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PRK: The Other Laser Surgery Option for Your Eyes

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PRK: The Other Laser Surgery Option for Your Eyes

Mar 28, 2016

When you think of corrective vision surgery, LASIK may be the first procedure that comes to mind, 但你有没有意识到,还有其他可能对你更好的选择? PRK is an older, yet effective, laser treatment that gives the same results as LASIK, and is an option for people that cannot undergo LASIK. Dr. Amy Lin 莫兰眼科中心的医生讨论了PRK和LASIK的利弊, and which option might work best for you.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: 当你想到视力矫正手术时,大多数人会想到Lasik. It's not the only option. 大发娱乐将在《大发娱乐》中讨论其他治疗方法.

Announcer: 来自犹他大学医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过上更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to The Scope.

Interviewer: We are in the office of Dr. Amy Lin today. 她是犹他大学莫兰眼科中心的眼科医生. Dr. 琳,首先,告诉我为什么有人要去做Lasik手术.

Dr. Lin: 人们做Lasik手术是为了摘掉眼镜或隐形眼镜. 他们想矫正近视远视或散光. That's why someone would want to have Lasik.

Interviewer: That's not the only option, I'm hearing. There are other surgery options besides Lasik.

Dr. Lin: That's correct. 最常见的Lasik替代方案是PRK. PRK was actually the precursor to Lasik, 但大发娱乐现在仍然做很多PRK,因为PRK有一定的优势. 它的作用和Lasik一样,可以矫正近视,远视和散光. 而不是像Lasik手术那样在角膜上做一个皮瓣. 对于PRK,角膜上没有皮瓣,但你的眼睛必须自然愈合.

Interviewer: 当一个病人来到你的办公室,他们向你询问他们应该做什么治疗和手术的建议, how do you decide Lasik is better for you or PRK?

Dr. Lin: We do a whole variety of measurements in the office. We measure the steepness and the shape of the cornea. We measure the thickness. We measure the prescription in the eyes. And based off of that data, 大发娱乐决定角膜是否足够厚来做Lasik和PRK因为做Lasik需要更厚的角膜. 是不是Lasik的度数太高了,PRK的度数还可以? 这是一种客观的衡量标准大发娱乐可以从中做出选择.

There are other parameters that we look at. 大发娱乐会观察病人看他们的眼睛是否干涩, 比如他们不能长时间戴隐形眼镜,因为他们的眼睛会变得太干, with Lasik, 大发娱乐知道使用PRK之后你会更容易干眼. If you have dry eye existing, PRK可能是比Lasik更好的选择,这样你的干眼症就不会加重.

Interviewer: 当你的医生告诉你他们推荐PRK作为你的治疗方法, 这是否意味着你不适合做Lasik手术? Can you not do Lasik if you are recommended PRK?

Dr. Lin: 通常,人们要么是两党候选人,要么只是朝鲜的候选人. 如果医生给你推荐PRK, usually, 这意味着在Lasik手术中有一些困扰他们的事情,他们认为做Lasik手术风险太大了, but it would be safe to do PRK.

Interviewer: 两种手术的结果是一样的吗?

Dr. Lin: Yes, the outcomes are the same. 当他们做比较PRK和Lasik的研究时,视觉结果是一样的. PRK需要更长的时间来愈合,而Lasik则快得多. Lasik people are saying well after a day or so. With PRK, it takes several weeks. 这并不是说你会失明好几个星期. 只是在接下来的几个星期里,它并不是那么清晰明了,但愿景确实达到了. Interviewer: With gradual outcome.

Dr. Lin: Exactly.

Interviewer: 据我所知,Lasik手术是用激光来矫正视力的. Tell me about PRK. Is that the same thing? 是激光手术还是其他完全不同的手术?

Dr. Lin: Both Lasik and PRK have a laser involved. With Lasik, there are actually two lasers involved. 有一种激光可以切割皮瓣和角膜,然后, there is a second laser that corrects for the vision. 而对于PRK,大发娱乐只是用激光来矫正视力. After the laser procedure, with PRK, 绷带隐形眼镜实际上是戴在眼睛上,隐形眼镜在眼睛里放置几天,这样你的眼睛就可以愈合了. 而使用Lasik手术时,你的眼睛不需要任何额外的材料. Your eye kind of . . . 它很快,你的眼睛在那一点上几乎愈合了. There's really nothing to cover up.

Interviewer: Is there one that you would prefer over the other, in terms of their kind of better outcome long-term.

Dr. Lin: PRK可能更安全一点原因是有了Lasik, 如果你的眼睛受到重击,你的眼睛会有长期的额外损伤的风险. We're talking hard injury like a car accident, baseball to the eye, a big fall, 因为角膜的强度不是100%. 眼睛受到的任何伤害都可能对眼睛造成额外的伤害, 但如果你有PRK,然后你的眼睛被击中了, 你的眼睛受伤和你现在的眼睛受伤没有什么不同.

Interviewer: PRK不是一个病人可以走进你的办公室说,“我想做这个手术.“这是你需要评估的事情,这是医生规定的治疗方法?

Dr. Lin: Exactly. PRK是选择性手术,但大发娱乐还是要看看你是否适合. 但是有些人不适合做Lasik有些人不适合做Lasik或者PRK. 我认为它们都是很好的治疗方法你唯一能确定的方法就是去看医生, get all the testing to see if you're a candidate.

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