


大发娱乐的 fellowship-trained neurologists have undergone extensive training related specifically to movement disorders. 作为各自领域的领导者 运动障碍门诊 is best equipped to manage Parkinson’s disease symptoms and medications at all stages of the disease. 在大发娱乐, our collaborative team of experts meets regularly to recommend and create customized treatment plans for each of our patients. 大发娱乐的 mission is to give each of our patients high-quality, seamless, coordinated care.

Parkinson’s disease is a complicated disease that requires the expertise of many specialists and therapists to diagnose and manage:

帕金森病临床试验 & 研究

作为学术医疗中心的一部分, U of U Health is a leading institution in Parkinson's disease treatment research. 了解更多关于这项重要工作的信息.


Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder that mainly affects your movement, 还会影响你身体的许多其他部位. 帕金森氏症的典型症状包括 地震, 运动缓慢, and muscle stiffness that make everyday tasks difficult, 比如走路或说话. Most people who develop the disease are older than 60, but younger people can also have the disease. 


帕金森氏症最初往往很微妙. You could mistake the symptoms as normal signs of aging. 起初, 症状可能只出现在身体的一侧, 比如手指颤抖或轻微颤抖, 拇指, 手, 或下巴. You’ll likely notice these symptoms while your body is at rest.


  • 肌肉僵硬和疼痛不会消失

  • Slowness of movement with difficulty with fine motor movements

  • 步态和平衡的改变

  • 笔迹看起来更小,更紧密 

  • Decreased ability to move your facial muscles to express emotion 

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, consult your 初级保健医生.


The type and intensity of symptoms varies for each person. Most people experience one or more of the main motor signs of Parkinson’s disease: 

  • 震动 (trembling) in your 手, arms, legs, chin, or head

  • 肌肉僵硬 (僵硬)在你的手臂、腿或躯干

  • 放慢动作 (运动徐缓)

  • 平衡和协调能力差; 可能会导致跌倒


  • 自动动作减少
    • 闪烁的
    • 微笑 
    • 走路时摆动手臂
  • Changes in walking patterns that cause you to drag your feet or take smaller steps
  • 语言的变化
    • 温柔的倾诉 
    • 口齿不清
    • 听起来单调
    • 说话前犹豫
  • 写作困难
  • 抑郁和焦虑
  • 认知变化,包括痴呆
  • 视觉幻觉
  • Trouble sleeping, such as acting out your dreams unknowingly in your sleep
  • 吞咽或咀嚼困难
  • 便秘
  • 排尿困难,如尿频
  • 站立时血压低
  • 油性、片状或发炎的皮肤
  • 嗅觉丧失


Parkinson's disease occurs when neurons (nerve cells) in your brain gradually die. This causes a lack of dopamine, a chemical messenger. 多巴胺水平降低会导致运动缓慢, 僵硬的肌肉, 以及帕金森病的其他症状.

在大多数情况下, Parkinson’s disease is likely caused by a combination of genes and environmental and lifestyle influences.


Age and gender are the biggest risk factors for developing Parkinson’s disease. 60岁以上的男性更容易患上这种疾病.

Exposure to chemicals may also increase your risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Pesticides and herbicides as well as long-term exposure to solvents like trichloroethylene (TCE) have been linked to Parkinson’s disease. 研究 has identified other environmental factors that may increase your risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. 


在一些家庭中, a gene mutation or variety of genetic changes increases your risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. Genetics play a role in about 10 percent of Parkinson’s cases, 其中大多数是早发型.


帕金森氏症没有单一的检测方法. 大发娱乐的 neurologists at U of U Health use your medical history and the findings from your neurological exam to diagnose you. 

In some cases, we will use the following tests to help confirm your diagnosis:

  • 血液测试

  • 成像研究 

  • 皮肤活组织检查

  • 脑脊液分析


There is no cure for Parkinson’s, but we have many treatment options to manage symptoms. Every patient’s treatment for Parkinson’s disease will differ. We often use medication combined with rehabilitation. In other cases, we use surgery to help alleviate symptoms for some patients. Regular exercise has been shown to possibly slow down the progression of Parkinson’s disease.


There are many medications used to treat Parkinson’s disease. Levodopa is one of the most common Parkinson’s disease medications. 左旋多巴有三种服用方式:

  • 用嘴
  • 一个吸入器
  • 一个持续给药的泵 

Your neurologist may prescribe you other medications in addition to Levodopa to help minimize motor fluctuations (periods when your symptoms come back after your medicine wears off) or uncontrolled, 不自主运动(运动障碍左旋多巴可能出现的症状.


When medication no longer controls your symptoms adequately, 深部脑刺激大发娱乐提供一种提高你生活质量的方法吗. During the procedure, a neurosurgeon will place electrodes (leads) in specific areas of your brain. The leads are connected with a wire to a very small neurostimulator (electrical generator). Your neurosurgeon implants the neurostimulator under your collarbone. The electrical stimulation will help alleviate 地震s, stiffness, and 运动缓慢. 


聚焦超声 是一种无创的治疗方法吗 地震 与帕金森氏症有关. Deep parts of your brain are targeted and small lesions are made in those critical parts of the brain to help control the 地震 与帕金森氏症有关. 


大发娱乐的 语音障碍中心 offers treatment for patients with Parkinson's disease to treat Parkinson's voice. 大发娱乐的 speech language pathologists offer a two-part speech therapy program called SPEAK OUT!®和The LOUD Crowd®. 



请致电801-585-7575预约. 你需要神经科医生的推荐, 初级保健医生, 护士, 医师助理, 或者其他医疗服务大发娱乐提供者. 大发娱乐的 office will verify your insurance benefits when you make an appointment.


Susan Veater was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2015. She started having 地震s that worsened over the next six years despite trying many different medications. Since medical therapy was no longer sufficient enough to control her symptoms, she was referred to a neurosurgeon who recommended she undergo 深部脑刺激. 


病人Susan Veater和家人的照片