
你正在听的是 健康儿童专区:



A growing child needs a wide variety of foods, including 蔬菜. But toddlers are some of the pickiest eaters around. 儿科医生 辛迪·盖尔纳,医学博士, discusses why kids are so particular when it comes to eating, and has some strategies for encouraging even the pickiest eaters to try new foods.


Do you have a child at home who is probably a toddler and doesn't want to eat anything? 他拒绝吃水果和蔬菜. He throws a fit and feeds everything to the dog. 很有可能你有一个挑食的人.

As my parents and my husband can attest, I used to be a picky eater. My husband says I still am, and my children can be too. I see way more picky eaters in my practice, and there are a lot of reasons why.

Picky Eating is a Normal, Common Behavior in Toddlers

最大的问题是幼儿. They go through an appetite slump where some days you're wondering how they can even grow when they really only eat three macaronis a day and call it done. Picky eating is a normal toddler behavior for a lot of kids. Their growth really slows down between the ages of one and five. 这就是他们开始挑剔的时候. 他们开始说:“我不喜欢那样."

By age two to three about 20% of kids are picky eaters. They won't like foods that are difficult to chew, so meats. 它们不想咀嚼肉. 他们不想咀嚼蔬菜. Some people like well-cooked foods instead of raw foods. 有些孩子的扁桃体很大. If your kid is actually choking on bread and meat you need to have them see the doctor to make sure that it's not their tonsils that it's not their tonsils that are causing them to be a picky eater.


大多数挑食的孩子长大后会改的. 最重要的是要有创造力. You want to prepare a main dish everyone likes and don't let your child say, “我不想吃那个,“不吃就行了. 鼓励他们尝试新的食物.

It can take numerous times of introducing a food before kids will actually decide they like it. 如果你的孩子 has any really strong food dislikes like they will just not eat something, or it will make them gag and throw up don't serve it. 没关系.
如果你的孩子 won't eat that many 蔬菜, but they'll eat more fruits, encourage that. 水果和蔬菜可以相互交换. A lot of kids will eat more fruits than 蔬菜. 他们是甜. Some kids actually prefer more 蔬菜 than fruits. 也可以这样.


The one big thing is don't punish your child for being a picky eater. Respect that this is something they will outgrow. Don't bribe your child to eat and say, "If you finish everything on your plate you can have a cookie.“那不是你想做的. You want to encourage them to eat healthy because if you give them the foundation for healthy eating at this age when their appetite picks back up when they become elementary school age they're going to have a good foundation for fruits, 蔬菜, 健康食品, and not always expect to have that cookie at the end.


食物过敏是需要考虑的问题. A lot of food allergies present with just, "I don't feel good. 我胃疼. 我拉肚子了. 我的喉咙有点痒." Think about that as a reason for picky eating.

其他孩子,有烧心问题的孩子. Yes, even little kids can have heartburn issues. 别忘了你的孩子不是小大人. You're not going to have them eat as big of a portion as you might think.

Portion Sizes for Kids: Understanding Appropriate Amounts

他们的份量实际上要小得多. 看他们的手. A serving size of meat should be the size of the palm of their hand, 还有一份水果的份量, 蔬菜, 大米, 和豆类, 应该是他们拳头的大小. That's not a really big portion for a lot of kids. The perception might be your child is a really picky eater, 但请停下来想一想, "Maybe they actually are eating as much as they should be." The one thing you're going to ask your doctor about is how are they growing. Kids who are picky eaters who we start worrying about problems with don't grow. You'll start noticing that their growth curve will flatten out.

Growth curves change between two and five years. They're not the same as they were in the first year when they're tripling their birth weight, and they're not the same as they are when they get to be in elementary school when they go into kindergarten through second grade where they have their next growth spurt.

他们的增长是平缓的. 他们一年只增重几磅. 如果你的孩子, even though they may seem like they're not eating a lot, if they are still growing along their own growth curve then you know they're getting the nutrition they need.


The one thing you need to remember if you have a picky eater is to make mealtime fun. You want to make it a pleasant experience to come to the dinner table. 不要把它当成一种惩罚.

如果你的孩子 is really underweight then you're going to want to talk to your doctor. 如果你的孩子 just won't eat anything except junk food you're going to want to talk to your doctor.

最主要的是小份是可以的. 挑食是正常的. Encourage fruits, 蔬菜, 健康食品 over processed and junk food.

If you have any other questions about your child's growth or their eating, this is something most pediatricians are very comfortable talking about. 一定要向你的医生咨询你孩子的情况.

