乐. 所以大发娱乐建议通常是温和的,积极的动作.

If your knee hurts, before you get hurt and you've been sitting in a movie, it's a good idea to just move your knee. Bend your knee back and forth before you stand up and get up. 如果你移动或用手抓东西有困难, 大发娱乐要求你在真正去拿东西之前把手张开和合上一点. 就是这样的东西,可以大发娱乐大发娱乐的身体变得更活跃,减少酸痛.

Is Bone Weakness Associated with Joint Pain?

Interviewer: 说到虚弱,那是不是也和关节有关?

Dr. Linda Scholl: 一般来说,关节炎会导致身体虚弱,因为大发娱乐会因为疼痛而不动. 在医学领域,大发娱乐的建议是尽量加强那些关节炎或僵硬的关节. The more we strengthen it, the muscles will take on the brute force, energy, of work that has to be done by that joint in that area, 这样肌肉就会比两个关节表面的摩擦做更多的工作.

Stiff Muscles and Cold Weather

Interviewer: I've always heard of the rumors: It's colder. The cold air freezes up your muscles. Is that at all true?

Dr. Linda Scholl: The same sort of thing applies. 大发娱乐移动得越少,天气越冷,大发娱乐就越紧张. If we're sitting, for instance, at the computer all day and the cold air has been on, 很有可能大发娱乐的肩膀一直在往上爬,大发娱乐一直在绷紧大发娱乐的整个身体,只是因为大发娱乐很冷, sore, tired, and stiff.

So, we recommend, actually, to relax your shoulders, try and get your body to move a little bit more, 花更少的静态时间做大发娱乐正在做的事情. Oftentimes, 大发娱乐听到人们抱怨在电脑上花了太多的钱, and we don't break it up as much. Truly, 在你尝试移动和做一些更有攻击性的事情之前,轻柔的动作是最好的关键.

Daily Exercise to Prevent Body Aches and Pains

Interviewer: Is there a specific exercise, movement, 或者做一些你建议用来保持身材的伸展运动?

Dr. Linda Scholl:大发娱乐想到大发娱乐的紧绷时,让大发娱乐谈谈大发娱乐的姿势, our aches, and our soreness in our upper body from the winter. 我只是在脑海中想象一个人坐在电脑前. Their shoulders are raised. 他们的下巴有点突出,有点蜷缩在那里. 当你感到寒冷和疲劳时,那种僵硬,那种紧绷的肌肉是一个问题.

大发娱乐要做的就是拉长你的整个身体, 就像有人把绳子套在你头上一样, pulling your body up, getting your shoulders down, lengthening your back, pulling your belly muscles in, 把你的肩胛骨稍微挤在一起,试着保持更好的姿势. Hopefully, 大发娱乐可以避免紧绷的上斜方肌就在大发娱乐脖子的底部和肩膀的顶部.

伸展你的肩膀,做一些肩膀转动来放松那个区域是很好的. Things like that will help. 然后保持活跃,比如在休息十分钟的时候出去散步,在走廊里呆一会儿, on the stairs in your house, moving around a little bit more, and being less sedentary.

Interviewer: Is this going to be the same for everybody? 所以我要做和我90岁的奶奶一样的动作和伸展运动吗?

Dr. Linda Scholl: To some degree, yes. We all have the same thing working against us, which is gravity, which pulls us down and tends to pull us into poor posture. If we can actually straighten up, the 90-year-old versus the younger person, they still have to work against gravity. 他们正在做的和他们能够做的数量可能会有所不同, but, yes, 我要请你像你奶奶一样注意你的姿势. 你得到的结果可能是不同的,但练习可能是相似的. So take time. Think about what you need to do before you get up and move. 想想你在过去一个小时左右都做了些什么,看看如何改变,这样你就能有一个更好的整体姿势,更多地享受你的身体和生活.


updated: January 25, 2024
originally published: December 23, 2013