

啊,刚开始的几周 怀孕—the nausea, beginning weight gain, 和 fatigue, not to mention the uptake in hormones. But those are just the side effects to the most important question: When do you tell the people around you?

Some parents are so excited they can’t keep the news a secret (和 really, it could be a little unrealistic since friends 和 co-workers probably know you better than you know yourself). 然而, there is some reason to be cautious—the chance of having a miscarriage drops dramatically when you reach 10 to 12 weeks into your first trimester.

谨慎: You should let a work supervisor know right away so you can avoid any possible work hazards.

妊娠早期健康 & 营养


健康和 营养 这在你怀孕的时候尤为重要. And as soon as you mention it to anyone, you will, of course, get an earful of advice. Here are the top five things you can do to keep you 和 your baby healthy during 怀孕:

1. 获得早期产前护理

Prenatal care is the number one, best possible thing you can do for you baby. It allows you to have screenings for possible conditions 和 find the right caregiver to share your journey with from your first trimester to birth.

2. 注意你的饮食,服用维生素

你的医生会给你一份食物清单 怀孕了从未煮熟的肉到生海鲜. 也, 当你为两个人吃饭的时候, 你每天只需要额外摄入300卡路里, 所以要记住健康的零食.

3. 定期锻炼

Exercise will always help your body maintain good health by giving you more strength, 缓解疼痛, 改善血液循环. 只是不要把自己逼得太紧,否则会脱水. 

4. Take a Break From Alcohol, Caffeine, 和 Particularly Smoking

All the habits that are most fun are generally less than healthy. 这是值得的, 然而, 暂时远离酒精, 咖啡因, 吸烟, 还有(不言而喻的)非法毒品.

All of these less healthy habits will affect your baby 和 you in a negative way because they increase your chance for miscarriage 和 premature delivery to severe birth defects.

5.  监控你的情绪健康

The emotional rollercoaster that comes with raised hormone levels during 怀孕 is expected by every 怀孕了 woman. But if your mood swings interfere with your daily life or are unusually extreme, 你应该去看医生看看是否有抑郁症.

You should also know that 怀孕 is a common trigger of domestic violence. Find help if you are in an abusive situation to keep your baby 和 you safe. 

而你可以找到建议, 事实, 和 information about 怀孕 everywhere from online articles to good friends, the best thing you can do for your child 和 you is find a 好医生 和 助产士 to prepare for that upcoming event: the birth of your child.

我怀孕了. 我应该什么时候去看医生?

In order to provide the most detailed information about your 怀孕, doctors recommend that you schedule your first obstetric—or 怀孕—appointment when you are between eight 和 ten weeks 怀孕了.

If you have any urgent concerns, please call us at 801-213-2995.

资源 & 为准父母准备的项目


The first trimester can be an exciting, confusing, 和 overwhelming experience. Our Early 怀孕 Care team providers offer comprehensive, non-judgmental early 怀孕 care.



The 犹他州流产后怀孕计划 is designed specifically to support families after a 怀孕 loss, 新生儿死亡, 或者严重复杂的妊娠.


UPWARD: Utah Peripartum Pelvic Floor Wellness 和 Recovery After Delivery Program

Many 怀孕了 mothers have pelvic floor symptoms before 和 up to 12 months following birth. UPWARD offers expert care to women experiencing pelvic floor issues during a vulnerable time.



U of U Health随时大发娱乐提供, anywhere education for expectant mothers through YoMingo®, with all the tools 和 support you need at every stage of your 怀孕. 查找有关产前护理,分娩的信息 & 分娩、产后、母乳喂养和新生儿护理.



Childbearing is an exciting time of growth, change, 和 personal choices for you 和 your family. To help you prepare, we offer perinatal education on a variety of subjects related to your 怀孕.



It's never too early to begin thinking about the birthing process (if those words can even begin to express the life-changing experience you are about to have). 大发娱乐有一些需要考虑的事情.

