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What Are Kidney Stones?

肾结石(也被称为肾结石或尿石症)在你的泌尿系统中形成,当你的尿液中的某些物质含量很高时,它们会结晶并粘在一起. 有几种类型的肾结石及其原因.

而有些结石留在肾脏而不被发现, 另一些人离开,可能会造成严重的痛苦和, in some cases, complications. Depending on your situation, 肾结石可能会随尿液排出,或者你可能需要手术治疗来移除它.

Kidney Stone Symptoms

如果你有肾结石在你的肾脏内移动, through your urinary tract, 或者卡在输尿管(尿液从肾脏流向膀胱的管道), you may experience:

  • 背部或侧部(肋骨以下)轻度至重度疼痛, 它可以一波一波地辐射到你的小腹和腹股沟,
  • pain at the tip of the penis, if you are a man,
  • painful urination,
  • urine that has blood in it or smells foul,
  • urinating more often and in smaller amounts,
  • nausea and vomiting, and
  • 发烧和发冷,这可能表明你感染了.


当你排出肾结石时,你可能会注意到它在你的尿液流中. 它的小外观可能看起来像一粒沙子或一块小鹅卵石.

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Kidney Stone Diagnosis

If you experience sudden pain, blood in your urine, or other kidney stone symptoms, 大发娱乐犹他健康大学的泌尿科专家可以为您进行身体检查并安排诊断测试. These may include:

  • Imaging tests — These will show us if you have a kidney stone, including its location, size, and if there’s more than one. 虽然在某些情况下可以使用x射线和超声波,但a CT (computed tomography) scan 总的来说,腹部是最可靠的测试.
  • Urine tests — 这些检查将寻找感染的迹象和能形成结石的物质的水平. 大发娱乐可能会在你排结石之前和之后做尿检.
  • Blood tests These will show how well your kidneys are functioning, look for signs of infection, 并寻找其他可能导致肾结石的问题.
  • Stone analysis 在你排出结石或手术取出之后, we can test it to find out what type of stone it is. 识别结石将指导大发娱乐对未来结石的预防措施和治疗.

因为结石可以在你的肾脏里呆上几年而不会引起任何症状, 你也有可能因为其他原因在接受影像学检查时发现自己患有肾结石. These are called silent kidney stones.

Types of Kidney Stones and Their Causes

There are four main types of kidney stones:

  • Calcium stones (80 percent of stones)
  • Uric acid stones (5 to 10 percent of stones)
  • Struvite stones (10 percent of stones)
  • Cystine stones (less than 1 percent of stones)

Risk Factors

While causes can vary for each type of stone, 如果你有以下情况,你患肾结石的风险会更大:

  • 你或你的家人过去有过肾结石.
  • 你的尿量一直很低,或者你的尿很浓,或者颜色很深.
  • You have certain medical conditions.
  • You take certain medications or supplements.

Calcium Stones

钙结石是肾结石中最常见的一种. 它们通常由钙和草酸盐(许多食物中的天然物质)组成。, but they can also be made of calcium and phosphate.

当你的尿液中含有过多的钙或草酸时,就会形成草酸钙结石. Common causes are:

  • dietary factors,
  • chronic diarrhea,
  • intestinal bypass surgery, and
  • certain metabolic disorders.

当你的尿液中含有过多的钙时,就会形成磷酸钙结石, too much phosphate, 或者柠檬酸盐太少(补充剂和一些药物中含有的一种物质). This can happen if you:

  • have a kidney condition called renal tubular acidosis,
  • make too much of the parathyroid hormone, or
  • have urinary tract infections.

Uric Acid Stones

当你的尿液pH值过低(太酸)或含有过多的尿酸时,就会形成尿酸结石. This can happen if you:

  • have gout,
  • have type 2 diabetes,
  • are overweight,
  • have chronic diarrhea,
  • eat a lot of animal protein,
  • have certain genetic factors, or
  • are on chemotherapy.

尿酸结石是由尿酸结晶(消化食物产生的自然废物)单独或与钙一起形成的. 它们约占结石的5%至10%,在男性中更为常见. 如果尿液pH值升高,尿酸结石可能会溶解.

Struvite Stones

A struvite stone can form when you have an infection, such as a urinary tract infection (UTI), 导致尿液的pH值偏碱性(偏酸性). 鸟粪石由镁、铵和磷酸盐组成. 它们通常生长得很快,如果太大就会造成伤害.

大约10%的肾结石是鸟粪石结石,在女性中更为常见. 如果你有慢性尿路感染,你患鸟粪石结石的风险会更高.

Cystine Stones

如果你有一种叫做胱氨酸尿的遗传性疾病,可能会形成胱氨酸结石. 胱氨酸尿导致肾脏释放过多的胱氨酸(一种氨基酸)到尿液中, which can bind into stones. 胱氨酸结石很少见,但如果你患有胱氨酸尿症,通常会在童年时期开始形成.

大发娱乐通常会通过增加液体和处方药物来治疗胱氨酸结石. 然而,较大的胱氨酸结石可能需要手术切除以防止损伤.

Kidney Stone Treatment

After we assess your condition, we will recommend kidney stone treatment options based on your unique situation. 这可能包括以下非手术或手术方法:

  • passing a kidney stone at home,
  • 冲击波碎石术(一种利用超声能量将肾结石破碎成更小碎片的手术),
  • 输尿管镜和激光碎石术(一种微创手术,用小激光纤维打碎你的结石),
  • 经皮肾镜取石术(一种微创手术,在取出大肾结石之前使用超声波将其击碎).

Make an Appointment with Our Urologists

请联系犹他大学健康泌尿外科小组 801-213‑2700 if you would like to schedule an appointment. 无论你在旅途中的哪个阶段,无论你是否开始出现症状, need a follow-up after seeing another provider, 或者想要防止再次发生,大发娱乐大发娱乐为您大发娱乐提供所需的快速护理和专业知识.

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