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What Is Electrical Cardioversion?

犹他健康大学的心脏病专家使用这种疗法治疗心律失常的人(arrhythmias), including atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation (AFib). 

How It Works

你的心脏的电系统是你的心跳的动力来源. When this system is working normally, 心脏上部的两个腔室(心房)收缩并以协调的方式将血液泵入下部的两个腔室(心室).

该系统依靠心房上部特殊的起搏器细胞来启动每次心跳. 当你的心脏的电系统不能正常工作或被短路取代时,就会出现心律失常. As a result, the heart’s upper chambers beat too quickly. This can make your heart rate fast and irregular. 心律失常发作可持续几分钟,几小时,甚至几天.

A normal resting heartbeat is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. When a person with AFib or atrial flutter experiences an episode, 上心室的心跳可达每分钟300次以上,下心室的心跳可达每分钟100-200次. For AFib patients, the heartbeat is often chaotic and fast.

电子复律有点像“重启”你的笔记本电脑. But instead of turning off your heart’s power source, it delivers a low current of electrical energy to the heart. 这导致心脏细胞立刻释放出所有混乱无序的能量. 结果,心脏的起搏器细胞接管恢复心脏的正常节律.

Best Candidates for Electrical Cardioversion

Most people who undergo electrical cardioversion have AFib episodes for four to six hours at a time. Electrical cardioversion is used less often for people with atrial flutter. 除了心率加快外,这些症状还包括:

  • anxiety,
  • dizziness,
  • shortness of breath,
  • palpitations (fluttering in the chest),
  • fatigue, and
  • chest pain or tightness.

Some people have asymptomatic or silent Afib or atrial flutter. This means they don't feel symptoms, but the arrhythmia could still be damaging their heart.


Electrical Cardioversion Procedure

Electrical cardioversion is a scheduled, outpatient procedure. 您将被要求在您的电复律当天午夜之后不要吃或喝任何东西. After you arrive at the hospital, 大发娱乐的护理团队会带你去手术室,让你躺在治疗台上. 护士或其他医护人员会在你的胸部和背部贴上大垫子. These pads are attached to the external cardioverter-defibrillator by wires.

Just before the procedure begins, 麻醉师会通过静脉注射给你镇静剂. 心脏复律时你会睡着,只需要几分钟.

心脏科医生会用心脏复律仪来分析你的心律, determine the energy level needed, and deliver the current. 心脏科医生会马上知道复律是否重置了你的心律.

After Your Cardioversion

手术后,护理小组会观察你一个小时,然后你就可以回家了. 你需要有人开车送你,因为你在手术过程中服用了镇静剂.

大多数接受电复律的人没有副作用,可以很快恢复正常活动. However, some people report minor side effects, such as:

  • fatigue (on the day of their cardioversion),
  • skin irritation where the pads were placed, and
  • soreness in their leg muscles.

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Cardioversion vs. Defibrillation

您可能熟悉自动体外除颤(AED)设备. 急救人员和旁观者在紧急情况下使用它们,当一个人经历了心脏骤停. 心脏电复律和AED设备都使用胸背部的电垫来输送电流,以大发娱乐心脏重新建立有效的节奏.

However, these procedures are different in some important ways. 电复律将电流输送到心脏的上腔. 它几乎总是作为预约治疗的一部分而发生 AFib or atrial flutter. AED设备会对下心室产生电击,只在紧急情况下使用,比如当一个人的心脏停止跳动时.

Electrical Cardioversion Risks

Stroke Risk

People who have AFib and/or atrial flutter 患血栓的风险会增加吗 stroke. 做心脏电复律也会增加中风的风险. 为了降低风险,你的医生可能会在手术前给你开一些血液稀释药物. 手术后你可能会继续服用这些药物.

This is more likely if you over 65 years of age and have:

如果你的不规则心跳持续超过48小时,而且你还没有服用血液稀释药物, 医生可能会做一些检查,以确保你的血液中没有形成血栓.

Sedation Risk

对于那些已经患有晚期肺部疾病或晚期心脏瓣膜疾病的人来说,镇静剂可能会带来风险. 心脏科医生和麻醉科医生将共同努力,确保镇静对你是安全有效的. Another risk related to sedation is infection, 可能发生在静脉输液管放置的部位.

Electrical Cardioversion Success Rates

心脏复律有时不起作用因为产生 arrhythmia 超过正常的起搏器细胞,不允许心脏重置. If cardioversion doesn’t restore your normal heart rhythm, your physician may want to repeat the procedure. 在此之前,他或她可能会给你开一些药物来提高成功的几率. 

心律转复后,你的心脏可能会恢复正常,但最终可能会再次发生心律失常. If that occurs, the doctor will do another cardioversion safely. 在这样做之前,他或她可能会和你谈谈提高成功几率的方法.

心脏复律只是一种治疗方法,你的心脏病专家可能会用它来治疗你的 AFib or atrial flutter. Other options include:


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Make an Appointment with Our Cardiologists

转介是受欢迎的,但不是必要的,当作出预约与心脏病专家在U的U健康. To make an appointment, call 801-585-7676. Our team will verify your insurance coverage before your visit. If you have had medical tests related to your condition, we will request the results from your provider. 大发娱乐的目标是使您的访问尽可能高效和有用.

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